Odyssey Magazine #01
05 марта 1997 |
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IS DOS - Problems and Solutions
![<b>IS DOS</b> - Problems and Solutions
<b>IS DOS</b> - Problems and Solutions](http://zxpress.ru/screens/1/1452.png)
(C) 1997 Liapin Music by Shov IS_DOS: Problems and Solutions. Instead of preface. Before I begin the article, I want to apologize to more sophisticated users of this system is too detailed consideration of seemingly obvious things, but from my own experience knowing the lack of availability of detailed, understandable, for an inexperienced user manuals and guides (as can not but recall series of books for users and programmers PC-compatible computers for Dummies), I'm risking discontent Still, "Chew" stuff. Except this advice when reading to have on hand User guide IS_DOS, because it will help supplement what I'll be down in an article in the apparent obviousness thereof. *************************************** In a previous article I showed you how You can effectively use RAM-disk IS_DOS.Dopolnitelnuyu system and very interesting information about it you can learn from computer magazine "ZX-FORMAT", in which working with him very well-lit, repeat no smysla.Segodnya we will talk about the editor IS-EDITOR, a specific look at the work One of his interesting overlay - overlay macros. But first I must say a few words about the editor. IS-EDITOR - A complete, correct, efficient and comfortable editor, which has many necessary for normal functions. He location is EDIT, and is of the following files: editor.com - preliminary customizer edit.com - actually the editor ed0.ovr - overlay block functions ed1.ovr - overlay search and replace ed2.ovr - overlay parameters Ed. ed3.ovr - overlay format. Text ed4.ovr - overlay macro ed5.ovr - overlay calculator ed6.ovr - overlay ext. Functions ed7.ovr - overlay pseudographics. This, of course, not all files editor but the most necessary for our razgovora.S first two files list, I hope all of you is clear, but a powerful overlay system requires more rassmotreniya.Ya not going to retell the contents of Editor's description of the instructions, all who did not read it I advise to study, and who have forgotten - Repeat, therefore, immediately proceed to overlay ed4.ovr, and in the process, discuss other overlays in the light of makrosnogo. Thus, what is macros in relation to the above-named editor. Macros - a the ability to program words and whole, often used in combinations and even proposals (saving you as necessary, wasting time, tens of to type the same thing) the possibility of programmed sequence of overlay functions, and from a variety of overlays, the ability to create powerful search, counting and copy-functions in an editable file, and much, much more. That would not bother esteemed readers and users take as they say the bull by the horns and consider the specific examples of great opportunities macros. 1.Programmirovanie text. As I mentioned programs the macro specific sequence of actions and he does it very simple sposobom.V Directory EDIT, create a file ed_mac txt, which contains a list of required makrosnyh sequences recruited all in the same editor, the line opens up a character that causes a sequence and thus the first symbol in such a line is a control or command. Suppose you create a text ed_mac.txt file in the directory EDIT, recorded the following lines: A HELLO! B HELLO! Now downloading any your work text file in the editor, press the key combination "CS / SS". In the upper right corner screen in front of the name of your file appears include overlay macros word "MAC". If you now press the "A" we get to the screen, with the position cursor editor, the word "hello", and if press the "B" - we see the word "HELLO!", but not with the cursor, and the next familiarity. If you want to display a phrase or sentence boldly write to him for a control character, just remember that one line should be no more than 32 characters, because is the size of the keyboard buffer. If you want to take a longer text then short the line with each makrosnye drugom.Delaetsya it this way. For example, we need that would be when you press "D" appeared 40 characters "*" for this we produce the following steps: 1.Zagruzhaem file in the editor ed_mac.txt 2.Pishem since the beginning of the line, the symbol "D", then fills 28 simvolov "*" 3.Za dialed symbol without indent recruit another manager makrosnogo symbol overlay, "# 0E" and for him for any other symbol, for example, "G "Next, open a new row with this symbol and adds the missing stars. D ****************************# 0EG G ************ Thus we can deduce TEXT virtually any reasonable and necessary length. 2.Programmirovanie overlay functions. In addition to considering the possibility of makrosny overlay can save you from the other monotonous and tedious operatsiy.Kazhdy of overlay editor does its very important and necessary function in helping to work and expanding the editing capabilities Copy text formatting. Often have an operation repeated several times, performing the same rabotu.Vot here and comes to the rescue Macro overlay, taking it on themselves. Consider a simple example. Take an overlay of additional functions. It is invoked by pressing the keys Simbol Shift + Space, and provide 22 functions, is very necessary in the work of pressing the appropriate keys, with overlay is induced by the bottom line editor. This overlay can be fixed pressing the Space again, with a Editor's top line, next to the name file appears: FIX. Well, perhaps all that we need for example (a more detailed description of the overlay See the user manual or in help'e), and now we will create a macro based on this overlay. Suppose we have a certain text file, a sufficiently large volume. This may be a directory, database, list, story and etc. And we need it to crash on the page For example, for 80 rows. To do this, load into the editor and create a ed_mac.txt It makros.Pervym affair first line put a control character vyzyvayushy the macro, let it be "A", then write control character to call an overlay of additional funktsiy.Tut should make a reservation for the call control keys used by a "#" followed by a hexadecimal character code is written ("0" for tens of writing required). Symbol to call this overlay - # 12.Kody to call other overlays, you See the end of this article. Now, on the Just in case, podstrahovyvayas (suddenly We wet-file and the cursor is not at the beginning file), write control character to return to the top of the file, as we know it - "t" (Just a little latin t, a DO NOT