Lprint #08
28 июня 1997

News nedili - Coming soon bbsTOP # 5.

<b>News nedili</b> - Coming soon bbsTOP # 5.
                        News of the Week

 So give the count: three, two, one ... start! Nebezizvestny 
Alex Nikiforov (somewhere I've already heard it ...) has 
finally fixed the modem (I again Hamer'om folk artists), but 
over the past week and has not appeared on the scene ZX-Net. 
Sam Hamer, seems to have succeeded in "lumps" exams, so messagi 
responsible sparingly (or not at all respond).

 According to rumors which have reached me, ZX-Legion 
blagopaluchno falling apart, but in a personal telephone 
conversation with Sergei storm He assured me that this is 
bullshit.  The network started in endemic (total) surveillance 
and tracing of basik-maniac who, for the third month, writes 
mediocre and absolutely negrammotnye fuck'i to all and sundry. 
Angered by the people replied the stranger a common and a great 
RETURN FUCK'om.  Chief MDM-Maker Ars, holds on to Fataity bbs 
exeperimental - tries to work every day (in the future 
krugloutochno? ;-)) and Invites all editions of Minsk to "light 
up" on InterNet'e.  McMaker, rumored to be out (or already out) 
from a protracted and deep binge. Congratulations!

 Boroda prepared (to buy, restore or maintain a machine gun, a 
protective uniforms, gas Balon and other military protective 
Attributes) to exit bbsTOP # 5 ... If you're going to dig 
trenches and build barricades, Call - Help!

 Lama celebrates 20 years of deep and protracted avidly.
Take this opportunity to congratulate you on Jura, be healthy 
and not drink so a lot - slipnetsya ;-).

 Werewolves I mean, Me went to Soligorsk broken vow
do not drink, squander everything daily on a very tasty local 
beer. But according to him (which is what I suffered?), this 
was no exception. 

                       Raved about how he could Werewolves

Other articles:

Mouse Driver - On driver support Kemston Mouse.

Entry - The new hull was extremely uncomfortable.

Let's take - User Pasha with a story about yourself.

Discussion - IBM is the BEST ?

computer pirates - Mitnick: perpetrator or victim.

News nedili - Coming soon bbsTOP # 5.

Advertising messagi - Advertise with humor.

Talents - Topics for the essay.

Smile - Wellness holiday home in new products.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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