Spectrofon #07
30 июня 1994

Debut - Game "The Sentinel" ("GUARD"). Fans of three-dimensional games will appreciate the idea of this game.

<b>Debut</b> - Game
          D E B U T


   Today we bring to your attention an unusual three-dimensional
game company FIREBIRD - "THE
SENTINEL "(" Guardian) Description of the debut of this game 
will be too unusual. We offer you a Alloy Computer novels, 
fantasy stories and instructions to the game. What came out of 
it to judge you, dear readers. 

   Two words about the game itself. Three-dimensional shaded 
graphics - it seems like it all. A decision on the game puzzling


   Presence in the game arcade
element, an interesting sound and reality of the situation - 
all this puts the game in a row with "CASTLE

MASTER "," DRILLER "and other games of this type. And yet
This game - is something else. Firstly, it is a multi-level, 
and secondly, the problem at every level does not changing, but 
gradually becomes more complicated. And the graphics are not 
quite "Drillerovskaya.

   The disadvantages of the game may include a slow speed,
that, however, quickly forgotten
and especially do not interfere, and even reverse - the world 
of this game is perceived as something really existing. And now 
our debut. 

(C) Yuri Matveev, 1994.


    (On the game "THE SENTINEL")

   The night was unusually
dark. The air smelled pozhuhshey
foliage, as reflected in the puddles
dim light of roadside lanterns. I'm coming home ...

   They appeared suddenly, as if from beneath the earth. Two 
figures in black blocked my way.

   - Sorry - was made near
my ear .- Can you for a moment?

   I stopped and tried to
carefully to see them. Both
were dressed in charcoal black cloaks. No hats, the same height 
and it seems like at each other like two drops of water.

   - I hear you - I said calmly.

   - We need your help, "said First. - You could not
go with us?

   I looked at his watch. Time -
hour of the night.

   - What happened? - I asked

   - The global disaster - said second without irony.

   Drawing attention to my lung confusion first, with
the height of its growth, he added:

   - It is very important. Let's go ...

   - As a next time,
guys - I answered, and, without turning, he went towards his

   Strangers were in place.
Turning to the house, I noted with satisfaction that the two so-
and have not made a single step.
A moment later, their dark shapes blended with night and 
darkness vanished into thin air. Maybe

I just have not noticed
they're gone? ..

   When I opened the door to the apartment and turned on the 
lights in the hallway, I thought the house already

someone is there. "Wow has stood out is night!" - I thought, 
passing into the room.

   THEY like statues standing
the window. I immediately recognized their silhouettes. Two 
black high figures did not seem to have changed their positions,

from the moment when I saw them
the last time.

   I turned on the lights in the room and
now could well see them.
It was something! Everyone seemed to
cobbled together out of blocks, was dressed
in the non-reflecting light jacket, made from material unknown 
to me, like a plastic. And They had no legs! Square face

closed velvet mask.

   When one of the visitors turned to my profile, I noticed 
that he had no hands. Then is, his body was a perfect 
cylindrical shape. When bright light, my guests were like

rather on the ancient statues of the gods unknown.

   Now I realized that it was
NOT PEOPLE! What the heck? I
plopped down on the couch, unable to
utter a word.

   - Understand that you really need us - without any 
preliminaries started first. His voice was quiet, but 

   I wonder how do they say?
Or is telekinesis? I frantically
pulled out a pack of cigarettes, fumbled
pockets, snapped his lighter.
Cigarette smoke gently led me to my senses. But I still

   - We do not have the time - said
Second. - We ask carefully
listen to us and ... agree
our proposal.

   - Who are you? - Finally, asked
I am carefully watching my
uninvited guests.

   - We - sentrisy. From the watchdog unit Sixteenth
Landscape of Our Time Parallels.

   "All clear," - I thought, well
aloud: - And why do not you
in the service?

