Spectrofon #05
30 апреля 1994

Review - and once again talking about Novosibirsk version of the game "ELITE-3".

<b>Review</b> - and once again talking about Novosibirsk version of the game
           About B W O R

   In this issue, we conclude
publication of an article of our expert on the program "ELITE-3"
(SHADOW SOFT 1992), authored by V. treasure from the city of 

   Recently, readers
often ask: Is
"ELITE-3" is included with our magazine?

   While we can only say one thing: we stand for civilized 
methods in dealing with domestic sponsors programs and 
therefore exclude the possibility propagation "ELITE-3 without

specific arrangements with the
the developer of this version.

   Of course, we understand the impatience of our readers. But 
I must someone has to lay the foundations of civilized methods 
of software distribution in in our country? And if the imported 
programs have to do anything is impossible, even with sprouts 
new domestic programs, Is it so difficult to act according to 
rules adopted in all civilized countries? 

   Therefore, we ask all to gain a little patience.

  Anatoly Khorobrikh


 (See Getting Okonchanie. SPF.N4)

   Novosibirsk "ELITE-3" continues pripodnosit all new and
new surprises.

   Passed for more than 400 flights and earning rating
"DEADLY", is once again open in a new version Kladova "gadgets".

   After leaving the space station and
configuring the system giperperehoda
on blazhayshuyu planet, after clicking the "H" unexpectedly
in interplanetary space and
here with me attacking seven (!)

   Moreover, two of them are "invisible"! That's where the real 
fun begins! Ships aliens attacked with different planes and 
destroy they managed with great difficulty. However, stop! It 
has already become an axiom that "Targon" can not catch you 
when you giperperehode. I think the previous position, go 
through boom again - the same result! Wiggle succeeded only 
because of "cloaking device "and" jump "to the nearest

planetary system, in which I
came from the asteroid belt. In this situation, I really
useful new mode
compass, allowing focus on the cardinal points, ie
coordinates of the N-W, S-E. Although there are
another way: it is - an intergalactic transition, but to use it 
I did not. 

   The final touch - the attack on
my Cobra in three waves, "Targon" were like the old model
ships (50 cr), and new
(60 cr).

   On the "pirates" of the new can only add that, in my
view, with the increase of your combat skills is increasing and
Skill Rangers. I do not think
that this coincidence is - natural. "Jack", which I
seen once leaving the station, too little pripodnes
surprise. In one battle, this
ship, get a decent
rebuffed, began to actively maneuver, rarely postrelivaya 
laser. Kill him I did not, and I was right. Suddenly appeared 
on the battlefield is another "Jack", to attack me, but

it is his "sidekick"!

   Punishment was quick, the winner picked up a container at
this, like, not showing me
no aggressive interests. I
did not open fire, and he nenogo
circled around and disappeared into space dalyah.

   It would be interesting to know: what
the author has put into action the ship
this type in this situation and
how to classify the behavior
the latter?

   Being engaged in researches
"MINERAL LIFE" in the asteroid belt (which took a long time)
was discovered a strange "symbiosis". Get the hand to destroy 
the asteroids from a far distance, I boldly opened fire with 
laser technology to the next block of minerals. And was met! 

   Unfortunately, the object was
far and the original shape
report is now impossible.
After the attack it was divided into two
part in which I learned ... two
Asteroid! One of them behaved
as a "recluse" - ie, opened
returned fire, but "mainframes" or
"Adder" is not released, the second
behaved passively.

   Destroy "the hermit" I
still needed. My booty
became a container with 1 ton
computers. But from the second
asteroid were only two tons of common minerals. Hence, the 
development of the asteroids do not only stellar aces, having 
the "Cobra" and "Python", but old star wolves, retired.

   Another version - The Hermit
in the asteroid belt are currently
new "home" instead of the old and
settle on them after quite a long journey
from planet to asteroid belt.

   Very originally appeared in
cargo compartment of my "Cobra" and
herself "The mineral life." I was searching for her 
unsuccessfully in many planetary systems, arranged the main 
diagonal. Failures haunted me ...

