Joint #01
31 января 2006

Joint - Hot smoke burned my throat.

<b>Joint</b> - Hot smoke burned my throat.
by Mongol

Hot smoke burned my throat. I coughed and began to remember
When was the last time I saw her eyes. It seemed to me that
last week. Yes I do remember last week .. or
before the last? When a lot and often smoke - face contact
with the external world is lost. Or shifting the center and all
goes to the periphery? Sharpen only the only feelings, and time
falls away, like sand through a narrow hole glass clock
who invented in ancient Rome.

I phoned her a week. Or two? .. Stop! We saw last
week, she smiled at me on the bus. We drove home to me, and
I kissed her furtively in corners of her mouth. The wind rushed 
into the narrow crack a window. Exactly! The rain was falling 
.. at this time the window was first May rain. The bus had 
nemnogolyudno, all were wet and looked around the sides. And we 
.. we had fun laughing. A couple of times she accidentally 
touched his hand, my groin, I immediately exited. She laughed, 
and the wind threw her hair through the cabin. 

The drops hit the glass. They drummed indecent and 
persistently. On stop I looked out the window. The water boiled 
on the sidewalk and foaming muddy bubbles. I looked at the 
bubbles, and saw her face. It smiles at me and telling me to 
incite obscenity. 

We came home. Along the way ran into the store and bought a 
bottle dry wine. Straight from the bottle on the flowery soft 
carpet, we drank This delicious-smelling wine, incidentally, we 
were dragged off their clothes. Liberated our bodies from 
unwanted shells. Was removed rapidly everything that could 
interfere with our bodies meet. When flushed with wine and 
kisses, we lay down on the couch, I She offered to smoke with 
me. She made frightened eyes, but agreed to without delay.

I blew tobacco from cigarettes, neatly tucked a paper sleeve and
slightly stretched tissue paper. Pulled out of drawers
tight bag and poured it on the table and scored a cigarette. 
Twisted end little "healed" and we sitting comfortably on the 
couch. Between Us was only an ashtray emerald color. Torque, 
tight heavy smoke rings, sleepy and stringy Air column. 
Everything is locked in the word "Om" or the word "Nirvana". 
However, we briefly talking, and somehow in the time our lips 
met, our bodies close to each other.

I do not remember very well the events of that long, and ongoing
night. We smoked more and more, making love on the sofa,
sex on the table, on the windowsill. We fished the bare skin of 
water out of the shower, drinking green tea, nibbled roasted 
peanuts. She mewed, scratching, biting, moaning, screaming. We 
could not quench thirst .. We drank each other to dryness in 
the lips, to mute the body .. 

In the morning she was gone. I kissed her goodbye, wished them 
a successful day. A pair of fried eggs in a frying pan, took a 
shower, scored yourself a couple of cigarettes, and sat down to 
read a new novel by Irvine Welsh. 

The whole week I was too busy himself to call her.

So how many days we have not seen? Five or seven? Passed all
one week, and I can not remember exactly when we met in
the last time. I pick up the phone. Dial 6 digits - two, three,
zero, one, zero, four. Hear a dial tone, then a second. Then
meets a woman's voice, he sad, sad.

- Tell me and I can hear:
- She's not? And where is she?
- When? Two months ago?
- And already .. that is, it is no more? Poisoned pills? All
while waiting for someone's call?
- Sorry, I beg you do not need to cry, I do not really know.
Once again, sorry, yes, I know that from my "excuse" you is 
easier It will not and will not return.

- Yes, if you do not mind I'll come to you next week.

Hot smoke burned my throat.

joint - n (tech) joint, joint; (anat) joint; (inf: place)
den; (: of cannabis) from twisting marijuana; adj joint.

Mongol, 17 May 2004

Other articles:

JDC - Live: the reasons for the biennial zaderdzhki release.

Joint - Hot smoke burned my throat.

Demoscene - Forever May report: report Factor6 with the Slovak party.

Demoscene - an overview of music from the Slovak party of 5 of Forever C-jeff and Megus.

Demoscene - report Ellvis'a with virtually hangouts Phacon 2004 meeting.

Demoscene - a story about zOOm'a Cheskogom party ShuCon'2004.

Demoscene - Report from Chaos Constructions 2004 from C-jeff'a.

Demoscene - Chaos Constructions 2004 eyes Atarishnika Drx from Germany: "The artist or you're a musician, but without the encoder you are nobody?"

Demoscene - overview charts with Chaos Constructions 2004 from Diver/4D.

Demoscene - an overview of music from Chaos Constructions 2004 from Key-Jee.

Interviews - Interview with Alexei Astafiev (Alex Raider / Flash Inc.)

Interviews - Interview with the legendary musician Mikhail Belousov (Amadeous Voxon / Flash Inc.)

Interviews - An Interview with Jordan / Exodus, the author of excellent demos "Dies Irae", "Real Action".

Interviews - An interview with musician TDM/K3L.

Articles - 2 years beyond the demoscene: Key-Jee thoughts on developments at the scene had taken place over the past two years.

Articles - a musical group, AY-Riders.

Articles - ZX Graphics: A look from the Atarishnika Exocet.

Articles - The history of Italian Spectrum software scene in Italy.

Articles - The operating system on the Spectrum. What is it?

Articles - Musicians make their beautiful patterns.

Articles - talk about the stage, c-jeff VS elfh: "in the 2000's every week there are new releases, a press, and now some floss ..."

Articles - Chipmeyking as art minimum or "My opinion about the AY-music. "

Artique - astsiarta crafts and literature movement in the Spectrum.

Artique - ascii art, and "There was a problem - asci-art was not perceived as art" ...

Artique - Schafft: about why the flaw, inattention, and sometimes even negative relation to ascii-art to Spectrum'e.

Artique - a pseudo-tutorial on drawing ascii pseudo-graphics.

Artique - Tips for beginners and experienced artists: how to use extravagant methods to achieve outstanding success in ascii and ansi art.

Artique - Kejser_Soze: about why the flaw, inattention, and sometimes even negative relation to ascii-art to Spectrum'e.

Artique - "missing strokes" reflection Kejser_Soze.

Charts - a survey of Joint: who is the best programmer, musician and artist at the Spectrum.

Charts - comment kq / skrju to rezultatatm poll "Who is the best" on the Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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