Kosme #00
30 апреля 2001

Contents - the contents of rooms.

<b>Contents</b> - the contents of rooms.
dman [pcb]

                         ■ ■

 Opening remarks ........ d-man, crazy, senat
 proxima centauri ........... d-man, crazy, senat
 ei is dead ................. d-man, crazy, senat
 charts, charts ........................... d-man
 shadows of the past Kovrov scene ..... d-man, crazy
 nuotrauka ......................... d-man, crazy
 kosme. what it is .................. d-man
 generation next ............ d-man, crazy, senat
 i love amiga ............... d-man, crazy, senat
 spekovskaya demoscene ................... sair00s
 drink with us ....................... crazy
 Advertising rulez ....................... reklama.ru
 gamlїt, Prince datsky ................. unknown
 bezvўdmovnў way spoyuvaniya Mrs. ..... unknown
 Poetry .............................. reklama.ru
 Post Scriptum .............. d-man, crazy, senat
 loans .................................. d-man

                                        dman [pcb]


                 (C) 2oo1 Placebo


             e-mail: placebo@imail.ru

Other articles:

Introduction - the reasons for registration of new newspapers.

Contents - the contents of rooms.

Proxima centauri - the history and current status in group Kovrov Proxima Centauri ^ CTL.

EI is dead - Kovrovskaya group Eternity Industry renamed Placebo.

Sharts - Spectrum chart from Demiurge Ash'a and Proxima Centauri ^ CTL.

EX ZX'Systs - shadows of the past Kovrov ZX scene.

Nuotrauka - a new virtual party for Spectrum.

Kosme - what it is.

Generation next - who are they? A new generation spektrumistov.

I love amiga - only two in Kovrov amizhnika.

Spekovskaya demoscene - SaiR00S: on the code in the demos - "Chunky rulez?".

Drinking party - drink with us: Spy, Sair00s and Crazy.

RekLAME errors - Misfire advertisers ...

Gamlїt, Prince Datsky - Ukrainian Hamlet.

Bezvўdmovnў way spoyuvaniya Mrs. - God knows what.

Poetry - Verses from Reklama.Ru

Post scriptum - C Ya! Viva el Speccy!

Credits - the authors of the paper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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