Born Dead #0A
02 июня 1999

Spite of the day - F.A. ... Q

<b>Spite of the day</b> - F.A. ... Q


                         F.A. ......... Q

After a series of troubles and complications with the release 
of the Samara disk version megademki FIRST ASSOCIATION, a 
progressive masses of questions "on doing." Answers to them I 
summarized in The text, once and for navegda end near


1) How is FA and where it can take?

"Samara" disk version FIRST ASSOCIATION takes two
full disk and 0.25 of the third disc. Disks are numbered as
# 00, # 01, # 02. Disc # 00 contains 48k of the disc # 01 most
128k units, and the disc # 02 is run - on it is
intro, help, 128k balance of parts and demo FA PREVIEW. Get FA
can be anywhere:)

2) Well, on two discs were slightly spakovat?

Packing on the conscience, but did not fit on two discs. In
Basically it is possible to release all the FA on two 
diskettes, but they must have non-standard markup. Because it 
entails a number of problems with copying and running on the 
emulator, we such a move did not go.

If we talk about as a package, you would like to note that
original FA took 1,631 kilobytes, but after repackaging
domestic compressors - 1349 kilobytes.

3) What sort of fix was released and the fuck I need it?

Shortly after the release of the disk version was found
Minor bug, thanks to which, whatever way
machine you choose to part # 42, still breakdowns choice
PENTAGON'a and accordingly worked multicolor Part # 44.
Fix # 01 is it correct, though hardly anyone will need
settings on all these bourgeois Spectrum. As more
New fix'ov we will inform you:)

4) What it looks for the loader on the drive for 15 seconds 
after first start the demo? Why is loading so wretchedly slow? 
AND generally where and how stuff drives?

The loader is designed so that it makes no difference from what
drive you are running, how much you drive and all. So
that if there is a not only drive A:, and another, or
better than two extra, then you just have to stick to them
The remaining two discs with demos. That is, how much you drive
there are so many disks you have in them and sticks. The loader 
itself determines that-where, and in the future when needed to 
change drive will be carried out easy transition to another 
drive. Especially it's useful for owners of emulators or screws.

Through the use of all disk operations _only_ point
TR-DOS'a # 3D13, ensures correct operation on any
DOS'a versions, as well as on hard drives and other SMUC
lotion. According to them, and download speed is quite mundane -
slow (relatively).

5) bullshit IM2 Loading'om in part from the K3L! He's on my 
TR-DOS 9.xy maliciously brake podgruzku music!

Who makes you turn it on? This IM2 loading did not
about our TR-DOS'nuyu honor pisan .... God knows, why there are
bourgeois going to be loaded with music (obviously with +3 
DOS), but the fact that all of our version of FA was done 
through the # 3D13 did not allow IM2 realize this at the TR-DOS 
(though they may know, our people are already long ago learned 
to be loaded with music and with quite quickly). That's sort of 
it all was, until MAXSOFT not made in this loader some slight 
changes, and then it all pleasure was a surprisingly good work 
on emulators - even through # 3D13 music played as was supposed 
to play! More precisely to say, nothing to do with emulators - 
the music will play normally when loaded on any device with an 
access rate of more than in the drive (well, that is, the 

However, while I could not imagine that on a live machine
a floppy it will work too. That's why pro
IM2 loading there is no mention in help'e. And only an 
inquiring mind MMCM'a guess try this option in practice. Turned

that the loading of the music is possible, but since this drive 
is not fast as a screw (or emulator), it is clearly observed

certain podvyvaniya in music! Well, get yourself - it's
# 3D13!!!

In short, the summary is - do not include IM2 loading and you 
will be then easily and naturally. And do not try

reformat the drive in different ways (Interlachen, location
sectors), as was done for EYE ACHE 2, POWER UP or REFRESH.
It will not save the music will still be interrupted!!

Incidentally, it is very interesting to hear a report from the 
happy Winners screws - both of these passes devaysa IM2 loading

(Interrupted by the music)??

