ZX Pilot #41
29 декабря 2002 |
Our Guest - Memoirs Alone Coder'a.
H A R T O S T L (C) Alone Coder My computer. I. 48k + Tape. Speccy appeared to me in 1991. However, positively not sure, because It was a very long time, but there are two episodes that indicate this is the date. Episode 1. 1991 or 1992. Oddly, no first Spectrum. The first was taken at the time before, from him were the memories of the first games from tape (with Reel Tape 8)) - Locomotion, Stop the Italian Express and something else, I forgot. This - collected by my Dad. The distinguishing feature - Rom 1991 , the turbo-reading. This is me in 1991 and remembered just for its novelty and Timeliness:) Episode 2. 1992, summer. I lie, you know, in hospital with a broken leg. After removing plaster I was dragged into the general ward, where was more or less with respect to lying state of another 4 or 5 boys. Y I have a plate of apricots, which I do not it, I can not get up. Presented? That's nothing better to do I start throw one of his neighbors in the ward apricots and at the same time to ship about that, what I have a computer at home. I have, say, House is a self-made computer Spectrum, I have said, I know how little it programming in BASIC (which meant I at the time of RC-86 has learned output ASCII prints and twist the Loop variable). Well, and so on. In fact, nostalgia, but I this complex, yet ill, two months have not seen ... The interviewee from doing nothing, while Apricots have not yet ended, was remember that he has a computer at home Panasonic, which can be written program two buttons ;)))) Initiator of all my experiments Papanui of computer with a neighbor Uncle Sasha from 13th kvartiry.Imenno he first appeared then "Microsha" which He was the first and expanded, it was he who coined used as a shell box perched chess, it is we take play the first Spectrum (by the way, now remembered now, perhaps, the most old: memory is not always brings:) Episode 3. Perhaps my first acquaintance with Speccy: semi-darkness in the 13th house, laboratory, which rises The computer on which I show wonders graphical interface - the program in BASIC, risuyuschuyu circles records! Computer along with black and white monitor and recorder (already cassette) first placed in the secretary, locked with a key. Access to it, respectively, was limited, had to ask Parents: Is it possible to me now a little play / poprogrammirovat, depending on the mood ... Later the secretary was unlocked, and in this state contain up to today, closing at the request of the public only on large holidays. Incidentally, it has become difficult, because I once broke the lock, prevented me from working on the keyboard. Of course, the norm was wild cassette computer. But there were a lot:) Episode 4. Year devil knows what. We are now sitting friends (Andryukha Ionkin, Serge Chemodanov and I), that is, we sit at the first of them, and then my mind comes to write Now the game in style roulette, to be was to play the notes. (Pieces of paper we have then were spent lottery tickets, we know that any little boys a set of similar leaves, even though the wrappers from tea, may play the role of currency.) For background I have a game with RK-86, jumps on racetrack. "Of course, this empty game workhorses of the UDG, I wrote in BASIC for few minutes, but we are pretty long dulis in this masterpiece, not saving it, of course:) So I read a mountain of literature on BASIC, make their own experiments, wrote the same primitive program (game "Point", for example, or graphical editor, where you could Draw a dot) and save them on tape. One of the programs was the editor animation. Animation 4x8 familiarity pictured in an increase in the real 4x4 scale, was 128 staff, managers keys OPQA could move the cursor Diagonal (break:), etc. .. The program, although it was small, was written with tears a few years. Thus, diagonal cursor movement appeared thanks Vundiku (if it was still called Nicholas Trofimych, he attended school and was a decent kid). It was he who pointed out me a way to poll Claudia through the ports. We managed to give the program on a local competition, open to all platform. Later I learned that the program "Was good, but it could not run." Can be used not on the computer :) But the same could be to blame and questioning keyboard without masking bits 5 .. 7:) Meanwhile, imperialism was not asleep. Spectrum quickly became adult "Past stage". In one day it was so ... Episode 5. I telephoned a neighbor, called me to the tube and including music (Madonna). I listened and expressed the idea that anything special I can not hear myself. Neighbor in response to this reported that the song playing computer and invited udostoveritsya.Prishlos get up and watch. Music was not playing Speccy. Spectrum at the table was gone. Instead, it was 486 ... Dad then began to say that time for me to learn to work in the NORMAL computer, which computer, of course, expensive, but you can buy in Installment ... And I slapped his enormous eyes, and not understood the bad consequences of the moment: ( Fortunately, before the implementation of the Napoleonic plans did not happen. Probably, there was no money. II. 48k + TR-DOS. This unit came to our house the same way as the previous one: bought card, packed house, set at the factory. Like the past, Pentagon (later the degree of altered Tot/i8, now he's Chapaya / MPO). Generally, it was the same scheme as before, but extended disk interface side. Was: Magic, tape port, Beeper, 40-key keyboard with the recommendations buttons 5,6,7,8. And there were glitches. Neither I, nor Dad did not realize in analog electronics, but of course, was to blame low-power unit Food with a serial transformer. (In previous computer trans was wound hand, and the drive was not.) On this computer, we (then we, as I'm not one) have begun experimenting with diskofikatsiey individual programs. Episode 6. Many of the familiar program IS-Chess 48. As is known, it has no screen saver, or rather attribute is the logo, which is difficult called a masterpiece. On the other hand, there book in the series "Eureka" entitled "On chance, "illustrated by painter K. Moshkina. And here at the fiftieth page drawn, as the two prisoners, a French the Turks, the gamble on the book "Theory probabilities ". Dad came up with an alias Mike, easily pereinachil plot, replacing the bone figures and the inscription on the book on Wikipedia "Chess". My first experience in soldering was capacitor, which I soldered leg. Then I get the hand to repair the keyboard. The keyboard I have reed (or rather, them even two, there were three). There is a large stock reed, corps buttons, caps, steklyshek, magnets, photocopies of inscriptions keyboards and even a nenabitaya fee. No8, unfortunately, not at the springs: ( So, I loved angrily burst of clave, playing in the next game. Tags I broke the blow reed in one or two button, then had the very same and solder a new one! And once I soldered the signal from the beeper on tape recorder and recorded a collection pikalnoy music. Moreover, it was then, by writing, I erased the tape of their sources, which I there are not sorry. Did you know that music in games Code Masters throws the same time and in the recorder port? Game, we always bought at the market (he still exists), except for a few cassettes and discs, which could write off. But our version of the disc, we never circulated. However, I once translated MasterFile Russian language, then to bring back catalog materials journal "Model-Builder." And it seems that this database is never in good stead, Moreover, I am afraid it is still stored on my hard disk 8) Another was: policy implementation ankettestov of the book (as I remember, two, one of which is preserved), reprints Examples of books on programming (I try not to take part in this) was my Own disc with the source at the ACME (he still alive:) was a notebook with the project graphic editor, who wrote on individual routines, and there were many another ... Had friends who have come and went to the Speccy, and I found that each new spektrumist, with whom I acquaintance, turned out to be all intelligent and clever:) Thus, all did not start today and not yesterday, but what happened then (and then there were new acquaintances, new eccentric projects, third, fourth and fifth computer, release, and the first reviews) I will tell you another time! 7vii2002
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