Adventurer #03
30 апреля 1996 |
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Interview - Znakostvo with Rybinsk group Infosoft Group.

(C) Music Batsan Roman T ews Continuing the theme begun in the previous issue, we present INFOSOFT GROUP. A few days ago, the editors visited them a visit. With part of the group were: SHRSOFT - spinel Roman NEVER - Alexei Colin PROTECVISION - Krasavin Alexander (Sr.) and Alex (Jr.) CHASM (ex-HACKER FEDYA) - Fedorov, Vladimir SURGEON (ex-KLSOFT) - Leonid Kiryanov JOHN IVANOV - Eugene Ivanov From the editorial board were present and asked questions: Gladyshev Andrey Elfimov Constantine Breeders' Constantine. I must say that the planned interview did not happen. Rather, it was conversation in a relaxed atmosphere. Team members willingly shared their memories, but we could only listen to ... So ... ADV: How, and most importantly, with whom it all began? CHASM: That was in early 1991, when I met Pikunov Vladimir (PVL) through the Arsenal club "(it was the first Computer tusovka - game + program distribution). SHRSOFT: Do Pikunov a friend - Sanya Kalinin - the owner of this establishment. He there all with their own hands have built computers ponavez (the first "Leningrad") programs are about 700. He was the first brought in Rybinsk program. We are there and sat and played ... And here again Pikunov brought the game and said: "In Rybinsk altered. I looked up - a game I is, the boot loader was written "BILL GILBERT ". But here, instead of" BILL GILBERT " written "HACKER FEDYA". (Animation ...) I did not know him and wrote a poangliyski something offensive. A Pikunov carried it to anyone who it noted. And he - terribly offended and came to me to understand. So they were introduced ... FEDYA just did not tell me that his name is Vladimir. I have him come home, I call. Opens his mother. Me: "Call Fyodor ..." - "??!" That's a joke we have. ADV: That is, first you had three ... CHASM: Yes, I, SHRSOFT and PVL. Then Vova head struck a smart idea - selling program. PROTECVISION: They woke up a commercial vein, and they do business. Started go to the flea market and selling there. Worn tapes of eight - ten. CHASM: And as I have these tapes recorded ... One tape copied within two hours. Sold two or three tapes per week. We felt it was very set on-the-go. SHRSOFT: Clean the tape was in rubles twenty ... CHASM: We have sold a hundred ... While I knew Krasavina Alexei quite long time, and his brother had just returned from the army. PROTECVISION (Senior): By the time I made the "Leningrad". Somewhere, over the month a half of operation, loading programs tape recorder seemed to me very tiring. And I did "PENTAGON-48." Us came together in the idea that a good idea to copy the "PENTAGONe" these Games for sale. PROTECVISION (Junior): Was this program "PCOPIER". PROTECVISION (Senior): Since then, we began our work in the field of distribution of computer games. ADV: Then and INFOSOFT come from? INFOSOFT (chorus): Oh-oh-oh, no. Much later. PROTECVISION (Senior): traded on the sly. Cassettes our then titling so: "Copied by Hacker Fedya and Protecvision ". SHRSOFT: A week after we met, FEDYA introduced me to his brothers Krasavin. Then in computers drives just was not there. All the polls were "Leningrad." At that Pikunov time came the information that Moscow appeared cool chip. Called AY. Was worth it, about how to drive. Pikunov bought the chip, and I - drive. Muzykalki then were already practically everything on the disk. He walked towards me - I reworked it to tape. Then he went to him, listened and dragged. CHASM: By that time (1992) we met with KLSOFTom. In addition to programs, we began to haul in the city and the literature on SPECTRUMu. Ie carted information and programs: INFO and SOFT. And turned INFOSOFT. PROTECVISION (Sr.): After we worked together (FEDYA, PROTECVISION, PVL) about six months, the status quo in trading tapes us ceased to hold (SHRSOFT and KLSOFT in Trade cassettes did not participate). We was a tough division of labor: we brother wrote cassettes, and did FEDYA collections. Traded together. Pikunov classes were not found. We gave him find some alternative. CHASM: Then he began selling disks alone. PROTECVISION (Senior): We, the pirates, then start time worrying problem of piracy. We bought tapes, copied them, and Then came the claims, saying, "Your Cassette is not loaded. "And SHRSOFT