6) Why is the demo we fix a PENTAGON? Weakly was a Scorpio
do, or just under my XYZ?

Demo fix'il MAXSOFT, and from his Spectrum just emulators. A
of emulators less only ZX EMUL 0.33 somehow reminds
something alive - and it's alive - almost PENTAGON! Here in 
this fix such "one-sided." It's time would have used that to 
show demo your PROFI though he with 2MB, clock, CP / M'om,

programmer and Z80H at 14 Mhz, well, does not fit:)

7) How to listen to music in the sober side of # 50 - Omega Gfx 
part # 02? 

This part is essentially a music-bank. Move the cursor to the
icon PROGRAM, click on the "fire" (0 if you have selected 
sinclair). You get the play-list, where you can mark the desired

number of tracks, or select them all at once, or
to have one. When you complete the selection of tracks,
accurately, once (!), click on the button EXIT. Your play-list
connects and starts playing. Then you can skip
with the composition on the track, accelerate / stop playback
melody. Withdrawal shall be effected by pressing the icon EXIT.

By the way, I recommend to always listen to the track from the 
demo PHENOMENA on the AMIGA 500 - Music copied to AY are just 
perfect! Although everything else, including very similar to 
the original composition of PET SHOP BOYS also sound good.

8) FA copied from a friend, and she's Names will not start! 
Maybe my XYZ is buggy?

Copy to yourself! All three discs, even the latter is not
completed until the end, must be copied _isklyuchitelno_
Disk-to-drive! The fact that the files are located since the 9 
th Sector 0th track, plus a directory has a few special

elements that define membership drive.
Naturally, none Commanderie you do not copy correctly when
per file copied. So, to avoid problems
copy disks potrekovaya copiers. On disc # 02 can
append any programs / data (fortunately he was half-empty), but
Use the sober Commanderie which is not much crap katalog.I
certainly should not try to copy something outside
160th track! All three have a standard TR-DOS format and
according to this ... well, in general, you can copy:)

9) I want to dig out of a garbage FA (music, graphics, code)! As
as a separate download this or that part of the TR-Dos'a (STS'a,
shadow businesses)??

If we are talking about 48K units, then there generally is no 
problem, since each of them has its own decompressor.

Loaded it in the STS, rearranged resident (such as 23872)
and traced.

If you are interested of the 128th, the most likely files
belonging to it are approximately as follows:


The first file is a unpacker that is copied rather
only address # 5B00. After unpacking the first file received
data scattered in the pages of memory and is RET.
Now we need to load the next file (with a single underscore). He
no longer have a unpacker and enjoy what is left
at # 5B00. After unpacking the data will again be recorded on
page. The last file, also without their own
depack'era, unpack, and I will lay myself on the remaining
pages finally run this part.

From TR-DOS'a run arbitrary part, and that is easier. First
doing in BASIC'e CLEAR 24999: RANDOMIZE USR 15616. Then just
write RUN "filename" CODE. If part of the 128th, after
carried out the operation, you will return to the TR-DOS with a 
cheerful sign ERROR. Do not pay any attention to it and go 
ahead and start the next file - RUN "filename_" CODE. And so on 
until part of it run (ie, for the 128th Part neobhdimo 
consistently run all prenadlezhaschie her blocks).

A) I believe, the coolest part of all the FA - it is the intro 
to the whole this case! Who is the savage coder has made such a 
frenzy of 48k?

Well, this encoder MONSTER, helped him with music / graphics / 
design MM 

Other articles:

Coding - As kodit best: generating sine tables, the output attribute black / white sprite.

Games of Millennium - Games based on the movie Renegade (Renegade).

Entry - Ah, here I am ...

voice from the grave - Loki: Super Spectrum Sprinter or the 80th?

Spite of the day - CC'999: We told you so ...

Spite of the day - F.A. ... Q

News - Waiting CC'999 worse than most CC'999.

Review - Overview of new products: Forever, Heresy # 1, Helicopter, Pussy.

Application - Work with CC'99: Apocalips, Eclipse, Absent.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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