Inferno #03
22 ноября 2002

Inferno - On the shell.

<b>Inferno</b> - On the shell.
(C) Jerri / RT

  So a bit about this monster that you are probably:) scroll.

  As you can see this shell is dramatically
different from what it was before ... actually the second 
number should Inferno have been released in this shell, but 
alas ... Some trouble occurred immediately after the second 
number is not allowed to make as intended:), but no progress

stands on the site ... So:

  Bayda managed all this from a mouse, joystick and keyboard, 
as it says in the Helre, but on listalke worth mentioning


  Arrow keys can move the text
both line and page by page, except
Moreover, for lovers drive the mouse around the pad, the screen 
is divided into the contact zone: Exit | | guardian

          | | Screen

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          | Line |

          | Back |

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Home page |____________________|
back | | forward

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          | Line |

          | Next |

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          | | Fast
Installation | | Test

As in the main menu when viewing text
at the corners caused by any kind of Bayda
screen saver, and a quick test, incidentally,
test really fast ... nowhere fast:)

 Also in the main menu can be accessed by clicking
key "E" or the "roll back" or click
one of the Shift.

 About the rodent: the first click
identified as a "choice" if you
suddenly screwed up and clicked the wrong button then
menu item "Expand button quickly all

 More here nothing interesting and is already
will not;)

                          00:51 13.11.2002

Other articles:

Softinka - New version 8 tricolor editor color editor v 0.04. Improvement, test results and a list of changes.

Inferno - On the shell.

Diploma - Diploma Alone Coder-a. Development of software for special logic analyzer. Comments on the text of the diploma.

Diploma - Diploma Alone Coder-a. Development of software for special logic analyzer. Part 1.

Diploma - Diploma Alone Coder-a. Development of software for special logic analyzer. Part 2.

Diploma - Diploma Alone Coder-a. Development of software for special logic analyzer. Part 3.

Diploma - Diploma Alone Coder-a. Development of software for special logic analyzer. Part 4.

Inferno - Introduction by the editors.

Inferno - The authors of the magazine.

Reflections - Visiting Cristobal junta. Methodology to evaluate fiction and inventing new ways of fantastic ideas.

Reflections - How to become a writer. Leadership.

Inferno - Letters to the Editor.

Poetry - Verse, "Who am I?"

Opportunities Spectrum - Pseudo-Color: Myth or Reality? Algorithm translation in black and white in color.

Gamedev - WORM-255F. Python game code size of 255 bytes with the comments.

Humor - Literary anecdotes.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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