Public Spirit #01
17 мая 1997 |
CONTROLLER Flash / RAM / ROM-DISK, ZX LPRINT III, AY-8910. Music: author: (C) Dave (a) RZ-Soft Category iron is a collection of articles and charts, that will help you collect and establish those popular gadgets who hang on your favorite SPECCY. Today, the company RZ Soft tell you about such interesting things as a ROM-DISK. "... All bends to minuyu limit, while believing that there is no limit ... " 1. DESIGNATION Controller FlashRAMROM-DISK, ZX LPRINT III, AY-8910, (hereinafter referred to simply controller) is designed to use in conjunction with a PC Sinclair 48/128 have system connector and allows you to: - organize faster downloads programs in RAM PC on request user. Total volume programs stored in ROM ROMDISKa depends on used types of ROM or RAM, and their quantity. - install instead of ROM (or in conjunction with them), SRAM and the thus increase the amount of RAM your PC up to 2 MB (Max) Plus volume of which you already had - store programs or data in non-volatile memory power off the PC - connect to a PC printer, which has SENTRONIX interface or RS-232; - Listen to music through the coprocessor musical accompaniment to the program. The controller can also work with PC equipped with a floppy drive controller. The design of the controller and location of signals on connector system designed for connection to the Taganrog PC version of the Sinclair 48/128, but controller can be connected and the PC of another design. 2. SOFTWARE ROM DISK (version 6. 20) Asset Management program ROM-DISK built so that when you turn on your PC or by pressing <Reset> Poyachvitsya menu on the screen (the same menu Sinclair128) with a list of programs stored in ROM ROM-DISK. Depending on the number of programs recorded in the ROM size of the menu changes automatically and placed in the center of the screen. For launch the desired program to cursor select one you need and click on <ENTER> <FIRE> keyboard or the joystick. Cursor control carried out or the keys cursor on the PC keyboard, or joystick. There is a possibility change of address download required one program. Setting the cursor to run the program and pressing "A" will appear box with your name program and its address is a boarding in RAM PC. If the program is moved, then automatically Editor for a change of address loading. Key <M> (Memory Editor) - the entrance to the editor reading and writing dump codes memory. Management is cursor. Teams Editor: <M>, set new addresses;+ <3> page back; + <4> page forward; + <1> output q BASIC. There is also opportunity to exit the menu appropriate mode of the PC Sinclair-128, Sinclair-48 or TR-DOS. Transition mode Sinclair-128 is possible if you have the appropriate computer and switch-over to TR-DOS - if Your PC is equipped with a controller drive. If you want to immediately upon power-up or discharge to enter the corresponding PC mode, it is necessary conjunction with a power or pressing the <RESET> click one of the keys: <R> - Sinclair-1948; - Sinclair-128; <T> - TR-DOS. It is also possible transition in a ROM-DISK retention in RAM PC earlier loaded information for What should be at the same time pressing <Reset> press key. The transition from Mode ROM-DISK in BASIC with preservation of the information in RAM PC carried out from the menu button <Q> - Quit. Asset Management program ROM-DISK, which occupies under 2 kilobytes of RAM may be different versions, but common to any version is a format write programs Users in Rom. Address beginning of the first user program in the ROM placed in cells 0064N (100) and low byte address 0065N (101) byte address. And in the cell 0063H (99) is number of the first page. All programs Users in the ROM followed directly to one another. Each user program consists of one or several blocks and has the following format: X bytes - name program (the code of the last byte name must add the number 128, ie, 80N); 2 bytes - the command argument CLEAR, if 0 - then the team CLEAR is not satisfied; 2 bytes - address run the program in RAM; 1 byte - control byte: Bit 7 - a sign of startup programs (If 0, then after downloading program it will be passed management, and if 1, then Downloads will be made Output in BASIC, which allows download data blocks) bit 6 - If 0, then the program starts when you press any key (except digital) that allows to extend the mapping screen saver program, if 1, then the program starts immediately after downloads; Bit 5 - If 0, then initializes TRDOS, it is necessary to start programs that work with drive, bit 4 - if 0, then program is moved, bit 3 - no used (set in "1") bits 2-0 - the color of the curb. Block N1: 2 bytes - the initial load address in RAM block N1; 2 bytes - length of block N1; 1 bytes - a sign of the unit: bit 7 - sign the final block: if 1, this is the last block, if 0, then this unit will not last; bit 6 - not used (Set to "1") bit 5 - installed if enabled ROM 1948 Basica, reset if enabled ROM 128 Basica; bit 4 - a sign switching memory banks: if 1, the bank switching not performed, and if 0, then bank switching in accordance with bits 01/03; bits 3-1 - number page RAM (2-0 bits of port 7FFDH); bit 0 - a sign Packaging unit: if 1 then block packed, and if 0, then the block is not packed; X bytes - code block N1. Followed by the remaining blocks of the program if their of more than one. For the last program in the ROM should follow the bytes FFH, these should be not less than one. This allows if necessary, to build upon free volume of ROM for the last new program program without erasing Information in ROM. Packing block produced by following algorithm: if row there are two or more duplicate bytes, then they are replaced by a chain of three bytes, the first two - is duplicate bytes, and the third bytes - the number of repeating bytes minus two, already rewritten. So chain of ten bytes 55N will be replaced by a chain 55N 55N 08N, a chain of two bytes 23N - 23N 23N 00N chain, ie is somewhat longer. If chain length greater than 257 bytes her