Nicron #116
29 января 2000

Humor - Dialogue at the monitor.

<b>Humor</b> - Dialogue at the monitor.
        Dialogue at the monitor

Vadim Pudovkin
2:461 / 255.99 @ Fidonet

    - Oh, Wan, look, what vents!
      You bastard, what a beauty!
      A Unix - the letters all da dash
      And do not understand a damn thing.
      Ivan, Carry it on, come on
      And best of vents download!
      Well, "mastday" again "mastday!
      It's a shame, vai!

        - You, Zing, the roughness of the run up!
          You'd just pull the mouse!
          Here in the firm with users maeshsya,
          Come home - there you sit.
          WINDOWS - sucks for a fool,
          And if not empty noggin,
          Need a command line!
          Splash of beer!

    - Oh, Wan, a letter to me from America!
      Clicking on a link that inside!
      Well you just as hysterical?
      After all, promise Money Free!
      Do not want to own - then let
      I read the web!
      Tea, myself sitting in it with nine
      Up to nine!

        - You, Zina, was silent for a better bet!
          B. how it was easier to us
          When would you would not meet the
          Provocations and spam.
          I have many times - you remember, Zin!
          Because of you changed the login?
          The last time beneath the Georgians
          Called to Berlin!

    - Oh, Van, and I've found is that over?
      Well, what are they, Vanek?
      And me in a letter to draw Smileys
      Do you hear? Apparently, a hint.
      And he sits and no gu-gu
      No, I'm done!
      Ivan, I run away from you
      Until Thursday!

        - ... So, this module is passed ...
          Oh, Zina, do not drive a wave!
          Well, until otkompilyaetsya,
          I will go even beer glotnu.
          You have all I get,
          And there would have to read the HELP?
          There's just all, like the five-five,
          Neither give nor take!

    - Well, I read: "Here lies
      A set of system utilities. "
      Oh, and Wan, as translated
      The string "Formatting C: complete"?
      What did you become nervous, Ivan
      Why have you dropped the glass?
      What are you staring at the screen?
      Wake up, Ivan!

        - ... This is a pancake, so you're reading jokes!
          B warned, e-my!
          Well you leave for a minute ...
          No, it's really not life!
          Had told me Vadim:
          A programmer should live one ...
          Put in place a new DIMM!!
          Slaughter, damn it!

Other articles:

Entry - the contents of rooms.

Humor - All of the elections ... me!

Congratulations - Happy New Year!

Miscellaneous - a turn of the millennium.

Events - New sisopnik ZXNet.

Humor - Dialogue at the monitor.

Humor - RAM.

Humor - the history of life.

Information - the magazine "Radio amateur" invites to cooperation.

News - the game will be under the General Sound, Summer Smash Gathering will take place.

Events - demopati MilleniuM. New information.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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