Kosme #00
30 апреля 2001

Credits - the authors of the paper.

<b>Credits</b> - the authors of the paper.
                            dmn [pcb]


        [(C) D-Man ^ PCB]
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So who exactly is created:
--------------------------- D-Man ...... - The idea of ​​all 
this madness; 

            - Processing and selection of texts;

             - Actually, the texts themselves;

             - Askey-clearance;

             - Conversion of graphics and animation;

             - Design of all this.

Crazy ...... - Moral support;

            - Comments on the texts;

             - One little article;

             - Testing.

Paracels ... - Graphic design;

            - Design;

             - Criticism (sometimes unhealthy).

SaiR00S .... - Just one little article (but some!)

            - Introvaya music "One Man Army".

Senat ...... - Comments on the texts;

            - The very smotrelka (very old work);

             - Criticism (always unhealthy);

             - Assistance with the Amiga.

Spy ........ - Moral support;

            - Inet support.

Special Guest Star:

Black Groove ^ ex-LFG with excelent nostalgia track
called "Losed Rhytms"!

Used iron:
------------------- ZX-Spectrum 128/5.25 "FDD/3.5" 
FDD/Covox/SD1.51 + / TurboWG/12 "b'w monitor / YM-chip / 
kempston mouse / cmos (rip) / EWS1.0/TRDOS5.13fm

Amiga 1200/68030/28/8Mb Fast/2Mb Chip/1Gb HDD /
48x CD-ROM/14 "MicroVitec (multisync)

Used Software:
----------------- ZX-Spectrum: ZX-Word 2.52 +

            Horror Word 1.0

             Art Studio

             Storm 1.3

             Alasm 4.42

             Sprite tools

             TrMsHob 2.0

             Excess Picture Viewer

             Sprite Land

Amiga: Directory Opus 5.82

            Directory Opus 4.15

             Cloanto Personal Paint 7.1

             Brilliance 2

             Art Effect

             Super View IV

             GoldED 6

Contact us at:
------------- Snail: 601901 Russia,

         Vladimir region.,


          street Chernyshevsky,

          d.7, kv.17,

          Kalinin, Dmitriy

          (D-Man ^ PCB)

e-mail: placebo@imail.ru - group related


          dman_pcb@imail.ru - projects, ascii,

                                  web / design

          paracels_pcb@imail.ru - graphics, design

          spy_pcb@imail.ru - i-net, www, etc

URL: http://pcb.nm.ru - Placebo Homepage

Other articles:

Introduction - the reasons for registration of new newspapers.

Contents - the contents of rooms.

Proxima centauri - the history and current status in group Kovrov Proxima Centauri ^ CTL.

EI is dead - Kovrovskaya group Eternity Industry renamed Placebo.

Sharts - Spectrum chart from Demiurge Ash'a and Proxima Centauri ^ CTL.

EX ZX'Systs - shadows of the past Kovrov ZX scene.

Nuotrauka - a new virtual party for Spectrum.

Kosme - what it is.

Generation next - who are they? A new generation spektrumistov.

I love amiga - only two in Kovrov amizhnika.

Spekovskaya demoscene - SaiR00S: on the code in the demos - "Chunky rulez?".

Drinking party - drink with us: Spy, Sair00s and Crazy.

RekLAME errors - Misfire advertisers ...

Gamlїt, Prince Datsky - Ukrainian Hamlet.

Bezvўdmovnў way spoyuvaniya Mrs. - God knows what.

Poetry - Verses from Reklama.Ru

Post scriptum - C Ya! Viva el Speccy!

Credits - the authors of the paper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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