details please be divided into several chains. Non-repeating bytes rewritten without change. Thus each user who ROM programmer can independently to form he needs a set of programs which requires separate net code, consisting of one or more blocks, check it out performance by downloading it in memory and passing control to it. If the code works well, then put it in ROM in accordance with the format above. For work in the iS-DOS with additional pages ROMDISKa drivers are available rom-con. blk and rom_seg. blk. Driver rom_con. blk allows use 32-8192 additional blocks, not in the configuration Spectrum-128. Unit size depends on the type of installed chip ROM or RAM in ROMDISKe. Minimum volume data that can access driver is 8 Kbytes, which is 32 blocks iS-DOS. Maximum amount of data that can access driver is 2 MB, which is 8192 block iS-DOS. In the beginning body of the driver to shift +10 H (hexadecimal) is control byte, which is the first page number with which the region ROM-DISKa. The remaining pages are arranged in a row Ascending for the start. Driver rom_seg. blk allows use additional page located at random order (as opposed to from rom_con. blk). At the beginning of the body driver at offset 10h a management job driver table, the length 40h bytes, you should make the necessary changes. The minimum amount of data to which can provide access driver is 8 Kbytes, which is 32 blocks iS-DOS. The maximum amount of data to which can provide access driver is 512 KB, which is 2048 blocks. After load the driver into the RAM needed using the program create. com and create a new ustoroystvo. For example it can be to do so: ROM-DSK /-C / d512 Where is ROM-DSK Tag Device /-c logical name Device / d512 Size device. 3. NOTES To remedy incorrect decoding of addresses Ports and conflict avoidance when working ZX LPRINT III necessary on-board computer (Taganrog option) to the conclusion 9 items D15 plug level addresses A5 (chain 6) instead of the A7 (chain 8). 4. INTERFACE PRINTER ZX LPRINT III ZX Interface LPRINT III software supports two modes of operation: - Protocol CENTRONIX (Parallel); - RS232 (Sequential). In sequential mode can be adjust speed Data from 75 to 9600 baud. The interface also supports graphical mode, and software configured One of several types of graphic printers. After the inclusion of PC connected to it interface, it must be initialize. This is done BASIC command LPRINT <ENTER>, Provided that the printer is connected, that is, pin 17 connector HR7 there is a logical zero. After initialization interface included in the text mode printing 80 characters per line. To work in graphical mode, one of the following commands select the type of Printer: 1. Seikosha GP 250X - LPRINT CHR $ 0; CHR $ 1 2. Seikosha 100A - LPRINT CHR $ 0; CHR $ 2 3. Epson (high resolution) Star DP510, Gemini and STX 80 LPRINT CHR $ 0; CHR $ 3 4. Welters WM80, Shinwa, CTI CP80 - LPRINT CHR $ 0; CHR $ 4 5. Same as item 3, but a small copy of - LPRINT CHR $ 0; CHR $ 5 6. Microline 80 and 82, CG115, MCP in 4 colors - LPRINT CHR $ 0; CHR $ 6 7. Go to interactive selection mode (the type printer is displayed on the screen, sorting by key , choice <ENTER>) - LPRINT CHR $ 0; CHR $ 0 In addition to the above commands interface also performs following commands: - LPRINT CHR $ 2 - carriage return without newline; - LPRINT CHR $ 3 - Carriage return line; - LPRINT CHR $ 1; "a" - Here 'a' - 1 to 8. As signs after this command will perceived as a printer team; - LPRINT CHR $ 4 - only one sign interpreted as a command printer; - LPRINT CHR $ 5 - decoder computer disabled, all characters after this will be interpreted codes as ASCII, rather than printed as a key words Sinclair. Exit this mode and return to decoder computer performed with the command COPY. - LPRINT CHR $ 0; "S" - switching modes of parallel "CENTRONIX" in Serial RS232; - LPRINT CHR $ 5; "P" - the opposite Switching mode interface; - POKE 23697, n - n specifies the number of characters per line when printing (default 80) - POKE 23728, n - n sets transfer rate when working in sequential mode: speed baud - 75110150300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 n - 1 February 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Detail interface description printer ZX LPRINT III is presented in the journal ZX-Revue (ZX-REVIEW 1991 N7 page 171-176). * Taganrog - 1997 It remains to say only cost controller. Itself collected by the board without ROM, RAM and FLASH is 55t. p. Bare board no details-30t. p. The rest amount depends on the amount and type of chip. Also in the room does not include the cost of shipping. Net ROM 27,010 worth 25t. p. Firmware programs-6t. p. In catalog is available at the time We publish more than 100 system, applications and games programs. There is a possibility removal programs on the disk already ready for flashing. (If buying a controller directory sent free). Catalog constantly updated. Living in Taganrog can buy the controller every weekend at the radio market in RZSOFT. From myself (Steve from C'A) I want to say that the controller increases the usability computer. For example you it only included, but can already use lots of programs (Almost like a screw, but only small and fast): MASM, TASM, STS, ART STUDIO (under myshu and not only), ALASM, TETRIS, CHESS, PRO TRACKER, DIG. STUDIO, a lot of casks, Commanderie, copyists, editors. At this sort of everything. If description you like, then may order it to my email address ROM-DISK-aware applications, What would you like to have. Just do not order types: -I would imagine MORTAL KOMBAT or Raven Black. Focus on the fact that Order the program was not podzagruzok in the process (This does not apply, such as editors, ie you safely can load and Mouzon texts, but the blocks for the game no). Here is my address: 347939 Taganrog ul.Chehova d.355 square. 214 (STEVE) Or you can throw messagu BOB'u or CHiP Co. (Their fidoshnye coordinate search the article "Authors").
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