Impulse #04
24 февраля 1999

Conclusion - outro, or you can press reset, dude

<b>Conclusion</b> - outro, or you can press reset, dude

              OUTRO, OR CAN HOLD RESET, dude "

                                                     (C) IMPERIO

   Here, boy, you and dobrel to the last
drop in this vast sea of ​​information,
provided by us to you. You have no idea what they were for us 
kilobytes, which you yuzal far and wide. I hope that this issue 
has become sacred to you, was the last straw for you good

beer, which is so difficult to leave. AND
if this is indeed so, then we can
sleep, is not it nice to know that there are dudes that go to 
its grave by not adhering to lousy moral and social 
foundations. Society - A big pile of dung in which all stink, 
but some, including we are trying to ochititsya from public

shit and maybe you, too, in our number.
But even if it is not, you are doubly the hero,
because the animal was able to overpower an aversion to our 
style, having read up IMPULSE end.

   Yes, everything is over, dude. Even
a life that lasts so long. Like
would that you were not a jerk in this
life ...

   In this issue, I did not realize all that had been scheduled 
at the origins of its creation. Lots of stuff is simply not 
included in number due to laziness and stubborn different 
narodtse. And those letters, which the author may was you, they 
would not meet the standards of our newspaper. It is a pity 
that in time out completely failed to meet DELTA / PHG, sorry 
that ... well okay, dude, I will not about sad. I hope that the 
next number, I will be enough for you to scribble.

   I'll try to figure out the next number in the misty DELTy 
code and make shell newspaper Makimalno convenient and heaped, 
Schaub you dragged, of koz, well, certainly expect the dump 

              This skryapali:

 ! MPeR! 0/PhG/PhD/MuMu AsSoCiAtIoN aka Demchuk Paul G.

   Chief editor, proofreader, was also the target of numerous 
letters and soap. Zverel when zadalbyvalos stuff texts. The 
author is 50% graphics and 50% of the texts. 

   DeL7a/PhG/PhD/SnEgUr0cHkA HG aka Melinyuk Oleg Prokop'evich

   Author interREPY and 50% of the buggy graphics.
Periodically called me from mentovki and took out the left 
requests. Once upon a time was editor in chief. 

     MuZaFaR / Ad! A / NhG RuLeZ/70rPEd0-BrEz7 aka Prokopov 

   Skompozil stylish muse, which is awfully steep and fancy. It 
is a pity that it was in 1996. Football success to you, O 

 Also in skryapyvanii attended:

SPECTRUM: BYTE 128K PC: 286, 386 SX33 'P166MMX

           AY 8912 EGA, VGA 'SVGA 14 "Monitors

           5.25 FDD 3.5 FDD

           3.5 FDD 1 Disk 3.5

           B / G Monitor GoldEd 3.00 Beta5 +

           10 Disks 3.5 VC 4.0

           1 Disk 5.25 Turbo Pascal 5.0

           TASM 4.3 Word 'Deed 6.50

           ALASM 4x8 Lexicon 1.3 rel8.101

           MASM 1.0 ARJ 2.50

           STS 6.2 Impulse Art Station 0.01-05

           ART STUDIO 128

           ZXW 2.9

           ZXW 2.5m

           PT 2.1

           HRUST 1.1

           RC 1.6

And also:

          three kilos of potatoes

          about 35 liters of beer Belovezhskoe "

          about 7 liters of vodka "Lux"

          Unit 4 L'Ma

          + Stimulators of my precious brain

            (Type anasha that Lee)

   Many thanks to all those who supported me in these difficult 
times. Homeland you do not forget, dude! And now BYE to the 
next room ... 

  With me it is possible and desirable to contact:

    2:454 / 7.120 @ FidoNet Pavel Demchuk

 8 + (0162) +414-863 (Just call Pavlik)

Belarus, Brest 224028, ul. Gavrilova
26-30 Paul Demchuk Gennadyevich (special
4 bombz n anozez bonuzez)

   As you have realized, man, FIDO - the best option and should 
not irritate my endless stupid callami by phone or parcels with 
lard through the mail. But it remains to be seen ...

Other articles:

Entry - Troshkov about sad.

new life - News from Brest.

ZILOG - ZILOG - What is it delicious for us? About ZILOG, general information about its products, nice family Z80.

with a soldering iron - soldering iron, or a device for welding of minors.

Fractals - Fractals from a theoretical point of view.

Interview - An Interview with MIKSA MOLOKA / INKOGNITO.

tales - Night of the living fan BEATLES.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Conclusion - outro, or you can press reset, dude

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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