KrNews #12
01 апреля 2000

Authors - on how to do this newspaper.

<b>Authors</b> - on how to do this newspaper.


   Hello dear readers
KrNews! This article is accusatory, didactic in nature, and you 
if you managed to get there, then very soon you learn how to do 
this gazeta.Itak begin ... 

   To begin with all the texts come to
"Editor", "glavnost" which is to hold
these texts in their own little longer (hence the periodicity). 
Then some text maker'y other people discuss (approximately

half weeks) in which order will be placed stati.Potom editor of 
given all this buggy text, as well as at least a new buggy


   The aim of the editor of a minimum of time to edit the 
maximum text and put it all vmeste.Zatem

bring a new paper on the market, and the
the next day to listen to the text with
errors that the design is not the same and yet
many different kinds of complaints.

   Then editor of accounts urgently all correct, the apparently
Chief redaktora.Da a net and then
He still says to me: Oh what a .....
you have written yourself in editing? Similarly, I can ask, but 
what you write yourself in the editors? 

   So, dear reader, you are familiar with dokumentom.Nadeyus 
revealing that after this is your attitude to newspaper will 
not change, but you will understand what a lot of work falls on 
the shoulders editor of and will not produce I need different 
kind of "told"! 

   Yes KSAT if you will not work
anything, it is a main coder'u, not
to me, for those who are "on the tank" explained
- I'm just going and correcting mistakes

   In this respect vse.S

1.4.2000 Alex_Naz / TL

Other articles:

INTRO - changes in editorial policy. "

IS-DOS - Spectrum & OS

History - The story of KrNews VTS'a.

Sometimes - "market" of history.

Mosaic - Passions around any kind demopati.

Mosaic - signal in the scheme Spectrum IORQGE.

NEWS - On the updates on the gaming market: 8-DEPARTMENT +, Burial Gfx Editor, CSC: DV.

Glance - Reflections on the criticism and not only.

Association - a new association spektrumistov - Partyzans.

Glance - A view from the platform (on the game of 8-DEPARTMENT ").

FREAKS - Pro Freestuff energy.

Form - The results of the poll "Best Program".

Authors - on how to do this newspaper.

Authors - About the Authors.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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