On-Line #77
03 апреля 1997

Championship VIRUS-2 - Results of the championship, which was attended by 32 virusa.

<b>Championship VIRUS-2</b> - Results of the championship, which was attended by 32 virusa.
               DOG VIRUS II


          HI'yushki VIRUSmaker'y!

   On-line - DJ VIRUS! Dreadful and terrible, but you probably 
already in the course. As always, and probably more, for at 
least four weeks I will please you the results of the 
championship. Who please I will not perelistnite through this 
article. What are the main news in brief:

   - An unexpected winner;

   - The virus from FIDO;

   - The first glitch of competition;

   - Increased number of participants;

   - The level of competition rose markedly.

   Now everything in detail. Want to find out once the winner?
But you still have to wait. Particularly impatient can 
certainly see the end soon, but I will express everything in 
order to increase interest. 

   Hooray! Finally happened! Started coming viruses from other 
networks. The first virus came from FIDONET from Andrei Ivanov 
2:5022 / 5 (write 3 April 1996). True, I already had the 
competition when it came to me, but next time he will 
definitely attend, and I think everyone will take a lot of 

   There is also the first bugs, which, of course, sad. Virus
<26769761>, who came from Victor (Looker) 267-6976 095/401.5, 
not want to read the program. On the drive there was no error, 
but the virus refused to read! Of course, my fault that there 
was no copy, and in general, I neponyatkah. And please send a 
duplicate of Victor. 

   Many talk about unequal organisms in the initial state. To 
them I must say that indeed, this glitch I noticed. Upper left 
corner of very bad and very strong - upper right. But the 
results are hardly affected, since I spend a complex battle, ie 
for different constellations pit several times if this is of 
course necessary. 

   Now, as usual, will hold a small Likbez. These small
advice I asked him to write Dmitry (DIAMOND GROUP) 095/550.1 and
that's what he got:


     MONITOR -

Other articles:

B.B.S. News - Reflections on the timetables of the stations.

HOT GAMES - Top Ten by Magic Soft.

Mozaika - "Virus-2" - unless management works in the game ...

ZXNet - A new version of the network directory.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Championship VIRUS-2 - Results of the championship, which was attended by 32 virusa.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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