   - This is the point. In our
Temporal parallels occurred
coup. Came to power Black Sentinel. We pulled out of time and 
space and thrown into abyss of timelessness. Our civilization 
is on the verge of death. Black Sentinel is all death. In

including your parallels.

   - Wait ... I do not
understand. As I guess you are -
from a parallel world?

   - Yes. By accident we ended up near your parallels.
We have no choice. We can not
return to our world. Black Sentinel captured ten thousand 
worlds, and led the Our parallel. He has a very large army. Our

resistance was quickly crushed. Now, he - Lord of the Universe. 
Breathing his infernal machine has hung over and you ... 

   While sentris told his
dramatic story I have several
thought twice about the phone. May
be a call somewhere? And anyway, what kind of intrusion into my
house? The story of the parallel worlds - a half-second night - 
it too much!

   But sentris like guessing
My thoughts:

   - Need evidence? -
He turned to the second and I heard a soft hissing sound. Second
sentris completely dissolved in

   - Now I believe - said nervously
I. - But what does this mean? Where
lost your ... uh-uh ... partner?

   - Nowhere. Just it - it's me.

   - Do not you understand?

   - He's a replicant. I can
Play your copy.

   - Why?

   - So we are moving in
space. It's very simple.
I put my twin in every
I need a place and then move into it. And it means
protection. If you want to
kill me, I'm at the moment
attack, migrated to in my copy.

   - Oh, that's why you had all
times two?

   - Yes.

   - And now you are no longer afraid
me? - Just said I, as a
air, something crackled, and from
nothingness appeared a replicant

   - I want to believe you, - said
sentris. - And I know that you share with us

   Replicant again disappeared.

   - Maybe you do not understand very well our customs - 
explained sentris - but we have a presence with an eye for an 
eye, without support replicants, is the highest sign of trust 
and friendship.

   "Maybe if people would not
had a pair of hands, they also learned to play the replicants 
"- I thought. 

   - Well, - I said. - What's on
I want to? I hope you do not
inviting me to lead your

   - Not exactly - in full
seriously sentris said. - We
need help with high-energy
humanoid capable of clear
our world from the Army Black Centinela ...

   - Is a humanoid is able to cope with a whole army?

   - Do not capable. But we need
take a foothold in order to
prepare forces and strike a decisive blow. - The air hissed 
again and next to the sofa appeared replicant. At the same 
instant My companion disappeared, and

replicant turned to face me.

   - I just moved to your
closer, - has explained voice sentris born again replicant.

   - Okay, okay - I said,
added - go on.

   - Black Sentinel put
their sentrisov and junior guard Sentinel occupied territories. 
In landscapes of the Lower Levels it has only one

Jr. Sentinel. They can be
cope ...

   - And what about you? - Asked ya.Neuzheli You do not have 
the strength? 

   - Black Sentinel has
great energy. We can not
seriously oppose it. A
you - people who are under strength. You
enormous energy potential. You just have not learned how to use 
it. We have long watching your civilization

and realized that you - that's what
we need to ...

   - So, - I said thoughtfully.
- I understand that you are going to teach me to use my energy 
potential in the fight against your Black Centinela? 

   - Yes. We are open to you
completely different world. We will teach
You move in space
totally different, more sophisticated way than that accorded to 
men. We will teach You use energy, while

inaccessible to you. You will become
as strong as ever. We will give you
most powerful weapon of the universe.
Bio-energy guns. Believe me - it is a huge strength and
great opportunities.

  - I understand. But understand, the
I have a lot of their cases: work,
friends. In the end I just
tired and sleepy. And I do not
very much understand all your problems ... Yes, and your world 
as a whole ... 

  - Excuse me, - broke me
sentris. - With your tremendous
energy you practically nothing
risk. Even if it fails you
return to their world and will
to live as usual. Nobody

  - Where are the guarantees?

  - You will learn to create their
own replicants. You
will be able to live in the body
Replicant to an atom repeating your body. With your, human 
point of view, you will return to his world intact. 

