Impulse #04
24 февраля 1999 |
new life - News from Brest.
NEW LIFE IN BREST narodtse (C) IMPERIO P0WER HACKERZ ALL! ANCE DELTA: After the release of the third IMPULSE dumped in an army of cops, which rubbed his legs and a month lying in a medical unit. He, like yaromu spektrumistu terribly missing her a good friend. Gave me the 3.5 floppy drive, then gave the monitor. As part of its planted for a deuce, which brightens it loneliness. Is going to raise momed and pull up to FIDO. But most importantly - it what DELTa threw plump:) IMPERIO: With a tremendous effort, passed the session in three, and now we have started garbage. Since no time com, you've been stuck for days at the institute and as a result - came impulse. I started writing demos on FUNTOP'99, which badly want to go. Well as opportunities for drunkenness. JAGURA: I bought a book heaped on ASMu, in order to improve their own, and without that huge knowledge. Plays guitar, writes muses on pisyuke and clinging, when I went to him Come play with. Drunk with me, but do not spend money on vodka respects. REAL SOFT aka REALSOFT PAUEL: Recently became a victim Vind which poherila all his screw. But a week later was again in good spirits. Hands and feet is buying all the compacts in hopes of finding a good strategic game. Gave me a CD with 3D STUDIO MAX 2.5, for me that he was inordinately grateful. Began to develop analogs of pisishnyh their products with great confidence, that they will sell well. In his spare time working nix in the boiler room. LOAF: This recently wrote a feature-rich PC 3D-engine, and now plans to do writing of 3D-shooter inferior in quality well, except that UNREAL and QUAKE. KIBEREX: can not fix a scorched complex, but in general it is all like oh for .. alo. So we will not see REALWORDa. I understand this patsyka, because he soon shining entire year and a half of service to our country, and he prays to, to get into exploration. DARK MAX: Coming soon to write the coolest player muzakov similar WinAmRu on the PC. Also Max also goes to training courses at the Warsaw University, where teachers consider it one of the best high school seniors. So that the light ;-) budschee Dark Max assured. SCOOPTER: Hiding from the local authorities, so that, apart from me nothing has been learn. PATROL: It has long been bought with the P233 INTEL different bells and whistles. No fumbling in the coding for Speccy, suddenly began writing freaks at Sea. Although the opinion of knowledgeable - this is only lamerskoe use third-party sources. ALEX: changed his SPECCY by SEGA and now it does not detach from the toys. Vitaliy aka nephew PAUELa: Draws a graph to the 2nd of TECHNODROMu that will superkrutym and will use all resources as Speccy and PAUELovskogo AI. NEW heRACKERZ GROUPa VLADISLAV: Khmyrov remained the same as was. Oppression fingers at every step and wants to show themselves wiser than others. CHERNOBYL Hedgehog aka HOG: Played at pisyuke in his shitty toy type Color Lines and Sex Tetris. Is 200 INTELovsky stump nothing else can not? HOG has recently decided that the knowledge QBASICa him enough and decided to start AFM study, then C, then Delphi, etc. The good news is that it may exert its limb to create demos. And of course He does not drink. MUZAFAR: Returned to the big football. Recently became famous two goals in the balls match with Estonia. NASNVILL: I slept two controllers and almost burned my Speccy. After the global impact crashes in his address bought me PZUhu for Minsk controller, which I on his connections subjected firmware. Dreams about which very best muse he would write in the future, in particular for the second TECHNODROMa. At the moment all of his iron is in the process "will be very difficult to recover, so that the rise of dirt, he is not very soon. BOGDANCHUUUK: Dosluzhivaet in the experiments. By According to the DELTA / PHG, he sees almost no every day. Poinstine, as previously wicked and cruel, now became Bogdantshuk this storm in our society. About the rest of the people in this Significant Groupings information is not there, but we can say with confidence that we will not see them either on the one stage. INKOGNITO softlabz Zaimeli himself a new member - MISKA MOLOKA vengeance and now eager to be creative. It is rumored that soon they planned global booze, after which we will see MONSTER 4.5. Well, nothing is precise I do not know. Rest of the people live quietly in Brest, peacefully, no one is touching, so personal new things about them I do not know, that's right.
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