started invent all sorts of protective copiers. The program is loaded without problems, but no one of the copyists did not take them. CHASM: SHRSOFT remade from a Copy PCOPIER pilotton in such a scrape, iridescent. In the end, things have gone. PROTECVISION (Senior): We were days when the tape does not turn off days threes. We felt all recorded where some 6.7 thousand cassettes. That is, in fact, everyone who was at that time a computer, surely, had not one of our cassette. CHASM: Then everyone began to appear computers with DVD drives, and we decided to engage in trade disks. SHRSOFT: From time to time appeared some kind of crazy idea and immediately realizovyvavalas. The very first, in my opinion, was a "DLC" (DISK LOADER CREATOR). Since the games on tape was great, but at CDs - little, we made the program, she spanked kotoraya disc code downloaders. PROTECVISION (Senior): When I FEDYA Peter went to the market in Avtovo notorious Vasilyev Anton offered to buy his drive with the author's development for 1.5 (!) rubles. (Blank floppy then the cost of 100-200 rubles). When he described what is selling, we are interested in this, but for the money, of course, do not buy steel. But some his ideas are implemented themselves. For example, when I told SHRSOFTu about the program for search for eternal life in the MAGIC-files (SEACHER), and the very next day, He brought the finished program. Incidentally, this same program we have found in the third issue magazine "ZX-Revue" in 1995, where are full, to say the villain, stealing program, gave her his. In this case it has not changed even numbered lines in BASICe. There everything as it was in SHRSOFTa, but the name Roma was not there. SHRSOFT: Just a single line that was changed - this is where he stood My Copyright. They even assembler the text is given in the form of MONS-sovsovskogo disassembler. This "author" did not bother even cause the text to look as if he written. PROTECVISION (Sr.): In general, at the time, basically, we were engaged in a purely informational support - carted programs, literature ... SHRSOFT: We went to Moscow and St. Petersburg times, probably forty ... PROTECVISION (Senior): For one summer I went to Moscow six times. ADV: You probably were the only who drove the literature on SPECTRUmu in Rybinsk. And it did not - so she was gone, how to cut. SHRSOFT: It began with the printouts from translations from BAJTEKa etc. It was necessary to spend a stipend to buy correct description. Since then, and began to haul ... There was a funny incident: Once we went in the literature: I, PROTECVISION and FEDYA. In St. Petersburg on the market, they loaded up on my literature, a kilogram of 50, but faded into the firm themselves "Peter" - this was not enough. I was waiting for them on the market. I waited and waited ... The market is already closed. And I'm the one pulling these pounds up to the station. It was just after the surgery, I was appendicitis excised. Cursed and SPECTRUM this and all the rest. I then almost gave up ... PROTECVISION (Senior): There was another funny incident. Let's go to Peter: My brother and FEDYA. Purchased, but not enough. I was left at the station, drove themselves to the the same, "Peter" ... Time: 15 minutes before train departure - they are not. Standing in front of the train, all on edge. 10 minutes prior to departure - there are none. For A few minutes before train departure pop-up "foaming" of the subway, dragging for a cart, loaded to the eyeballs these books and run to the car. SHRSOFT: While in St. Petersburg and Moscow we all know. All known sinkleristy were our friends: Nikitin, Pencraft, LOGROS, Isaev, ShiSoft etc. We have such a apparent inclination - to take a freebie new programs. A special case was when We fused the source MICROPROTECTORa SPECTROFONovtsam. And since then we have received their magazine free of charge. ADV: It's because of MICROPROTECTORa? SHRSOFT: In principle, not only. It was so. Interestingly it turned out that between St. Petersburg and Moscow did not have any contacts. Sometimes, thence sinkleristy for months iimeli information updates. We came for one, took the new program, carried their others. So went back and forth. As a result, both in Moscow and St. Petersburg were all our good friends and we had a new program for free. ADV: We seem to be a bit distracted ... So how exactly was formed INFOSOFT? PROTECVISION (Senior): This was the year in 1993. In the end we have assembled a permanent team, and it was somehow called. ADV: What was the first structure? SURGEON: While our numbers were: SHRSOFT, HACKER FEDYA, brothers PROTECVISION, I was still adjacent to the us PVL, with whom we have broken all ties After some disagreements in matters of selling floppy disks, although after a long time he used the trademark INFOSOFT (tm) by selling a floppy disk in TTC "Gnome". We're at a time floppy disks were sold only in shop "Chance" and staggered Club Olympus. PROTECVISION (Senior): We've come a long way from the flea market, then there was a shop on Cathedral. When there is a store is closed, we started trading in the "Chance" and parallel in "Olympia". In the "Gnome," we traded only cassettes. In this store we have established good relations with Sergei Leshchenko. SHRSOFT: I would say that's what. Was such a firm VILS. She worked hardware. They made the "Leningrad", "Pentagon" ... ADV: Why did "? As far as we known, their work continues to this day. Only the composition has changed. PROTECVISION (Senior): I at one time worked for them fitter. Then in the "VILS" worked two. Actually, as deciphered "VILS? - Igor Volkov and Sergei Leshchenko. I met with Igor on flea market where he sold his computer and, thus, came to this company. So we are with them docked, even one time they have implemented through their tapes. Then they began to carry programs from Peter. CHASM: By the end of our work cassette versions of new games have been very little, and I had to deal with alteration of the disk version on tape. Hit of the season the end of 1994 was, of course, "TERMINATOR II", reworked by me for Work on ribbon "Leningrad-48". NEVER: And maybe that's enough self-congratulation? Cassettes - this is the past ... Even then, began to appear disc program. SHRSOFT: When we started selling programs on the discs had such zamorochki. Just bring a new drive to market (And even then drives were very expensive in Moscow. We sell much more cheaply.) sell ... The next day she walking around the city. And next week it is already all sellers. CHASM: And we said: "Roma, why do not you come up with biting defense? " SHRSOFT: Then there was the coolest Protection * L * F * A * protector. This program was a couple of thoughts that had no implemented. Once I dug potatoes in the country, and I came up with an idea. At the same time I found in "Microprocessor systems" article about the system VG93 teams. Began tinkering with programming SH-shki (TR-DOS is already fed up) and collided with a bunch of problems. Information There was no, everything was done by "Spear". Even called the guys in the Peter and Dnepropetrovsk Sendetsky, consulted with the MOA (which made the monitor to SCORPIONu). Turned out not to consider the track. They too knew nothing. Tormented, tormented, but still achieved something. All this was the result of many experiments. A 18-volume SPECTROFONe read, it turns out I was very cleverly done everything, to full of theory, using some disc images. I do not know what it is ... B * L * F * A * protectore security keys stored in the nonstandard sector. But appeared to SPECTRUMe copiers, which can copy discs with non-standard sectors. Aktualano was to keep the keys protection is not in the special sector and the vnesektornom space. By trial and errors could implement this idea. The interface of this program was completely "broke" from ART STUDIO. MICROPROTECTORa versions were released, probably 30 pieces. The first common version was 1.04. We drove it to Peter, there namenyali on many new programs. A month later, come again - we claim - "nothing does not work! "The problem is this: protected disk - and it works. The disc sold, and then the buyer has resorted indignant - "DOES NOT WORK!