Adventurer #05
30 ноября 1996

Presentation - Author's presentation: Ray Disk Monitor v1.5, Robot Wars.

<b>Presentation</b> - Author's presentation: Ray Disk Monitor v1.5, Robot Wars.
RAY DISK MONITOR version 1.5

           (C) RAY Software, 1996

          Author's presentation


     Once I have a regular
time at work drive "died" a separate line, and it was on this 
occasion many words, bad and different, as porusski and in 
English, I sat down restore at least the last recorded 
assembler source. Hours later I dug up half of their somewhere 
at the end of the disc 

(Those who ever worked, I
understand - how to find the file among
similar intermediate shipments, which
periodically alternated with the team
MOVE). Alas, they did not want opoznavatsya
TASM'om as their own. Yet after a while I realized that not 
recover the entire file. And once again climbed into the 
"jungle" with DISK DOCTORA a commander, CONVER. When TASM,

finally deigned to take the hard-
"Scratched" the file, it appears that this is -
intermediate shipping and, moreover, is quite old ... It has 
been said more any words, and here are evidently dominated by 

     In general, after a long (in
subjective sensation - even longer)
time, the sources were found. But on this
drive, I had yet compiled
drayverochki, screens, and every little thing that accumulates 
on the scratch disk when long its operation. On her recovery 
there was not time or energy, and it was lost. What a pity!

     But as they say "every cloud has a silver lining." (We do 
not need such a "good"!) While I is engaged in restoration, 
which is tedious climbing over the disk, followed by a dull 
contemplation of hexadecimal codes so characters from the 
standard set SPECCY (the rest are displayed as

gaps - CONVER COMMANDER version 3.03),
my mind suddenly came word Piter'a
Norton'a that once upon a time, working at IBM, he lost the 
right data and not able to restore them. After that he wrote 
his famous "NORTON UTILITIES". A similar situation, is not it? 
By the way, on an IBM data search in a file or unused disk 
space is made simple and elegant. Look for something there, too

if not fun, then at least less problematic.

     "And what SPECCY worse?" - I thought. AND
why it does not have the same convenience and
very needed programs? (Incidentally,
Piter Norton became famous precisely for its utilities, but not 
Commander'u as 

believed by some - program THE NORTON
COMMANDER did not write it).

     So the idea of ​​writing this program's
I have borrowed, but the basis for her writing
was based on my own ideas
and wishes.

     Sincerely, RAY Software,

                     October / November 1996.

P.S. This program belongs to the class

     FREEWARE, ie extends

     FREE. If someone would be the requirement
     vat you paid for it - spit

     him in the face! The only

     possible exception: it can

     included in the collection with other systems
     kami (a free application).


     RAY DISK MONITOR is designed to
comfortable enough to find data on
drive with the ability to edit and
recover lost files.

     Monitor works with only one sector. Scrolling sectors 
performed keys TR.VIDEO (top) and INV.VIDEO

(Down). Current track / sector shown in
bottom of the screen.

     The monitor is designed to work with
standard TR-DOS disk (80 tracks,
16 sectors, DS / DD as formatted in the sector in 2544).

     Cancel a command or exit the menu
by keys or EDIT BREAK.

     Supports two modes:

     - The entire disc;

     - In the file.
With this move and the search carried out, respectively, over 
the entire disk or Only the file.

     Has 6 viewing modes (to be included by clicking on the 
highlighted large letter):

Cat - Browsing directory. Conclusions
       reduces the information in the standard

       Catalog form: name, type, options

       start, length, size in sectors

       (Size), starting sector (SS) and

       the initial file-path (ST). If

       are on track zero, then

       have the opportunity to edit.

       When entering checks the value of SS

       0 .. 15 and ST 0 .. 159.
Text - Image in a text file.

       Displays all 256 characters. Can

       watch. txt files from IBM (or

       ZX WORD'a). Characters are

       as follows (codes - color):

        00 .. 31 in black and blue

        32 .. 127 - blue on blue,

       128 .. 255 - red to blue.

