Nicron #106
13 января 1999 |
Polls - the questionnaire of the newspaper "Nicron". Results.
Profile of the newspaper "Nicron" To everyone who responded to a request to respond to the questionnaire and those 51 people - many thanks! 50 men and 1 girl:) of the twenty regions of Russia, Ukraine and Georgia - that is, so to speak, demography and geography. :) Moscow, Russia 12 people. 23.52% Taganrog, Russia 5 people. 9.8% Lviv, Ukraine 4 people. 7.84% St. Petersburg, Russia 3 people. 5.88% Cheboksary, Russia 3 people. 5.88% Kurgan, Russia 2 people. 3.92% Voronezh, Russia 2 people. 3.92% Dzerzhinsk, Russia 2 people. 3.92% Kharkov, Ukraine 2 people. 3.92% According to one participant was of the following towns: Pavlovo of Nizhny Novgorod region, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Moscow oblast, Krasnogorsk district, Art. Dinskaya Krasnodar Territory; Ulyanovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Zelenograd, Perm, Kaliningrad region., Chernihiv (Ukraine), Tbilisi (Georgia). The rest either did not specify a region, or identified only state - Russia. Surprising lack of response from Belarus. One might even say, disappointing ... :-( 50 people from 51 to indicate your age. The age range of respondents from 15 to 67 years, average age 23.8 years. Age? Although this is natural, especially among audiences spread the questionnaire. 'S as spektrumist ...: user - gamers Demo 70.6% user Sci. programs, 68.6% Encoder or Software 45.1% Create REC. Music 13.7% Create REC. Graphics 19.6% "Relizer" 9.8% "Zhelezyachnik" 35.3% uses. Network 47.1% sysop BBS, derzh.sayta ... 21.6% coord. net 3.9% Head creativity. Group 13.7% member of the creative Group 49% Prevalence. progr. Assurance. 13.7% hacker ;-) 19.6% journalist or publisher of 17.7% critic ;-) 31.4% swapper (untranslatable:)) 3.9% In the "other" was twice inscribed the word "swapper" - people, engaged in sharing experiences with other creative groups and supporting the relationship of the creative group with the world, such as something like this. From single sentences to me the most like "okay" and "just a good man." Clearly a significant amount of zhelezyachnikov - love to skate Love and ... Roughly half of respondents are in creative groups, and That being said, "tends to ..." :) Good trend, in the sense that the creative person is unlikely to abandon the Spectrum because of random factors. But more on that later. redstva connection-"please indicate only the presence of: telephone 80.4% address in ZXNet 35.3% address in Fido 37.3% Internet 41.2% on the other network 7.8% So if anyone would question the magnitude and ZXNet significance for spektrumistov, let look at this chart! ;) "You have a computer 'Spectrum' with the following characteristics ...": Spectrum in the real presence of the survey participants - 65 cars (1.27 PC per person). Storage 48K 10.8% 128K 41.5% 256K 16.9% 512K 15.4% 1024K 12.3% more than 1024K 3.1% The average amount of RAM 432.5K. ;-))))))))) Interest in figure reckoned the number of computers. Despite the preponderance of 128K models, it is widely available machines with more memory. Creative spektrumistu ever closer to becoming the standard 128K! Among the two who reported "more than 1024K, one just has" sprinter "(I just know it:)). And in the "nomination" 1024K is probably an appreciable increase number gives KAY-1024, given the dynamics of sales of this car in Moscow and the number of Muscovites who responded to the questionnaire. "I use the emulator": Total votes 100% real computers 127% users of the emulsion. 35.3% And it's among the audience, mostly covered by Fido and the Internet. Probably a "game to the bottom" had Moscow, answered the questionnaire by CDOS-modems on real Spectrum. "Urbanity mode (as a percentage of the number of computers): missing 43.1% 7 MHz 32.3% More than 7 MHz, 6.15% I do not know or no answer 19.45% Among the "advanced" users, the good old 3.5 MHz is not in vogue. "Disk drives". Here, without exception, respondents each gave one answer, ie if more than one computer that is summed up all the available drives:), then I select the host computer. Here and below all the characteristics of computers are given as percentage of survey participants, so as the presence of a device on at least one car already gives the possibility to use them fully. Besides, I sure that all users