#$%'!" Vendors test drive - all right ... (on their computer). It turned out, the thing do not match speeds of disk drives. On-the idea must be 300 rpm, and in fact, is smaller and the keys do not fall into zone read. Tinkering, tinkering - to work. Drove back to St. Petersburg. So five times. For each new version received a large number of new programs. Once we saw the new (then) Journal SPECTROFON, secure MICROPROTECTORom. Just be ready a new version of the defense, and we took her to Moscow and proposed to the Editor. Since then and to this day SPECTROFON protected MICROPROTECTORom. Not everything went smoothly. About This has already been written in the "ZX-REVIEW", and in the SPECTROFONe. Protection works on some computers, but on the other - no. Turned case in the version TR-DOS. Since I was too lazy to redo the protection of a TR-DOS v5.01, I gave the source MICROPROTECTORa Editor. All versions after 2.3 have already been creative works ShiSoft'a. PROTECVISION (Senior): So we started sell discs protected. Then suddenly drew a helluva lot of literate comrade who managed to break MICROPROTECTOR and made automatic "opener." SHRSOFT: Once we got on with FEDYEy eye magazine "DUNE" with the announcement of such read: "If you want to remove MICROPROTECTOR with their drives, are calling for such a phone." Rings ... Asked the address, it turned out, living side by side. Come. So we met with John Ivanov. This was in early 1994, when John was in SURDAKAR GROUP. And he joined us. ADV: Question Eugene: How did you managed to break MICROPROTECTOR? JOHN: I also bought their CDs. Protecting ... Friends will buy, I want them Games to cancel, I'll buy - they need to. Well get by once and sat down ... Somehow wrote ANTIMICROPROTECTOR. And he wrote in that same DUNE ad. The next day - a call. Call FEDYA and SHRSOFT - famous people. Agreed to meet. Come. I opened the door: Is it worth FEDYA, in a cloak, as Highlander, behind Roma somewhere near the battery hanging out ... And FEDYA begins to "run down": say, we buy the game in Moscow, the money They spend more, but you are bad, they all left and right are distributing. And met. How to tell if I was to SURDAKAR GROUP. But we were uncomfortable - I live in one of the city, they in another. And here, so to speak, closer to home. SURGEON: I remember, came to SHRSOFTu. Roma at me with bulging eyes: "here boy is - wrote ANTI-MICROPROTECTOR ". I his eyes bulged, too: "Yeah-ah, you must meet." ADV: Will continue to work on this protection? SHRSOFT: For us it is no longer relevant, as we are "tied" to trade. SURGEON: Just when we need - we will do almost anything, and when not - no one will not tighten. PROTECVISION (Senior): Lenya, where do we you and I began to write PIPE DREAM? ... ADV: What in your group appeared NEVER? CHASM: When we sold the tapes at the flea market, Lech came and bought. I knew its a long time and I was terribly uncomfortable. Then, while Shura (PROTECVISION (Senior)) collected his SCORPION, Lech somehow imperceptibly joined our ranks. Wrote the music in SOUND TRACKER'e ... His music was inserted into LOADERy. NEVER: Then the ASM was a hit of the year. CHASM: C ASM'mom was the whole story. We bought it from Sendetsky for $ 5. He even asked us for new demos. Here we he decided to send a CD and money. This was insanity ... SHRSOFT: They came to the post office - send a packet, and we are there: "On your diskette nobody knows what is written, maybe there is sensitive information - you can not send. We have to do analysis. "We went on with FEDYEy customs, making this the most "analysis". Us from there somewhere else sent ... In kontsekontsov got to the head post office. Screw his brains ... will send a floppy disk. We have first appeared in Russia ASM v1.11. ADV: since I started talking about music, your attitude toward MUSICDEMO? SHRSOFT: This is simply a translation of the time. In general, no one should be - looked once and all. Even the most drastic - "SATISFACTION", "INSULT" - new in them nothing. The same multicolor long time ago used in toys, and three-dimensional schedule so no one really and will not do. Even in the best demo of Slovenia ("ECHOLOGY") - a three-dimensional graphics - is simply ridiculous (compare, even with games "FIGHTER BOMBER" or "STARSTRIKE II"). ADV: What other programs you are released, except MICROPROTECTORa, DLC and PIPE DREAM? PROTECVISION (Senior): Yes, almost anything. Basically, we did different disc version, restored the program and the like. We started programming when no longer a problem of replication, just to do something. SHRSOFT: One of the first overtime was Lapping "CONVER COMMANDER" to ensure that He worked at SCORPION'e. NEVER: Another Romijn boot, which allows make comments in the catalog for the games. SHRSOFT: The idea of writing a boot has arisen due to the fact that it was a good many games, which run from 48 treatment, or were merely 128. Remember them it was impossible, and that's made such