Insanity #08
19 января 2001

Batting For Peace - On the stage and scenery, is not released software and retrospect on the demoscene.

<b>Batting For Peace</b> - On the stage and scenery, is not released software and retrospect on the demoscene.
                    ... In fact ...

    $% Surv! V0r

                            'Natural nature we have destroyed,

                             and artificial destroy us. "

                                           A. and B. 

    Perhaps, we can not categorically state that all
spektrumisty are sceners. Among those who do not like it
the word is also in a considerable number of people. I think, 
immaterial what is the point of investing in this concept the 
other, because Philosophy in any case all the same one - to 
keep zx scene alive.

    Although, I think the question is not in the taste
Playing the word 'sceners'. In fact, the meaning of the name of 
the interlayer Computer Society, which is the kind of people

as spektrumisty, there is a special case. In the end, the scene 
- she one at all. One of the only all those who love their

Amiga and upgrade your PC, just as one can not completely
like how someone called moral monster, the other - that
not enough praise, the third - that they know little, etc.

    Feature of the platform lies in the fact that one can be
poglaschena other by a more sophisticated and versatile
technology. However, there is someone will say,
Spectrum that way myself becoming obsolete? Is the scene can be
poglaschena another? Hardly ... Because by and large
sceners from other platforms do not care about the Spectrum 
scene in general. They may be interested in only partial 
success, but the latter the choice is spektrumistami both 
carriers of the virus. All slogans such as 'smth must die!', 
'Xyz rulez' search for cheap popularity. Admit it that much 
easier said than done anything, so to speak was recently 
fashionable. A do?

    Oh well, apparently taken at the scene that all the 
ridiculous insults need to be taken seriously, make 
far-reaching hasty and crooked conclusions, and then 
permanently shield from the outside world deaf steel bars, and 
most importantly - to think and imagine yourself steep and 
always single and unique in its genre ... And even though 
someone would have understood from these figures that the 
errors make everything, but not everyone wants to recognize 
their own and the more learn from them.

    In fact, so if the scene called it a scene, then all who
It is cooking, does not matter how long sceners call themselves
may be quite normal without any condemnation from others.
Of course, any assertion is usually someone to disproved
beer foam at the mouth. No doubt. And it's really done
and themselves as 'former'. About the former it has to
sense. But see, my friend, all at the same time simple and 
complicated in our world:

    ... In the year that way in 1995, when neither you nor I do 
not view had about stsenovyh concepts at a minimum today, in 
the head The wind, and the issue of new software was as acute 
as with in this business situation, and now, you could not 
imagine what will happen you only after some five to six years 
in that moment when you will be exactly the same as if sitting 
at the Pentagon and its read it all? It's so, and do not try to 
dissemble, except that Your Pentagon has probably already 
davnenno turned into some rare-earth Pentium with cloud 
Spectrum software on the screw ... 

    Any self-respecting spektrumist immersed in the problems of 
scene today and yesterday. Someone acts with an eye on

future, but the scene has always been the same question - 'where
rolling all this rattling wagon '?

    This question generates nastalgiyu, causing a feeling of
genuine pride in the fact that Spectrum gave these
years when were all sorts of Enlight, Funtop, Chaos
Constructions ... and regret it is not necessary, because you 
have to be fool those who are six or seven years invested

soul in your 'favorite computer', and then just like
by chance, in between times humbly to say - 'Fuck you all to 
...' and rot away aimlessly. Well, well ... Why then

stop those who are already settled in full

    Each year, appearing regularly view that, say,
'1995 Was the year for the scene is better than 1996 'or,' in 
1998 so many interesting, even hurt that 1999 was the sparing of

crop demos' ...

    Of course, when compared with the previous one year -
difference in achievement is seen not so great and the views
opt for the last only as a tribute
stagnant fashion.

    Let's say the rumor is that '1996 was a little worse than 
1995 ' born from the fact that active coagulation activity Code 
Busters, as in 1994 and 1995 they were the obvious leaders

demoscene, which has only Satisfaction and would have placed 
Insult all points over i. Compete with them at that time could 
make Is that Dream Makers. But was Enlight'96 ... as a result of

which it appeared that CBS no longer the same, and the new 
Insult in the face failed project Carefree demo we can not see 
how the new projects from the DMS ... Therefore, all for 
yourself and decide - it's better then Insult to Satisfaction.

    Or, another example of the same theme - the closure of all 
possible magazines and newspapers. If they had not closed, 
would raise new Rumors of the death of the Spectrum?

    Not surprisingly, most of the information publications to
So far very few people read from cover to cover, acting on the 
principle 'Just to be', so that the disappearance of a couple 
of advanced publications which occurred in 2000, the notice 
will not soon, by way of 2002, when a new wave of all walks of 
samizdat press popret out. And you say that everything dies ...

    Think! How much you have accumulated only your nerelizhennyh
things? I'm talking about those ruined projects that can be
would be released, or at least show the people, not take away 
from the grave of time? One can only speculate and guess

about how much software was not released due to one or other
the reasons are mostly stupid. And if someone is unable to cut
themselves from this 'cabbage' is not to pull and more ... 
Plenty of ideas die because of what the author considers their 
product useless public. I think there is no need to enumerate 
the list all that was promised to be, do, but ultimately did not

did or did not finish ...

