On-Line #77
03 апреля 1997

B.B.S. News - Reflections on the timetables of the stations.

<b>B.B.S. News</b> - Reflections on the timetables of the stations.


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In today's issue:





Advertising and Branding

               BBS NEWS

From: Alexei 095/4522223
to: Editorial ON-LINE
Date: 23.03.97
Reply to:???

   First of all I want to warn the avoidance of doubt, it is 
not hitting. It's just my opinion and your business, how to him 
with equanimity. I want to touch the section ON-LINE "BBS 
News." The problem is that before ON-LINE has been a standard 
schedule BBS'ok, but now I look NICRON. The schedule of 
ON-LINE'a appeared nemerenoe number glitch. One day I'm calling 
on BBS'ku. Receiver removes the sysop. I asked him why BBS is 
not working He said that it is closed for 2 weeks! I say that in

ON-LINE'e such a (very fresh) says that BBS works. He
answers: "They are there bottlenecks ..." When I use other
schedule, there was no glitches. The schedule NICRON'a 24 to 3 
(sort of) BBS'ki than in ON-LINE'e 75. So why do sysop'y, 
opening BBS'ki, report it to NICRON, a not in the ON-LINE??? 
Why do other newspapers before learning about the closing BBS? 
Maybe sysop'y distrust ON-LINE'u? I do not know the answers to 
these Questions may be edited knows? Well enough, I think it is 
clear that I wanted to say. Once again, it's not hitting. I'm 
actually worried about newspapers ON-LINE, I want it to be cool 
and bezglyuchnoy always. This is why I wrote this epistle.

                       Sincerely, Alex.


   Here is here email it to the editor ... I certainly 
understand that it is not hitting, but it is easier to me this 
does not become ... Yes, ON-LINE for a long time, not a source 
of reliable information about work schedules stations, 
unfortunately. The explanation is the lack of a permanent, 
responsible and with a normally operating machine lead heading 
BBS News. As it turned out, the combination of these four 
qualities - an extremely rare occurrence in the environment 
spektrumistov. After leaving the army first editor section NIKO 
SOFT'a with followers, to put it mildly, no luck ... It is not 
that sysops do not trust ON-LINE, and that is not they consider 
it necessary time to inform the newspaper about changes in the 
schedule. I will not deny that when I replaced some 
"Temporarily" retired from the system editor, were frequent 
cases I just forgot that I have somewhere written message of 
any good sysop to change their schedule ... Of course, if I had 
to take care of only one category, all would be easier ... In 
general, I will continue to grovel - I need a lead heading BBS 
NEWS, other than those listed above qualities that can still 
ring up every week and all stations BBS. 

   If in the near future, such a person is not there, perhaps,
column will cease to exist. All the more so given the
inability to ensure the regularity of the newspaper in recent 
times, as well as the habits of some sisopov too often change 
their schedule without informing the publications section is 
gradually losing its relevance. 

And yet ... Since the information that exists in my statement,
percent to 60 do not correspond to reality, I decided not to
publish in this issue of work schedules stations. Offer my
change operators, in good faith relating to their duties, and 
suggest to them to call in the next few days to myself and to 
communicate their desire to publish their schedule in newspaper 
ON-LINE and the willingness to continue to timely report any 
changes. From now and until then, until a new Lead or decision 
will be made on the Elimination of headings (I hope, however, 
that this will not happen), the newspaper will let incomplete, 
but reliable information about the currently running stations.

                        Dmitry (OLDMAN)
                      FidoNet: 2:5020 / 689.31
                        ZXNet: 095/100.1

Other articles:

B.B.S. News - Reflections on the timetables of the stations.

HOT GAMES - Top Ten by Magic Soft.

Mozaika - "Virus-2" - unless management works in the game ...

ZXNet - A new version of the network directory.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Championship VIRUS-2 - Results of the championship, which was attended by 32 virusa.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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