Joint #01
31 января 2006 |
Articles - Chipmeyking as art minimum or "My opinion about the AY-music. "
Chipmeyking as the art of the minimum by Vibe In fact, in this article was originally titled "My opinion about the ay-music "or something like that. But once ay-shnye modules refer to the chiptune at all, then it would be interesting first climb a little higher and try to look at the perception chip culture in general, as the attitude towards it is clearly ambiguous. Simply put: do not all love chiptune. Admit it can be at least on the grounds that the things that everyone likes, not so many in the world, and old school modules to them clearly are not. You can not even remember what the sound chip from the left time even deeper into their underground niche, pleasing ears connoisseurs, and most modern chiptune classified Only those, perhaps, because of its size. In general, what is observed today can be divided into two groups: the "old" chips and "new." Under the first can be understood as those modules, which are written in the same conditions as the decade back - with music chip wells or Spectrum Commodore (or emulator for IBM PC-platform), or when using samples with a similar sound. Explains such long existence of such chips even that old computers are still many, and how not heard the cries of stasis (Spectrum, Commodore, Yamaha - please underline) are people for whom the eight-bit platform - a tool for creativity, not less valuable than someone professional studio, as a man need to express themselves only a very little - to give opportunity and a bit terms. And, Of course, the desire to create ... The value of the composition is determined no style and no means unique, and the successful implementation of it is the creative act. The "new" same chips - is that a proper idea of chiptune treat-and it should not. Culture chip tracking was a new idea - to fit into the usual 4/16/32/64 kilobyte something serious, with claims of good quality and original sound. I must say that for many it turns out - quite run on the results of competitions, or Big Chip Compo listen to the CD "ToySongs" of Sands. Stylistics out of their framework, enabling mikromuzyke develop further. Speculations about a certain "inferiority" of any of the groups quite thorough. Everything, as usual, simply rests on the personal preferences of each. Some people do not carry on the spirit traditional chips, but welcome the new work experimental nature. It happens quite the contrary. Many people chiptune associated with the old games on the ZX Spectrum / NES. The typical method of using arpeggios in these nostalgic melodies brings to those already bygone era. Hardly anyone can tell that the music was bad. Such People like Ron Hubbard or David Uitekker, written in two or three channels of vivid and memorable things that still remembered (and even convert other music formats, write remixes them - probably the most earnest fans of old school music, too just heard Processing "Auf wierdesehen, Monty" and "Sanxion" from Liam the Lemming). Minimum resources and maximum creativity. A kind of minimalism, which, like everything else, has its "average" weight and their creators. In the end, it is still one branch of digital art, and has already found its mikromuzyka taste, history, rules and traditions. * Naturally, this review is very, very conditional, it is simply denotes the main, the most pronounced "watershed" between chiptune. And then, what about my opinion ... One of the first au-shnyh tunes that I personally had the opportunity meet not so long ago - about two years ago - was the work of One participant demopati CC'00 (I think he was exposed under nick Avatar da Muzaka Man), with the title "Toy Music". Impressions of what he heard are still alive - very interesting and The original track that infects your mood. More than once subsequently tried to rewrite it in the Momentum with similar samples, but somehow it is not specified. I just can not write _tak_. Therefore - respect toward those who are able to create such limited conditions is really great stuff, regardless on the format. Simple sine wave, saws, squares, and pieces of white noise - it seems that this is not enough ... but the restriction of a musician in Drugs helped him to focus on their imagination, skill, pull tün by any findings or Fine beautiful melodies. The same sinusoid, subjected vibrato sounds ... mentally, I suppose. Clear sound, not burdened overtones, is in itself the idea and its value. And this not small, actually.
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