are increasing any one my comp primary, and other machines play the role of the subsidiary or just stay with the old times:). A drive 21.6% 2 drive 58.8% 3 drive 13.7% 4 FDD 5.88% a 3.5 "54.9% HDD 9.8% recorder 13.7% Generally bezdiskovodnyh survey participants were found. :) Apparently, the basic configuration of the computer, part diskogryzov:) - a drive of 5.25 "plus one 3.5." Reliability and quality as a floppy disk and drive 3.5 "- an important property for creative users seeking to keep their development with minimal risk of loss. On the other hand, in many regions of According to their representatives, the 5.25-floppy has simply not found, and 3.5-installation of the drive becomes a necessity. Quite a lot of people use a tape recorder - or "release" old software, or pick up from the depths of the history of their own development a decade ago. But the "hard drive" something is not enough ... 3 drive. Then either people buy, "three-ruble note" to the existing two "fives", or he - sysop Spectrum BBS. Think not be mistaken if we assume that the owners chetyrehdiskovodnyh Cars (By the way, I too, though not answered the questionnaire:)) are all sysop BBS. Winners mikrodrayvov or any other exotic drives (such as punch cards:)) the result was not revealed. ;-) Wookiee th ... of Music AY-3-8910 (12) 96.1% Two AY 5.88% Covox 49% Sound Drive 17.6% General Sound 5.88% Other 1.96% Among the answers I liked: "I do not know, but people say that is "(it's about AY). Though what I sneer?" Maybe a person is deprived of hearing ... :-( In general, the picture is clear: now no sound no step at all, and without much sound good - in half the cases. Look at the screen 1 pixel - 1 attribute is 7.84% 80 characters per line 11.8% CP / M Profi 3.92% And that's all. GMX no one else, no hem, "Dandy" possible say, no one at all, nothing ... Even the owners 'sprinters' no observed even in the "other." Yuzayut clean the Spectrum? Odem CDOS 37.3% Vicomm 5.88% XTR 3.9% Hayes 19.6% Result does not reflect the reality! Lack of response from almost without exception CDOSifitsirovannoy Belarus a very small number of responses from St Petersburg with its hundreds of XTR-s ... Unlike floppy drives, AY, and the like, and modems for the Spectrum have clearly defined "habitats." Even average availability of modems - around 67% - itself currently very high, in fact, probably even higher. Without communication nothing rolls, that's just what we can say. omashnie animals ;-)) Kempston mouse 43.1% AY mouse 1.96% another mouse 5.88% Keyboard PC 23.5% The most popular standard is obvious, in one word. And implemented Almost every second. KPA in the world ;-)) color monitor RGB 39.2% color monitor CGA / EGA 21.6% Monitor black / white 17.6% TV 25.5% Slightly more than 100 percent in the amount of the expense of those who use color television and black and white monitor. Suddenly, many geared "pisyushnyh" monitors. What is it - the lack of monitors, RGB? Lack of quality monitors RGB? Or, conversely, the presence of unwanted obsolete monitors from the PC / XT and the like? Or specific requirements for image quality, reliability? Against this background, just a huge (one in four!) Number who look at TV. All of them are not from Moscow. And we did not believe, thought that everyone has a monitor ... Hmmm, now understand the unpopularity of the 64-character lines on the screen ... are not toys ...;-)) matrix printer 61.5% inkjet printer such as "Radius" 23.1% printer more high-end 15.4% Here the percentages are the number of printers, and all those devices has exactly half of the respondents. Dot matrix printer - a reliable and unpretentious unit that does not require large maintenance costs and providing quality printing, it is quite sufficient for their own needs programmer - that's not changing for the past century;) ideal spektrumista. videoskaner 3.9% Programmer ROM 11.8% Every third "zhelezyachnik - with programming ROM. Serious guys ... :) CMOS-clock 3.9% ... And in rare instances there are: ADC, "Screen Saver" (?); ROM-drive. "Pektrum for you (You can mark a few points): forced need to 7.8% subject of interest of my relatives 9.8% nostalgia 35.3% source of income 17.6% creative field 78.4% Instr. for App. Serv. responsibilities. 9.8% Training means 17.6% one hobbies 25.5% One of the main hobbies 45.1% main interest 29.4% communication, communication 47% a true friend 43.1% all the best in life ... 