  "And not with a human?" - I thought, looking with interest
unusual companion.

   - And for us there is no concept of physical death. - Again
guessed my thoughts sentris. - There are
death is only the energy,
when your energy sucked up
Absolute zero. But to the people it
does not apply ... You better creation than we are. Just
do not understand this.

   - But why me? Why
You have not addressed yet by anyone?

   - No, not only to you. Now many sentrisy Landscape
appeal to members of your civilization. You a lot. AND
This is good. You - one of the elect. - Sentris for a moment he 
paused, then added: - We do not can no longer wait. Your 

   I did not think for a second. Well,
just turned so serious
case and we need to save the world - I agree. And I said to 
sentrisu this.

   - Just tell me more about your world - added
I .- Who are sentrisy, Junior
Sentinel ...

   - Our Parallel divided into
Landscapes - this is our land, where
we live. Every Terrain
has its own Guard - Junior Sentinel. He guards the peace of 

   Jr. Sentinel is
the highest point of the landscape and
from the height of his position overlooks the entire space.

   At some strategic
Landscapes, but Younger Centinela has his assistants -
sentrisy, in your hour. They
help younger Sentinel.

   Violators of peace, enemies of our world, Jr. Sentinel
consume, using the full power
its bio-energy field.
He just picks up energy from the
enemy. Of course, if the offender
is in the line of sight Younger Centinela. A sentrisy who are 
less energy, capable to throw

enemy at various points of landscape, thus also pumping at
intruder energy.

   - Clearly, - I said. - And than
You eat? How refreshing
your energy?

   - We energize the trees. We are called -
"Bio-energy bunches. This
the only legal way
replenish energy ...

   - And that illegal?

   I thought that my guest
hesitated for a moment.

   - You can gobble up foreign Replicant - the first time in our
conversation in a voice sentrisa
sounded ironic. But he immediately
added: - Truth is the most
terrible crime in Our
the world and very severely punished.
Until death energokazni.

   He paused, and then

   - Black Sentinel just that
and worked before came to
power. Pumping energy of civilians, he created a powerful
army loyal to him and sentrisov
Junior Sentinel. And then came
the hour when he conquered our
world. All were younger Sentinel
overthrown, and in their place he put his henchmen. Part
sentrisov moved to his side, and many - like us - have fled. 
Now he is thinking about other parallels. Not excluded

the following will you - the people.

   Black Sentinel - a vampire. He
need a lot of energy. He grows the trees to increase the size 
of his army to conquer the universe ... 

   - Okay. What should I do? And how do I get into your world.

   - We take you there themselves.
You will become like us. You
should be cleaned, if possible,
as much as possible from the Landscape
Junior Vampire Sentinel. They
rise on pedestals above
each landscape ... Just remember: getting into the field of 
view Centinela you risk losing energy. Scold to the Top

safe ways. Or behind Younger Centinela ...

   - I do not understand that
means "scold"? I was there
will move?

   - How do we: You bet Replicant on any plane within your 
sight, and then move into it. Then you

withdraw his replicants
re looking for a suitable place for
movement. If you accidentally
get into the field of view of Centinela, he starts to pump you
energy. Then you have to look for shelter or unconsciously

   - It's like - Unconsciously?

   - Your will find himself a replicant
out of a difficult situation. Mental images will scan the entire
Landscape and find safe
place, hidden from the eyes of the enemy.

However, in this case, there
risk of loss of energy replicant. But it's not so bad: You
can replenish energy, "eating" trees that grow
Younger Sentinel.

   - Of course. And how many of the energy
need to create a Replicant?

   - Energy intensity of your Replicant - three trees. After 
collecting the energy of the three trees, you refill its 
reserve for another one Replicant ... And get out of the abyss 
and lowlands You will be able to help stone blocks. They are 
placed and removed as a replicant.

Energy intensity of the unit - two trees. And what about the 
trees. You can also put them to

shelter from the radiant look Centinela ...