       It is possible to edit.

coDe - like most disc

       doctors. Halves of the sector variables
       listyvayutsya TR. / INV_VIDEO, arrows

       indicate which part of the sector

       on the screen (the down arrow - first).

       When editing the switching

       between the panels - EXT_MODE. To

       change the number system, press

       Symbol_Shift and "H". In the ASCII

       characters are highlighted in

       mode TEXT.

Font - Font viewing 8X8. No editing
Scrn - viewing a standard screen. It
       Nogo prolonged action: show

       a display file, click on the button,

       throw attributes, click on the Clavey
       shu, return to the main menu. EU
       naturally, can not be edited.

asM - Browsing disassembler.

       Arrow keys up / down one

       B, left / right keys or

       TR_VIDEO, INV_VIDEO - up / down

       16 bytes. No editor.

Basic - is not marked in the line help.

        View the sector for the presence
        Chia BASIC'a. Very similar to the one
        What the viewer in the same CONVER'e. However,

        there are some differences ...
It highlighted:

   - Bright white line numbers;

   - Bright yellow - UDG-symbols and pseudo-

   - Bright blue in brackets -

     control characters.
Viewing continues until the end of the sector,
independently, found the marker end BASIC'a
or not.

     The remaining modes are:

Addr - the start address sector. (Pure Ser
       Visna appointment). In the re
       daktirovaniya displays the address of

       taking into account offsets from the beginning of the 

       If the file mode set
       Xia: BASIC for the file type in # 5D3B,

       for everyone else - setting

       START from the directory. As shown

       practice, this mode is convenient implementation
       transfer was accomplished in a number of DEC

       HEX and vice versa.

Edit - the transition to the editor where you can.

Open - to find the file. If the file is found, the model
       nitor goes into file mode

make fiLe - actually, for the sake of the regime

       and the city all the fuss is about. You

       viewing disk sector for the second
       torus, and how to "collect" the file from

       sectors. (More precisely, we collect it

       header). As a result of

       This option appears in the directory

       new element with the following pair

       Name, Extension - enter on west

       Start - Adr equal when you

               press "L";

       Length = Size * 256;

       Size - number of sectors that question
              It refers to pressing the "S".

       SS and ST - respectively: the initial
              nye sector and track file

              equal sectors and the track

              which was to monitor

              while clicking on the "L".
Read - read sector.

H / d - switching HEX / DEC.

fInd - search a sequence of bytes

       or string. Byte codes are entered in the

       HEX-form in CAPITAL LETTERS. If

       sequence is found, it

       is highlighted in TEXT mode

       VIEW or CODE VIEW. Then press

       "N" for further search or

       other key to exit. If

       sequence is not found -

       Border red.

     And now a few non-obvious

Quit to cat - the transition to a directory, then

              a place where he was bybran

              file. When you first start -

              to the top of the directory.

              Fits CAT VIEW.

              Resets the file mode.
GRAPH - Go to the top of the file. If not

        file mode - analog "Q".

Put sector - write sector.

fUll info - full information on the disk,

            recorded in 8 sectors. Pos
            le you have plenty Haus
            change the zero track, this

            information needed to otkorrekti
            test stand. You can, of course, gave

            nuyu, as can be seen below.

SS / C (Restore the 8-th sector). Infor
            mation on the sector recovered
            is called the basis of the provisions of

            (Physical, not in catalogs
            n) the last file on the dis
            Re. If your disk is formatted
            Rowan in the DCU at the maximum tracks,

            anyway for the maximum to
            lichestvo sectors will be at
            customary to 2544 (auto-

            format type is impossible, since

            Information on this sector

            may be "left").

Jump through sectors - to go in seconds
            torus. Convenient for installation

            beginning of the next file. For

            this at the beginning of the file, click

            "J" and type in the length of the file

            sectors. If the transition is more

            than length - resets

            File Mode.