9.8% whole life it 9.8% "Rulezzz!!" 3.8% How strong must be the same love that nostalgia is kept man in his passion! The rest needs no comment. 998-th year on the Spectrum Answers, of course, was very much variety. None less clear leaders there. Interest - the number of respondents: uchshee on the Spectrum in 1998 FunTop98 62.7% "Black Crow" 31.4% connection communications network 15.7% FTN-technology on the Spectrum 11.8% ArtComp 5.88% EMS 5.88% "Mirror" 5.88% "Last Hero" 3.92% New modems 3.92% Among individual responses mentioned: newspaper Optron "," Maximum ", "# Z80"; create their own newspapers, web pages, sites, festivals "Doxycon", "Zlincon", "Consul"; many of the events of a personal nature ("bought General Sound", "mastered the assembly," "extended memory" etc.) yield different software (Lara Croft, ESE, CD-ROM). Here are some colorful answers: "Sir Clive is alive!", "I have not scored on the Speccy!. "But the most original, probably should be recognized this one: "The crisis in Russia! Because pisyuk no longer buy it." Blom, at the Spectrum "Leaders" are also present: Care of people with Spectrum 21.6% absenteeism expect. software 15.7% broken equipment 11.8% FunTop98 9.8% Chaos Constructions 7.8% FTN-Technology 7.8% regional recession ZX 5.88% Among the expected with the greatest attention of software - complete version dem from Digital Reality and Antares. The authors are not shown on the FT98 works expressed their opinions by voting for FunTop98 as a failure. Uh-huh ... :-( Under the "transition to FTN-technology," the authors answer assumes rather than the transition itself on pkt-format, phasing out the old plain text format. Among the individual responses were: the newspaper "Maximum"; Publishing downturn in Moscow festivals "Enlight" and "Consul'98"; bugs in the editor, Lara Croft. In more than a unit, the number of Muscovites attended regret about my exit ZXNet. Need to become thoughtful ... ;-) 998-th year in general Leaders in the category of "good": enrolled or graduated (School, college, etc.) 11.8% discharged or not called for 7.8% Sporting Events the world's 5.88% found work as a 3.9% Well, at least two items accurately reflect the current validity of the CIS. Deep IMHO, of course. The unit also answers are so varied, as has been widely question. Many of the answers I just do not understand, until they were specific (most likely in the field of contemporary music). Of the clear ;-) I note the following: "I strongly wiser!", "Bill Gates Summoned to Court "," went hitchhiking to Prague. "But the disturbing environment has left its mark here as well: one participant survey like the bombing of Iraq, another sigh of relief after the "move aside" Mr Chubais ... And finally, here it is, short and clear: "NO WAR" ... Blom in 1998 in general Crisis 25.5% conscription 3.9% "Leader" has hit every fourth point that this year and remembered. Not been for the crisis - there would be a "leader", because the other troubles in the vast majority are personal in nature: "Babylon 5 ended," "birthday"; "MTV in Russia; "Graduation," "need for good girl," "'Spartacus' lost' ... Some of the answers I because of its backwardness of youth life did not understand, like: "Mulder (?) shot." There were also serious socio-political reasons: "bombardment of Iraq," "inflation in Ukraine," "Yeltsin," "moral decomposition, resentment of people. "All verbatim, and each - in one copy. And if you still look at the failures of the year, with a laugh, though Through her tears, I liked most (if one at all can speak on the issue), here it is: in the summer and do not swim. " An impossible dream: to be more significant troubles, no one would no longer be ... "Pektrum in terms of hardware over the past year: stepped forward 72.5% remained place 19.6% rolled back 1.96% In one of the forms I was asked: "And how can it be - 'rolled back'?". And just like Russia in the past seven years. "Pektrum in terms of software development over the past year: stepped forward 84.3% remained place 11.8% rolled back 3.92% Optimism is unlikely to need any comments! Among the pessimistic estimates dominates: "I do not see further development paths. "But even against his own pessimism people gave such responses, as was also participated in the survey and, hence, they are