KrNews #12
01 апреля 2000

Glance - Reflections on the criticism and not only.

<b>Glance</b> - Reflections on the criticism and not only.


  Dear readers!

  I bring to your attention that offer you a "meditation on
theme "was originally conceived as part of
Insight from the platform "and I absolutely did not want to" 
make "it as a separate item. But in the last minute smart man 
still managed to convince me that the article should still be 
divided and highlight this part separately, giving at

This stunning argument: "Game Reviews
Many simply do not read. "

  I thank him for it.

  So, now you have to read
My "thinking about the criticism and not just."
in a separate, so to speak, the vial.

  From the pernicious influence

  Critics choked

  not even a single genius.

 Samuel Johnson

  Thus, criticism.

  What we know about it?

  In principle a lot. The fact that it is
good and evil. Is constructive and
not really. And there is such that otherwise
like pouring mud and hitting a banal and
not name.

  But the main thing that people in their attitude
criticism can be divided into three main groups
and many of them resulting subgroups.

  On the subgroups I probably will not be mentioned, too many, 
but consider these the most basic groups. 

  Thus, the group first. This group is the most
numerous (approximately 90% of all authors). To it belong to 
people who consider criticism no more than a mud pouring their 
great genius, and the critics themselves worthless mediocrity, 
unable to create anything of his own and so splashed his anger 
(on the understanding of its worthlessness) in people able to do

something good, good, eternal.

  Like I said, the majority.
And, really talented people
among them are little more than half, while the rest fit to 
handle a shovel and start to dig in their so-called talent in 
the ground. 

  The second group are people ready to accept criticism. Ready 
to discuss it, ready to argue for something to criticize no

Agreeing and vice versa to take the critics,
something for themselves on a note, acknowledging
admitted their mistakes and trying to avoid in the future.

  Finally, the third group are people
criticism of not perceiving at all. Such
live by the principle - "let write what they want me to ...".

  There really is not much really, but still
they are.

  Here, briefly, and all of these three major, as I see it, of 
the group. 

  Many will disagree with me is
inevitable. Well, well, then so

  Honestly, in life, I belong
the second group. And if I do something wrong
like in someone else's work, I am so right about this claim. 
And from my friends, I need to do to address my work the same 
thing. What are they, by the way do. 

  And for that they thank you very much.

  In general, healthy criticism is fine. It stimulates the 
desire for the better. 

  And I totally disagree with the assertion that the creative 
soul is very easy offend.

  What do you mean, comrade?

  You can easily offend anyone, was
would cause.

  Here we take for example this electronic edition as "PCP".

  Many will say: "Well, guys rivet
rag and gently bump into other electronic publications. "

  But if you think about it, they are largely
right. After all, even at a very superficial glance, many 
publications do not reach to the average level.

  Yes, let's not far to go, take, for
example, our edition.

  I have once mentioned that in our
Krasnodar, the home of almost the very
waitovogo known companies of the country, our
local e-newspaper, in such companies does not work properly.

  I have occasionally talked about it to Vadim
(Viper), and he swore, referring to the lack of time and called 
my comp most "Left Krasnodar" of all possible,

because, as alleged, at other similar
machines it works fine.

  But I insisted, saying that if I do not work, it means not 
working and from someone else.

  He swore again ... And again ... And again.

  But in the end and sat down to the eleventh number did so, 
she ok earned even on my computer.

  True when he said that more
it will not do (at least in
shortly) and will seriously study at the institute.

  But this is not so important.

  In the meantime, I can safely say: "I am no longer ashamed of 
the performance envelope of our newspaper." (Although we would 
like Of course, that there were at least two

type fonts and a Coy little things).

  Still, as you can see, in the eleventh issue has changed, 
"releasing" of our newspapers ... And this, did not added this 
to our plane of the pancake, rather the reverse. I will say 
even that is our main artist Lech (GAS-13) was a mysterious

list on the topic "What I do not like
eleventh issue, "and even accompanied
it is rather extensive article.

  Maybe, read it in this issue.

  In short, the criticism of "field" we
thriving, and we ourselves have it every way fertilize.

  Now a few words I would say about

  A content of some publications, I,
Sometimes, just kills. Description of some
Local pyanok takes, sometimes, a little there
not at half rates. Moreover, sometimes
These descriptions are written in a language that
constant wonder. No, I'm not against some sort of mention of 
any festive event spektrumistov ... But when this reference is 
written on thieves jargon of a trans-polar Uryupinsk ... And 
I'm reading it with great difficulty, "enter" in its essence. 

  Sorry, but I do not understand why
this is done.

  And here, I can already hear the angry remarks like: "We are 
doing a newspaper for its for the locals. Do not like it, do 
not read. " 

  But this is just empty words and nothing else
more. Otherwise, why then spread a newspaper on the Internet 
and send it by mail? .. 