     This version does not implement the regime
tracking the cursor position on the disk with
position of the file. (In CONVER'e by clicking
Enter, you can find out which file contains the cursor). Enter 
here the regime I consider it inappropriate because, in theory,

considered that the directory "dead." And more: the protection 
of "fool-proof" is, but rather lean - when you type in the 
letters DEC-mode or HEXrezhime invalid characters value is 
reset. When you enter a value greater than 255 bytes or words 
of more than 65535, the value introduced, but "from the 
ceiling." When HEXvvode recognized only big letters. So 
strongly do not brake! When DEC-mode you can enter in the HEX-a 
(first character must be "#").

              Use and enjoy!

              ROBOT WARS

            (C) CAV Inc., 1996

          Author's presentation

     In 2034, after the Earth
nearly died in an outbreak of nearly
War, it was decided by the UN to disarm
all the major nuclear powers and form a
single body in the world.

     After twenty years of existence
Corps was disbanded as useless, and all bases and factories - 
mothballed. But the man on the nature of being aggressive, and 
politics - a delicate matter, and after neskolkoh political 
conflicts, almost overgrown in the military, it was decided to 
allocate a portion of the surface of Mars for conflict 
resolution. Go to the wishes of the colonists no one listened 

     That is to say, the prehistory. Full version you can read 
in the most game. In the Appendix you will find a demo version

game, or rather, not the game itself, but the regime
battlefield. The robots are not controlled. The game has
purely observational in nature. "Robot Wars" refers to the 
so-called "non-deterministic games," so that fans break a 
stick, please do not worry. 

     If you've already seen "SOLDIER OF THE
FUTURE ", do not rush to compare them, it is
a few different things (rather strongly

     Now, briefly about what would be
full version games:

     - Other sprites and field robots, robots will be displayed 
on the mask; 

     - Lots of weapons (about 20);

     - Up to six (and later eight)
robots on the field;

     - Fight as a team and in the "every man for himself";

     - Technical cannibalism with the ability to research;

     - Experience in the recruitment of the robot will
All new teams;

     - Two modes of battle: until recently, and
before the expiration of a specified time;

     - And much more, which I still keep silence ...

     The game is a 70% share in
currently being studied by the demand for it.

       We welcome letters and orders!

Other articles:

Obmen experience - The use of channels in the programs. Using sub-ROMs.

Obmen experience - Some features XAS'a. Passing parameters to the program from the command line.

Obmen experience - A few useful tips and advice on connecting FDD 3.5 (three-inch floppy disk).

Interview - An Interview with Nicodim'om (R. Romanov), the author of the game Prince of Persia.

Interface - Letters from readers: Igor Galuza, Garkushin Alexei Inozemtsev Andrey, Potolovsky Viktor Nikolaevich.

Interface - The reasons for the collapse of the Yaroslavl electronic journal "El Dorado". New protection - Anti McDonald. Bad Is Piracy? Are several reasons why not to buy IBM PC as a home computer. How to get "NEW DIZZY"?

Review - O new programs: Narc, The Hundred, Heavy Metal Mover, Quick Draw McGraw, Iice Climber (Climber), Super Cars, Lode Runner 3, Down Town, land of myths, Gremlin 2 , Sword of Bane, Turbo Skate Fighter, Assault Course, Mercs, Darkman. Ten of the best games.

Ottyag - Test "You do not happen to brake?" 20 things that you can do until the game is loaded from tape and disk. Test "As far as like you around?" 40 things you can do with a "broken" drive and 5 tips how not to do with "broken" disk. A few tips for those who want to send programs to soil- those to their foreign friends.

Presentation - Author's presentation: Ray Disk Monitor v1.5, Robot Wars.

Presentation - The program for creating adventyur QUILL.

Promotion - Novella to the game "Trap Door".

Promotion - Description of the game "Jungle Warrior".

Promotion - the passing game "Navy Moves-2".

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

System - Description of programs: ZX-ASM3.0, Universal XAS Converter v2.1, Format Utility v2.01, Commander DOS v1.9, Super Catalog v1.12, Text Designer v1.0, The Dizzy Editor v1.0, Digital Studio for Covox, Alfasoft Music Crasher v2.13. Printer driver fonts created by Mach v2.4.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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