not left with the Spectrum. Incidentally, these respondents adequately responded to the whole profile, then there are the events Speccy in the world they are being watched. Spectrum is also a phenomenon does not require comments. "Pektrum currently suitable for: resolve any tasks 9.8% problem solving, always available for machines his class, including for creativity, and a reasonable share of entertainment 84.3% exclusively creativity art genres of 7.8% Only games and Entertainment 7.8% nostalgia 11.8% for nothing no longer fit 1.96% Perhaps you can praise itself for the correct formulation of the question ;-), as well as chide myself for putting in the questionnaire item, the answer to that and so obvious. ;-) "Pektrum will continue to: develop on contemporary level, pushing other Platforms 3.9% slowly improved, remaining fans enthusiastically 82.4% stay current level of 5.88% slow decay, losing its most capable Fan 9.8% quickly go to history, displaces more powerful machines 1.96% by 2000 forgotten 0% In the "different view" has met only one answer: "His will not forget. " Thus, through the crises and anxieties - slowly but surely forward. "Pektrumisty will continue to: grow in number, embracing new generation of massively 1.96% slowly grow with fans men raised the current generation of 25.5% remain in current status of 13.7% slowly fade 9.8% gradually leave with Spectrum, but most "rabid" will "stay until the last," 52.9% quickly disenchanted his enthusiasm and threw Spectrum 0% otherwise 1.96% After we still remain those who have come recently, but they will half. Nevertheless, they will be. "Other Opinion" was only one thing - spektrumisty will ... ;-))) booze. With emoticon, of course. And I liked best: "You can count on me!" - attributed to a point "slowly grow fans ...". "What do you think is fueling the Spectrum is currently Naib more strongly? Here, each completed questionnaire was unique - the range of views was so varied that accurately estimate the numbers was impossible. Especially since not all answers are numbered or numbered, not all answers:). Approximate (I say, approximate!), The picture is as follows: amplitude available software 37% accessibility software 35% cheapness, Easy 33% friendliness 39% inaccessibility more powerful vehicles 18% presence Emulator 8% availability and improvement of extension app.chasti 12% holding Festivals Creativity 20% sophistication networks 18% increase mastery of the author 25% print Publication 4% e Publication 20% advertising 4% love the fans 59% Let love works wonders, and the rest will follow. 'S going to personally go to the Spectrum ...: as soon as 0% in the coming the year 1 person once buy another PC. 3.9% leave, apparently have when equipment will come in quite disrepair 11.8% I wish to go on the emulator 0% go do not plan to 59% No way not leave 23.5% 82.5% of respondents strongly or mildly expressed reluctance to leave the Spectrum. Quite a large number of "realschikov" concerned about wear and tear of equipment and threatens in connection with the forced separation from loved hobby. Apparently, the transition to emulators they do not think for one simple reason - there is nothing to put emulators. The questionnaire did not probe, but I just know that in Moscow, For example, the most capricious computer is GrandRomMaxx. By kraynek least a few people who used the CDOS-modems and is not going to go, now trying to repair their GRM-s. Some buy to replace other machines - KAY-1024. A others are content merely visits sisopniki da voice phone calls to friends ... Finally, the only answer, in which the respondent has announced his retirement in the coming year. This response was attributed to a comment that simply can not reproduce. It said: "I am leaving the army." So "just leaving" spektrumistov still no, that's the main thing. A departing serve only wish to return to the Spectrum ... Yes, all normal returns. Ah, young days ... Last hour The theme of the questionnaire is no longer true, this extra information of ehokonferentsii ZX.SPECTRUM: proclaimed art festivals in 1999: Chaos Constructions'99 and ArtComp'99! Nicron publish all subsequent information on this party! * Many thanks to all responded to the questionnaire! Yours - Vladimir Bulchukey / Wlodek Black/Nicron/Moskva/1998-99 city
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