19 ноября 2018 |
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Ideas for games by Cyberdaemon In December 2000 I bought an Amiga 600 and left ZX Spectrum. The reason was - it was too tight. I wasn't interested in games any more. Not all games, but ZX Spectrum games. Of course, there were hits that I played with fun. But at nowadays' standards, all of them were hardcore arcades, and I wanted more slow and comfortable gameplay. I also wanted to save at any given moment, as in most PC games. I mostly liked RPGs and graphic quests (like those by Lucas Arts). There were not such ones for Speccy, Amiga could bring that. It was tight for me to code. Everything I could write was already written. I remember I suffered from "programming just for fun". I had no ideas at all. There was no possibility to copy them from PC, because there was a race of gigahertz and 3D gfx. Only today we have nostalgic indie games in old style, not understood by schoolchildren. If I had today's ideas back then, I rather would not switch platform and wrote a couple of games. I hope this article to help someone who wants and can write games for Spectrum, but had no ideas because of creative crisis. Maybe the ideas I'll describe are not new, and some of you already tried them. But not everyone... The first idea for creative crisis. The simplest and used by many. Just in case you don't know: open Google Play or App Store and see the surprise, that most of the simplest games can be ported to Speccy almost without change. Just with simpler gfx. Don't look at MMO. Cut the Rope and Angry Birds won't do because of physics. But the puzzles and arcades are for us. My favourite is Roll the Ball. I like it so much that I wanted to make a Speccy version myself. One more example - Knight Saves Queen. Well, I pointed the direction, everyone can choose what he likes. Another idea is for people that are not afraid of big quests. Visual novels. Initially appeared in Japan, with a lot of young fans there. Today they are also produced in other parts of the world, even in Russia. There are many free ones in Steam. The first game of this genre I played was Red Space, some 10 years ago. What is a visual novel? It is a very simple text quest, containing a story, accompanied with pictures, music, and sometimes video. It looks very similar to interactive fiction, but with less branches. If you are interested, try Wikipedia. How to make such games for Speccy? Let's drop most of gfx and all the video. They do little for the story. They are just pictures in a book. The text is the main thing. I recommend proportional fonts that were used in late 90's. Somewhere in ZX Review there was a printing routine. The user will read a lot of text, so take care of him. At least use 42 characters per line, 32 is too short, and 64 is bad for eyesight. The third idea is for those who have strong heart and much time. Let's simplify any games to match Speccy standards. Take for example "The Final Station", a known indie title. It is easier to adapt because of its pixel gfx. If you don't know it, try to play, it can be completed in one day even with extra stuff. When you play, note the finepoints - what can we make simpler or even remove. Here are my ideas about this game: - remove the background completely - to save space and time; - make gfx simpler - monochrome, highly detalized; - remove the episodes in train, they hardly affect the plot - we can insert text instead about things happened; - make levels smaller (in towns and stations) - to fit memory; - make NPC's static (except the enemies), only with chats - because the chats are explaining the plot. * * * That's all. Thanks for reading. I will be pleased if someone will use my ideas. I will be pleased three times as much if someone will port The Final Station. I'll complete it one more time, this time on Speccy. P.S. Some 20 years ago, when Fallout came, I had a strong desire to make a linear text quest about it, with RPG elements. Just an idea... P.S.S. My Amiga 600 is still alive. I even wanted to buy upgrades for it: at Ebay, there are adapters for modern mice, accelerators, new Kickstart ROMs, a disk drive with USB stick socket to write disk images. And many ide2sd adapters at Aliexpress... But for that price nostalgia is for rich people. Hippiman: We can also look at indie arcades. Many of them can be easily adapted to Speccy. For example, VVVVVV, Super meat boy, or You have to win the game. We can also try early Famicom games (more known as NES or Dendy). Most of them can work at Speccy without loss. There is also GameBoy, only slightly more powerful than ZX, so clever ports can work as well. One example is recent Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors by Jerri. But avoid simple ports. Why anyone would play a game on Speccy if the game already exists with nicer effects on another, more fit platform? Add something of your own, or just keep the mechanics of a donor game, and make your own game with it, as Sanchez did in his demake of Mighty Final Fight. He used the idea of Famicom game, remastered it for ZX Spectrum realia, and produced a new game even for those who have learned all the corners of the original. So he did with his port of Castlevania 2. He took the graphics and the idea of walking by a huge map for artifacts, but the map, the quest, the plot are new. Why there games are good to play? (Except their quality.) Because they have modern gameplay, more or less! What I mean by this? Classic Spectrum gameplay as I see it - is little content (few locations or many similar ones), nightmare difficulty (based on few lives, nearly infinite number of enemies, and instant punishment for any mistake), and usually unobvious logic. Of course, there are exceptions. Spectrum has many games with normal difficulty, enough content, and with logic that can be understood. These games are remembered today. For example, Dizzy series. However, most games fall under the criteria above. In the 80's, when these games appeared, that was norm. But the progress changed gameplay standards. The gamers became older, and they have less time and more games to select from. So hardly anyone will sit through evenings to complete some unbeatable arcade if he has an option of other, more comfortable games. I don't mean "press X to win". I mean games became fun, not a hard trial. If we look at the indie market, we can see many games stylized like 8 bit era. If we drop the worst, we can see the what they have in common: - The difficulty can be changed. From the easiest (e.g. infinite lives), to the hardest (e.g. with one life). To fit every type of player. - Many different situations. - Some training if needed, plus hints during the game. So the player is not forced to read the manual every time. - The games are trying to please the player, not taunt him. A good example of this approach is VVVVVV game. At first look it is a simple C64-like arcade, with poor gfx, no scroll, and simple mechanics (change gravity vector and avoid obstacles to pass rooms one after another). There were many such games. But not so fast. On the one hand, it is quite difficult. The player will die frequently (as it was in the past), but he has infinite lives and a lot of checkpoints before and after hard obstacles (as in today's standards). So a medium player will complete the game in under two hours, having 300-400 deaths and many impressions. And a hardcore player will find many secrets in places hard to get to. It has many situations: from picking a moment to jump to a moving platform, to falling a dozen screens through narrow tunnels, or even cycled locations. It has a huge amount of screens that are fun to explore. So we have a detonating mixture of classic gfx, simple mechanics, but with gameplay hard and loyal to the player (everyone can pass every obstacle, this is only matter of time). When the player has nothing to lose except fast run through a couple of locations, death doesn't irritate, even 10 or 20 deaths, but when he passed the obstacle, he has much fun. You must have difficulty only slightly increasing. The player must taste the game and get excited, only then the game tests the player. Only test, not taunt! Let's sum up all these words. I want to say that we have a lot of ideas for new games, we can take them from everywhere. Don't copy. Take the ideas and combine them in your game. Only remember that your player is not a schoolboy from the 80's, but an adult man 30 to 40 years old who has not much time. The game must be a game, not a trial. If you hold these simple rules, you can make an interesting and pleasant game even with Churrera engine or annoying AGD. Just remember the game "Three Octopusses" by kas29.
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