  Or is it too "for his" but are now on a business trip.

  Frankly, that does not say
members Techno Lab (as they mostly are of the opinion described 
in three paragraphs above), we make a newspaper to read it 
somewhere else, because Materials are printed in our newspaper, 
we We read long before they are published. And when our 
publication goes to its final form, we will just see what it 
looks like it turned out and then discuss what he saw a bottle 
of beer. 

  In short, the mass of the shortcomings and "PCP"
loves them blank.

  And many do not like it.

  I will not prevaricate, among spektrumistov our city you can 
hardly find fans of this edition (and I do not belong to them), 
but when it comes to our city, we are looking with interest at 
him, namely his opinion about our newspaper. 

  Okay, why I started this whole conversation. And to that 
criticism (if it is indeed criticism) should be perceived as a 

  As an indication of their mistakes ...

  How to tip in the quest for something better ...

  And does not an attempt to earn
currently popular watering other filth
(Although there are, in principle, and such).

  After all, look the part, he was always more "fresh" ... And 
it's always best to notice those flaws that are not sin and get 
rid of. 

  And that in fact, as it turns. Wakes
morning, some lamer ... Lies currently in the
beds, scratching. And suddenly, it dawns: It is necessary to 
urgently somehow be glorified. And how? Certainly sit down and

write any game.

  And he sits down at his Speccy and suddenly
realizes that he did not know assembler.

  "Do not worry, we'll write in BASIC." "He says to himself.

  It does not matter that everything will be jerky and
slow, he does not think for him now, the main results.

  Here and there in the light of various
"Crafts" by human hands.

  And after a while, he sees
Game reviews of various electronic media is about the mention 
of his Creation:

  "... A new masterpiece of production master N-VA from the 
city of N-ska. This is a super-buper-Sega-Mega-Tetris2222." 

  Next comes the mention of what kind of
its awesome graphics and a "divine"
music, as it easy to manage, as
fast operations and how fun it is
play it for hours.

  And happy lamer, reading these reviews, mleet of happiness, 
mentally placing monument to himself, and receiving various 
prestigious awards. Not realizing at the same time that All 
these reviews are compiled mainly dealers who most often spend 
on acquaintance with his work on the strength of ten minutes. 
And then, wincing, grimacing, constantly spitting and cursing

themselves for an emergency lies, paint
him as a wonderful creation of the human race.

  And all this just to "cut" yourself a little cabbage "in the 
beer and cigarettes.

  But the lamer does not understand this, and not
want to understand, because it covers a surprisingly 
self-grandeur - he understands that not all of a this was very 
cool. And not even just cool, but cool enough that he DIZZY,

compared with him, cooked in smyatku.

  Encouraged, gained sudden fame, he once again sits at the 
keyboard and smiling happily, wrote the continuation

its global best-seller.

  And it does not care what ordinary users who
downloading its so-called best-seller,
will be very selective swear oaths,
rewarding the author's most unpleasant
epithets that are only present in
their vocabulary. For him, most importantly,
to know him (no matter which side), to write about it (all the 
same that) to totally strangers he passed on greetings 
(interspersed with fakami). He needed a cheap popularity, 
'cause he likes to be on the "crest of a wave." And it does not 
matter what it is at this wave is not a handsome surfer -

which all admire, but only a small part of the debris that the 
wave washed ashore. 

  But it will be then ... Later.

  In the meantime, happy once again gets lamer
the keyboard of his computer and run a lamer,
lamer, lamer ...

  Such is history.

  I hope it has prompted you to think.

  Hopefully, even different.

  Well, if you will, say, something does not agree, then you 
are welcome, write letters, send telegrams. 

  We all discuss it.

  We obovsem argue.

  We do face it.

  At this all the best ... and stay healthy.

  Sincerely KASP.

Viper> Peter, do you straight-away in the style of writing 
became Zoshchenko:) 


  Special for KrNews.

  ZASM editor V 3.10.

Other articles:

INTRO - changes in editorial policy. "

IS-DOS - Spectrum & OS

History - The story of KrNews VTS'a.

Sometimes - "market" of history.

Mosaic - Passions around any kind demopati.

Mosaic - signal in the scheme Spectrum IORQGE.

NEWS - On the updates on the gaming market: 8-DEPARTMENT +, Burial Gfx Editor, CSC: DV.

Glance - Reflections on the criticism and not only.

Association - a new association spektrumistov - Partyzans.

Glance - A view from the platform (on the game of 8-DEPARTMENT ").

FREAKS - Pro Freestuff energy.

Form - The results of the poll "Best Program".

Authors - on how to do this newspaper.

Authors - About the Authors.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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