   Alien from another world painted a picture which is 
difficult fit into my brain. I not very well imagine

all the nuances, but the main thing I was
clear: I was offered to the war in
parallel world in another dimension. And this war was on the 
rules and laws are absolutely incomprehensible to the common 
man. But Nevertheless, I agreed ...

   - Remember, in some
Landscape is a very powerful
protection. Sentrisy vampires can
use watchdogs.
These creatures you find in any
shelters. Destroy them as
just notice ...

   The prospect of being bitten
Watchdogs, did not suit me perfectly. Even if
these dogs were from another world.

   - And finally, - said
sentris. - The more energy you
accumulate - the better. In this
If, after the liberation
Landscape, you cmozhesh move to distant, high-energy 
landscapes. Your power will increase, and thou shalt go to the 
lair of the Black Centinela leaps and bounds.

Those landscapes that you miss will absorb other people .- He 
paused and added: - You have a lot ... You very much.

   I silently stood up and approached him. He already knew I 
was ready go into his world. The room

it was dark. But I suddenly realized
I can see in the dark. Us
together a white power
beam. Sentris stood motionless. C
his face slowly slipped the mask.

   I was surprised
noted that he
no face: behind the mask
hid light and
smooth, almost without
surface protrusions. In the air
smell of electricity. I felt like the floor
quickly went out of
feet, and around the flared and went out millions of yellow 

   - If you meet there Black Centinela - tell him my
curse! - I heard a voice
sentrisa. Echoes of his words
it went over the universe. "Curse" ... Damn! " - Sung
Millions of stars, galaxies and nebulae.

   - And a greeting my relatives - the sixteenth Landscape,
transition frequency - 89581208 ...
Good luck and ...

   I opened my eyes and saw a different world. Mountains,
gorges, precipices - almost
as we do, but everything looked different. Soft green light 
evenly poured from a height. There was no

sun. Away at the very
horizon, high on the mountain on a pedestal, stood Super 
Sentinel. I immediately recognized him. He was

like my night
guest. Although he was taller and slightly wider at the 
shoulders. With such a large distance Sentinel seemed leaden 

   I did not waste time in vain. Near a tree grew.

   "Energy clot? Well
Well, let's try ... "
- I thought, and willed his pumped

   The tree was gone. A
I felt like
filled with the power
my body. Defining
optimal route
to Centinela pedestal, I put the next block of stone and
throwing at him
a Replicant,
moved into a twin.

   The first time I saw myself from outside. Rather than 
themselves, but the manner in which I came to this world: a 
powerful athletic figure, broad shoulders ... My prototype is 
not made me negative emotions. I only wish that I, like

sentrisy was slepleno cubes
and rectangles. And not any
smooth lines.

   I removed the replicants turned one hundred eighty degrees.
Oh, yes, there is an entire grove of trees!

   Replicant throws in the grove, take a block and a double 
and, with Dignified, "devour" the trees. But

Jr. Sentinel saw me ...
Feeling glance the guard was not
pleasant. I felt like a
every moment is enhanced
pain, but it weakens the entire body.
We had to flee.
Making out on the opposite
side of the divide flat area
I "tossed" back his replicants quickly jumped into it.
My previous double melted on
eyes. A second later there was already
was an ordinary stone
block, and in a second - grew a tree ... Then it disappeared. 
But instead increased another. Sentinel took all the energy

my replicants now turned her into the trees ...

   "Yeah, nice gift I've done
this monster "- I thought, picking the newly planted trees.
Thus re-established its
energy, I moved on.

   Vertex I reached a rather
quickly. Behind left the gorge,
Valley, "carved" I have gardens.
I stood on the plateau on which the
towering pedestal Younger
Centinela Zero landscape. He
back was to me and did not see
me. Two stone block, replicant - and I'm on top. But I do not
hurry. I needed to gather more trees to
increase the supply of energy ...

