Born Dead #0E
19 декабря 1999

Afterword - no bastard did not even remembered that our newspaper one year ...

<b>Afterword</b> - no bastard did not even
remembered that our newspaper one year ...


Today, the new annex and the last in this year's group work
Raww Arse, or rather, their main encoder GASMAN'a. It's nothing
more than a collection of music from Complex Compo. Ask him why 
he you? Well, I do not know! :)

Of course, we have something you have long known of the 
existence of a similar collection from a group of Eternity 
Industry. They have to else, and the schedule was not just 
music. Obviously, burzhuiny did not know this, but according to 
this, spending some of their efforts, riveted to this book. 
However, there is his advantages. You once again can enjoy the 
damned burzhuinskim design, which you probably all have ears

buzz, but not to the same tunes are in the order they occupied
places + displays information about the authors and the number 
dialed votes. So do not erase this demo - maybe

Last similar product in the 1999th year:)

Disk version of the miracle performed UnBEL! EVER'om. Do not 
consider for the lame, but as the original, the program asks to 
USR 0 mode. And there was no time, and wanted to meet all 
quality original. tap'a!

Yet it is not good fellows are we, 12/17/1999 release in 
England, and already 12/20/1999 You are viewing the new BORN 
DEAD, with COMPLEX COMPO MIX'om in As an application ... Faster 
then light! 


Despite all the hardships and extreme situations, the new BORN
DEAD, like how it goes kind of like a good ... And only
Try not to agree, because only pure reduced costs,
associated with the publication of this issue amounted to at 
least $ 5. So We are waiting for your congratulations, wishes, 
and other bug report'ov. Poimena conscience right now! After 
all, none of you bastard do not even remembered that our 
newspaper one year ... 

Well, to finish this room would like to, as always, to the 
unpleasant note. In UnBEL! EVER'a unplug the phone, and finally 
and permanently. Ask, "Why?" Too much he loved to retell

New BORN'y using channel voice frequency 0.3-3.4 kHz. TCU
could not cope with such traffic, and simply cut off
wire:) All phone contacts are now made through
Mm <M'a ...

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas, readers!


                                      Gravediggers etogo 

   /__________ ____ ____ /__________ ____ __________

  / __ / __ / _ / ___ / _____/ _ / _ / / / _
 / __ / / / / / ___ / / / __ / / _ / / / / / / /
_____ /_____ /________ ____ / ____/ __ _____/____/

      / /____ / __ / / __ /

     MONSTER - viewer, intro UnBEL! EVER - text's, main editor


Other articles:

INTRODUCTION - "Fuck the bag for those who decided that BORN DEAD ended ...": 666 bytes from the publisher.

INTRODUCTION TO SHELL - BornDead # 0E is uniquely a masterpiece of modern coding in all its aspects.

News - Presentation of the new European demopati - FOREVER 2E3.

review software - Game 12 secret book: Mission Commander REAL COMMANDER v1.9, journal ZX-GIUDE # 2, demo IRIS ultrademo, the game Operation "Oil" demo v0.666, game BLAST v1.1.

Hints - Tricks text editor Modern Word 2.1.

Spite of the day - How to (!) Do disc versions for ZX Spectrum.

Anger Day-II - features work with registers of I / R in the processor Z80: excerpts from official documents.

voice from the grave - the new brainchild of Clive Sinclair: Sinclair QL - Branch of the facts from fiction.

Party Zone - DI: HALT99; Better late than once! History disastrous demopati.

Party Zone - results in 1999: 18 dem for the Spectrum. Analysis of new and old dem.

LETTER'ATURA - a letter from the Slider / BrokImSoft / Rushi answer.

Iron made in - the vast scheme of svetodidov screen for ZX Spectrum.

under the sound of "PI" - "I'm scared for SPECTRUM! Of the entire army of his fans, only a few true spektrumisty!

Advertising - CD-ROM, which you need?! Collection Varese for the Spectrum of MMA.

Afterword - no bastard did not even remembered that our newspaper one year ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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