KrNews #12
01 апреля 2000

Mosaic - Passions around any kind demopati.

<b>Mosaic</b> - Passions around any kind demopati.


   In recent years, does not subside
passions around any kind of party (in some dialects of 
Newspeak, the Party), dem, Anime etc. stsenovogo noise.

   Because I also have the Khoi-what does
this (was cc'999;) plus criticized his own), it will express a 
few words. First, I learned that too Wlodek'a

recorded in the organizing committee CC'000. Although all
it looks purely promotional gesture
(I wonder how you can Organiser pati
from another city). Plus, the main criticism (aka Unbeliever) 
diminished criticism (Because it is clear that FT'2000 will 
not). Plus Local patimeykery silent. So

it's quite possible that this year
party will be better.

   However, this does not mean that I specifically
I will go to Peter. Maybe I will just
sorry for the money (although last year I gave

   Next on the program disassembly at the
first place in the ANAMNESIS CC'999, because I
also gave her a place to party. More
all perturbations, from those who did not have
to the party. Um, so, imagine: there are three
demos: the first demonstrated ANAMNESI,
which was a great success because of its design. The following 
63 bit 3, in which can and a strong code, but the design is 
clearly not lacking (solid 5.3 occurred even when

large number of papers), plus Mouzon
clearly not rulez. And further, JAM, which
more like on the intro ... Frankly, I put the JAM 2 place, 
although when learned that it takes 760sec ... thought it would 
be better to put it Phantom Lord'u because 63 bit 3 is

300sec! I understand the creatures under mowed
vector (a hike sprites), etc. and
etc., but the duration of the intro to occupy
third disc ... (The more data (anime)
packed better than code). Maybe we should
during the demonstration we shall declare all their

   Now specifically referring to the Phantom Lord'u. First, do 
not bend fingers that you type all the steeper. I, too,

I can say, for example ZX-Hard-best
newspaper, but that you neither the uptake of
iron - then you are lamer. But this
because senility. Although, I honestly
do not care who's better, etc. ZX-Hard I'm doing because I want 
him to do. 

   But back to demam. Once again, I
I repeat, do not have to stew in its own juice. For example, 
you write good Mouzon, but we shall need something else. By

At least Mouzon in 63 bit 2 I liked even more than in 3'em. But
There are musicians here Nik-O/TL, for example. And the 
graphics in tsts'shnoy Deme virtually none. Especially this 
gothic font, I personally do not like (FIG understand what is 
written there). But we've got there is a great artist-GAS13. 
Yes, and design, the script of some desirable come up with. 
After one doing all the DeMouy harder ...

   A link ... GAS13 droops in the university an Internet, plus 
phone both there. So "Think for yourself, decide for yourself 

Other articles:

INTRO - changes in editorial policy. "

IS-DOS - Spectrum & OS

History - The story of KrNews VTS'a.

Sometimes - "market" of history.

Mosaic - Passions around any kind demopati.

Mosaic - signal in the scheme Spectrum IORQGE.

NEWS - On the updates on the gaming market: 8-DEPARTMENT +, Burial Gfx Editor, CSC: DV.

Glance - Reflections on the criticism and not only.

Association - a new association spektrumistov - Partyzans.

Glance - A view from the platform (on the game of 8-DEPARTMENT ").

FREAKS - Pro Freestuff energy.

Form - The results of the poll "Best Program".

Authors - on how to do this newspaper.

Authors - About the Authors.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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