a aaplet. NEVER: True, after a while we saw this program, the author of it was Information ... MAGIC SOFT ... Even the "glitches" have remained unchanged. ADV: Why is your group away from the market for? PROTECVISION (Jr.): The reason was adoption of the law on copyright protection. Then, in Cover, and video rental, and recording studios, etc., and the heap strained and those who traded in software, ie us. However, after some time the same audio and video again opened, but we break the link and we decided to curtail our activities. ADV: What is your opinion about new programs, made in the former Soviet Union? PROTECVISION: toys very well. SHRSOFT: Made cool. Play nice. Unpleasant one - its something for nothing. No original ideas. ADV: And what about the system? For example, there were some full-screen assemblers. SHRSOFT: I looked up some. Level Programming disappointingly low. Compare, though, TASM 3.0 and ASM 80 for CP / M (Written in the 80's). The latter is far superior in features TASM. Who would try to write TASMe programa for nonlinear algorithms ... I did not mention the cross-references. PROTECVISION (Senior): All of these new Assembler me "kills" in 64 characters line. Then again, the impression, that everyone who writes his assembler considers it his duty to come up with its own format for the source file text. And it's a shame ... SHRSOFT: This could come only from us. Throughout the world, for all computers source code for all languages are stored in ASCII-format. If even the authors want to use tokens - for God's sake make a transcoder at startup. Let it at boot time translates source text into tokens, and at discharge, and vice versa. That's it! ADV: Your future plans? PROTECVISION (Senior): firm decided to make a "MASTER OF ORION". This will be purely strategic game. Lech has algorithms wrote. PROTECVISION (Jr.): I am programming in general does not appeal. I hate the assembly instructions. Algorithms - please. PROTECVISION (Senior): We have such a company - almost all programming not like. All just come up with algorithms. All menial tasks (codes) makes SURGEON. ADV: And when to expect the emergence of new game? SURGEON: We are especially not in a hurry. Until being developed algorithms. When we finish with this - we will draw graphics and etc. ADV: Why did you leave the schedule at last? SURGEON: The most important thing - it's algorithm. Take the same PRINCE OF PERCIA from Yaroslavl. The author of the algorithm has not thought through, and result - good graphics and the Sea "Glitches". ADV: Your attitude to computers that are on today? SHRSOFT: IBM is $#!%. SPECTRUM, of course, best, but out of date. However, when doing nothing to write on it nicely. And the most best car - AMIGA. SURGEON: I have nothing but SPECTRUMa not accept. At AMIGA or IBM can play not bad, but to do something ... sorry. PROTECVISION (Senior): SPECTRUM - a machine for the soul. Money on it is not large earn, but it is possible to do something his own. On the IBM, AMIGA almost everything. Something to do there own - is very problematic. And easier to find what is necessary, instead of In order to write yourself. NEVER: SCORPION is the best! ADV: The traditional question: your attitude toward ADVENTURERu? NEVER: Graphics you little weak ... And interface - a copy of SPECTROFON. In the ZX-FORMAT interface I like better. PROTECVISION (Sr.): The thing you need is good. And anyway, everything is fine. Like like to see more people in it were involved. PROTECVISION (Jr.): For claims in schedule I do not join. The magazine is magazine. In it the main thing - information. Graphics - only need to attract attention. The same applies to music. PROTECVISION (Senior): As far as interface, ZX-FORMAT, he certainly looks very professional ... PROTECVISION (Jr.): ... You do the same - a simple but at the same time, and more practical. Such an interface standard. Anyone who has read SPECTROFON, will not be thinking about managing, reading ADVENTURER. Try, having worked in a BASICe 48-m mode, and then work in BASIC128. Feel the difference ... SHRSOFT: These are all the arrows and the like - it is beautiful, but it is secondary. Important information. This concludes our "interview" with INFOSOFT GROUP. We hope that sinkleristy Rybinsk and other cities yet to hear of the glorious deeds of this group. *
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