    Probably just need some time to change
generation of people who came to work at the turn of the 
Spectrum, majority of which came in 2000, to get

new results.

    Can be from a number of shell-shocked to hear the head 
still and the following thoughts: 'Scene of past years, all the 
same better than today. " Moreover, as Typically, the author of 
these lines, it is obvious on the home preparation, 
artistically grabs her sour jelly belly and writhing a video 
camera, showing how he is, this gesticulating atheist, 
powerless to do anything in today's environment '. Hmm ... 
After all this, people should work gag people demonstrated in 

    Firstly, these vicious statements elementary
killed by a desire to do anything at all, since in the final
result necessarily would be that the new release as it may seem 
strange, but _huzhe_ vsamdeleshnogo slop release, or, for 
example, to achieve even the unsuccessful party certainly 
doomed to oblivion and failure ...

    The same nonsense!

    Second. If we accept that 'the best behind', it has to be
motto translates in no less paradoxical slogan 'worst
should be ahead '... But all this is contrary to a sense of
and achieve new heights and is more suitable for impersonation

    You can endlessly compare what the other half
nineties is different from the first five years of the last
a dozen of the XX century for the Spectrum. One thing is clear. 
It was no better and no worse. It is applicable here the words 
'was as usual'. Why am I say that?

    All that was the result of party meetings, 1996-2000 and
turned out to be waste products of this period is
doubtless a consequence of how the Spectrum was developed in 
the early 90. Pop up the most vivid moments from previous 
years, and all that was of a negative character is forgotten, 
and plays no significant role. That myth is born, something 
that was better. If you had 'no', do you want from this good?

I doubt it ...

    Or here - say that, ostensibly, only because
to some one, let it be, for example, one of the most respected
organizers demoparty, Spectrum has survived and went into the 
XXI Century - unrealistic, and most importantly - fair for 
everyone else. Everyone put so much force as he could, and saw 
fit to give in common cause for everyone's benefit, even if it 
is this man and do not thought about what the meaning hidden in 
all its unselfish actions.

    Reasoning thus, not difficult to reach the conclusion that 
all We eventually obliged to one of these people - Clive

Sinclair! And it would be the most rational decision.

    Sceners by nature will never be content with
that he has reached, so is unlikely to find a man who
pleased with everything that happened with the platform for all 
those years that he can remember. Alone chunks dominance and 
confrontation 'Octet' design demah - not this new round of 
search truth which is somewhere nearby?

    And such conflicts are normal. Like fathers and children. 
As well now draw a parallel with what the older generation likes

put a spoke in the wheel of new seedlings? Clearly, I hope to
what I mean? So it is here. Elderly scene absolutely nothing
want to change anything in my life, wrapped in warm blankets of 
their of old ideas, giving them the slogan: 'The best thing has 
been, because that we did it! " And as they do not sympathize, 
but all the same, so Anyway, sooner or later, but will have to 
unhook the car with these marazmatik from the train and say bye!

    A simple example - go look out his old friend, the
Spectrum which is associated only with tape Dizzy, Exolon
and, in extreme cases, with the disk R-Type. Sat him in front
monitor and show me something he just could not imagine -
Spectrum today! Tell him all about his achievements,
Show items century - Lyra II, Shock, Insult, Refresh, Brain 
Crash, Forever, Shit 4 Brains ... and look into his eyes ... 
Ask - what does he feel?

    After all this, and respect not only awaken him to
you, and you to yourself!

    And then ask yourself the question - what is better? 
Spectrum yesterday or today? The answer will be one ... 
Spectrum today - better than yesterday, and let the many 
already there, but you - there! 

Other articles:

Introduction - A few words of the copyright.

EventS Overview - Surv! V0r on events and facts: Opening Spectrum banner networks have emerged POS site, review demo with SS'2000, renaming Eternity Industry, the results of Final Shoque'2k, CHV2 not will, closing newspapers Born Dead, LFG group disbanded.

Hi Tech - Stingrey about the world of technology.

Spectrum IS The BeSt - RobuS ^ Entire preparing a new Superclones Spectrum.

ChaoS ConstructionS'ooo - CyberJack and Chaos: podrobneshy story about the last party.

Paradox'2k - the story of the Rostov SerzhSoft'a demopati.

Theme - Probing the masses: the answers to the question of spektrumistam: 'What do you can you say about the Spectrum, which will come in the XXI Century '.

Batting For Peace - On the stage and scenery, is not released software and retrospect on the demoscene.

Hard - Profi - Connecting to Profi various peripherals.

DevilS - The relationship on stage: dismantling SerzhSoft with the authors of the journal Deja VU.

Ins! De - Spectrum and its potential: the establishment of a global print publications, care Mednogova with Spectrum, etc.

Demoscene RPG - Instructions for role-playing game 'Demo Scene. "

Russian Lan Rules - Jam for writers and for writers: a list of the most common mistakes of the Russian language.

Scened - demoscene eyes Prog Master'a.

Unusual - Literary Page for news of the day.

Insanity JokeZ # 2 - A second collection of poetry stsenovoy.

HeresY: unpublished - Religion and its essence.

Cred! 7z - Requisites.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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