big, then I'll explain why), it code - # 74 Next, move the cursor down 80 strok.Eto done by calling another official symbol overlay macro (By the way, a complete list of these symbols you also found at the end of the article). This is - the escape character - # R, after which must be two hexadecimal digits. The first figure - the number of repetitions, the second - The length of the repeated patterns. For example: # R21 #, what it means to move the cursor 2 familiarity right; # R38SPECTRUM, what it means to print three times the word SPECTRUM, and the digit "8" - the number of letters that must be repeated. Now we take the description editor information that the combination of Simbol Shift + A moves the cursor 20 characters down, and this means you must repeat this operation 4 times, that is obtained: # R41 # 10 where # 10 - code SS + A, 4 - number of repetitions, 1 - length of the repeated plot. Next, you must call the scriber, ie character "l", its code - # 6C. Let's see what we got: A # 12 # 74 # R41 # 10 # 12 # 6C I hope everyone understands how we got this line macro (if it is not clear read above). When you run the line, we have the following: 1.Kursor goes to the top of the file; 2.Kursor drops to 80 characters down, with the additional overlay. features removed; 3.Vyzyvaem re-overlay, and put a note page. Let's perfecting this procedure, using the familiar control character macro - # 0E.Chto would layout file is continued until the end, it is necessary to establish two lines of the macro, using the symbol # 0E. In this case, the first line will display the cursor to the beginning of the file and cause a second line that properly and will mark fayl.Dlya call the second line we use, not for long thinking, the second symbol Latin alphabet - "B". That's what we get: 1. A # 12 # 74 # 0EB 2. B # R41 # 10 # 12 # 6C # 0EB As seen from the second line written loops on itself. Teper, we can safely run this macro, and he conscientiously razobet file on the page to 80 strok.No are just counting should be stopped manually by pressing and holding down the Space, until Indicator: MAC, the top row the editor to change to: mac, which means overlay macro understood your request to abort makrosnoy team and break a looped command. Is it possible to somehow determine when to finish the job macro? Overlay macro has the opportunity. This is another service that controls the character that will terminate the looped line or lines of the macro, meeting in an empty file stroku.Konechno certain problems it creates, because then your file is nowhere to be empty except for the kontse.Eto symbol "T" on prefekse # 12, ie, - # 12T. Change the line, insert this code into it and Now after calling the overlay is to press press "1" and start counting the file: 1. A # 12T # 12 # 74 # 0EB 2. B # R41 # 10 # 12 # 6C So we wrote a macro file scriber in increments of 80 lines, fully self-contained, and not in need of our assistance and for its operation, the overlay of additional functions. It only remains say a few words. Well firstly, my example can be and has no slope and special need and elegance, but it just an example of creating overlay Macro and based on it, you can create a very convenient and effective macro for your own needs. Second, instead of the hexadecimal character codes you can use the symbol, Then we reviewed the line will be look like this: 1. A # 12T # 12t # 0EB 2. B # R41 # 10 # 12l # 0EB Tak seems even clearer to understand macro, but I deliberately considered more complex and cumbersome way to more clear and deep explanations of the structure Macro, for the User's Guide usage examples, and constructing a macro call are considered to put it mildly baldly, vaguely, and they are designed for people with a deep enough knowledge of computer, the purpose of my article is a detailed introduce the novice user very little experience. Third, evaluate the benefit of the macro can only be when you try them in action and after that you have them, I sure did not give up. *************************************** That came to an end our 2 meeting, I I hope it was useful and instructive, and you are not in vain spent time in reading this article. In a previous article I promised to tell you more about something, but it proved difficult to describe without giving you complete picture of all the details please components of the system, and macros in it occupy a very important place. Therefore, I slightly corrected the plans. Next time, I continuing the theme of macros. We consider the most powerful and necessary macros - mezhoverleynye macros, an exemplary version of the Management System directory and the database using combinations makrosnyh and so much more interesting, so that as they say stay with us and you do not lose. If you have any questions, please contact by phone 4/7/1926. *************************************** APPENDIX N 1. 1.Tablitsa control characters overlay of additional functions. Key Function D DelLN Remove string. U UnDL Insert Row. L LF Embed translate page LF, under the cursor. P Param Call Options menu. T Top cursor to the top of the file. B Bot cursor to the end of the file. S Save Save to disk wet-r-l F Find Call overlay search. E Exit Call menu exit. Keys Exit menu D Dry exit "dry" output W Wet exit "wet" output L Leave Exit without writing to disk A transition on one line. Q Go to the line up. W Delete to end of line. C Output in the calculator. 0 Remove from the cursor to end of line. A print driver (41/61sim ox). 2 How to change the numbering lines. 9 Inclusion pseudographics. Combinations Keys CS +4 cursor to the top of the line. CS +9 cursor to the end of the line. CS + Q on the bottom of the page. CS + A Page Up. SS + F Output Mode Format tion of the text. APPENDIX N 2. 1.Tablitsa Governors (official) Character overlay macros. Symbol of Action 1.Vypolnyaet closure # 0E lines of the macro itself 2.Vypolnyaet closure of page macro on each other. . Acts as a repeat Telja in which: # Rx, yx - the number of repeats; y - the value of repeated plot. Checks for empty # 12T thuja line to interrupt macro when it detects 2.Tablitsa codes of the main keys. Key Code Code Function Key Function CS +1 # 07 R. / LAT ENTER # 0D ENTER CS +2 # 06 BA / SMALL SPACE # 20 space CS +3 # 04 I. / OVR CS + SS # 0E Overlea CS +4 # 05 HOME SS + Q # 15 PgUp CS +5 # 08 LEFT SS + A # 10 PgDn CS +6 # 0A DOWN SS + W # 13 ERASE CS +7 # 0B UP SS + E # 14 INSERT CS +8 # 09 RIGHT SS + ENT # 11 Overlea CS +9 # 0F END SS + SP # 12 Overlea CS +0 # 0C DELETE CS + ENT # 17 ------
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