   Jr. Sentinel obviously did not expect that I'm so close to 
the goal. His most significant energy

blow a little late. I've seen
Plane on which he stood.
Remove my enemy was a matter of
two seconds. I felt something like
all the energy transferred to Centinela
me. The pedestal was empty. I carefully put on a plane 
replicants moved into it. 

   Painting from the top opened
gorgeous! I stood on the site
Younger defeated Centinela.
Now residents of this landscape
may return to their home
place. I'm relieved Zero
The landscape of the puppet vampire!
And I am waiting for new worlds. Using all of the accumulated 
energy I launched into the unknown ...


   I woke up late. The day was
in full swing. Outside, the sparrows were twittering merrily, 
enjoying the rays still warm autumn sun.

   Well, dream! Parallel worlds
sentrisy, Black Sentinel ...

   I washed and dressed and went
to the kitchen to cook breakfast. And then
the doorbell rang. I went to open it. On the threshold stood my 
friend Roofing.

   - Hello! Until you just can not get through ...

   - Come ... Something urgent?
- I asked, letting her visitor pass.

   - What could be a temporary
addition of new computer games?

   - Of course. Well go so far on the computer. I'll go up.

   With a cup of tea and sandwiches, I
came into the room and sat on the couch. Roofing at this time 
already downloaded some game. When you see the splash screen, I 
just fell off the couch. The game is called: "THE SENTINEL".

   - Sentinel?! - I yelled.

   - What are you doing? - Toll puzzled
looked at me.

   - I was there ... - I barely uttered.

   - Do not you understand?

   - Parallel World. Other

   In the eyes of my friend, I probably looked crazy, but
could not help myself.
Taking myself together, I paint
told night's sleep. My friend
just grinned:

   - Coincidence. - He snapped. -
When did you last time
go to bed?

   - Yes, it is no coincidence. How could I know what you are 
offering Today this game?

   - Come on, calm down. Better
Go sleep, while I play.

   - You do not believe me? - I said indignantly. - But it's 

   We have a few minutes colloquy. I tried
to prove something, but my friend did not want to listen to me.
In the end we had a falling out.

Toll call me crazy, and
packed his bags and headed into the hallway. I followed him and 
stubbornly insisted his own. 

   - Okay, all the while - grimly
threw on the run, my friend and
open the door.

   Behind the door, two-meter column towered sentris:

   - He's right, Tolia. We need
your help.

   Echo his words, like clap
thunder, it started on the ladder
spans the desert entrance of my home ...

      Control keys:

R - put a replicant.

T - to put a tree.

B - put a block of stone.

A - remove the object.

Q - to move into a replicant.

H - hide / move to the next terrain (after

U - turn 180 degrees.

P - pause.

ENTER - continue the game.

Z - On / Off. music.
C, V - choice of colors.

X - Return to the original color.

BREAK - stop the game.

   Joystick: Kempston, Sinclair.

FIRE - to include a sight to select the plane. Applies when
need to put / remove Replicant or other object.


  In the upper left corner displays your energy levels. In
top right corner of the indicator
danger. Black, not painted indicator status - there's no danger.

   Fully shaded light means that you are
under attack GUARD (SENTINEL),
half-shaded display
indicates that you are in
field of view of TIME (SENTRY).

LIBERATORS parallel worlds!


Other articles:

Expertise - is considered the game "Battle Command" (128K). You are in the role of commander modern tank.

Debut - Game "The Sentinel" ("GUARD"). Fans of three-dimensional games will appreciate the idea of this game.

Exam - questions about the game, "The Sentinel".

Review - Spectrofon offers its services in distributing copyright programs.

From the world of bat - letters from readers. The main theme - the music, "ELITE", answers questions, etc.

Cache - a new section for those who like to install games in 'immortality' "Infinite" energy, etc.

Warm greetings - a humorous story on computer topics "Virtual Theater.

Advertising - advertising and obyavleniyayu

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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