   Once again, returning to
full cargo bay of ordinary minerals, I sold my
cargo at a knockdown price. Refuel, left the station. I was in
meditation: where to go

   Watching as caring
ships from the pier I turned
to the station and suddenly felt:
something is wrong ... After looking around more carefully, I 
understand - there is no sun! There all: the planet, plant, and 
the sun - No! Rotate the "Cobra" try once again look over

space and notice a small
the fixed stars. By size
it just differs from the others. Flying for a while
in this area, which includes a compass mode "Planet sun."
It is this star and found
the sun of this planet.

   The situation is more than interesting: there is not one, but
Several planets in any planetary system? Usually because when
exit from the station the sun is found not so far away!

   And here - the size of a star.
Heading towards this goal,
by the way, I met a group of asteroids and "developing" them, 
discovered in the cargo bay "MINERAL LIFE ". And, continuing to 
move forward, got the message from space station ("S") where, 
and ended up with the help of a computer connection. 

   Another news! Nesotrya on
Prevention of the author, that break through to the planets, 
where near star You will be prompted to buy a new Cobra MK 4 ", 
very difficult, I managed to pass the war zone

rather calmly, and see
Twin station "Coriolis".

   They are very close to
star, look exactly the same way
sometimes rotate synchronously, and
sometimes not, entrance gates are located, usually in different
side. And if you're lucky
be here, I strongly advise, do not rush to enter the station.
Connecting the computer is not
works, and you have to remember the first steps in developing 
the manual docking. Make it necessary exactly, or death ...

   I'm trying to get to the station
"Invisible" (including "cloaking
device "). That I can, but
buy MK 4 "do not offer. Apparently, the security service has
What is the secret devices that can see and the unseen.

   Strict punishment - you simply will not be released from the 
station (key "1" is turned off) and have, dropping the game, go 
"zone of death" at first, but it is not very simple!

   And hang around double
"Coriolis" advise. And here's why. Ships leave the station
all types: "Cobra", "Python",
"Fer de Lance", "Espy", "Jack"
and even ... Asteroids hermits
(!!!). Here I first saw and
docking, ie, the entrance to the station
"Python" (and others). When approaching
to these stations meet held
A caravan of three "Python" - this to me before, too, did not 

   Had to make its way here
difficulty, but the last two pursuers, hanging on my
the tail of the destroyed one of the paired stations! On the 
overview screen clearly visible two volleys - And from the 
enemy nothing, even rubble. One of the most interesting places 
in the new version of the "ELITE"! 

   I bought a Cobra MK 4! I will not repeat all the words that 
were in the description. Personal experience suggests another - 
a life with the acquisition of the new ship has not become 
boring or easier! Load capacity of 80 tonnes can rotate the 
dizzy transactions, bringing furious

money, and four "energy unit"
makes me virtually invulnerable.

   Energy recovered
almost instantaneously, and "J" engine helps get rid of any 
number of pirates at the expense of speed.

  The final section of his review, I want to talk about
seventh mission - "SPACE WARS".

   Despite the fact that the "ZX REVIEW" everything was 
described more than detail, let me share personal experiences.

   But first - some small observations on the way to the Great 
Star Wars ... 

   Battling for the top "ELITE",
I noticed an interesting feature: on some enemy
ship uses two laser combat! Of course, fights with competitors 
are very tough. In the melee attacks an enemy, as it were 
paired, and vector shots come from

different points of the body. Feeling
such that you find yourself under fire
a few ships, though the enemy alone. Frankly, in the
other versions I have such a hand, a
do not remember.

   "Computer Strangers" (ALIEN
COMPUTER) I had to look
very purposefully. Mission to
destruction of the base Targon offered three times, and only in 
the last long-awaited trophy was on board my Cobra.

To war for it had to be pretty, but even when I noticed
among the debris, "Targon" cherished container, I had to show 
all of piloting skill, to "become your ours. By the way, if I 
was a little more closely when the third mission in

the first time - would have long ago fought with "Targon" with 
their same weapons.

   The fact that I have seen this
container before that! Since
in those battles at the approach to the planet
met not only "Targon"
and asteroids, I mistook "computer alien" for a container with 
randomly downed "hermit". And, of course, ignored this valuable 
item - Just did not pick him.

   I strongly advise, play at least
before losing momentum and fight, but
care, even in the hottest moments of battle, you do not

   On the use of a computer
foreign "and launches" Targon. "In
Basically, the boats serve as
missiles with the same consequences. The enemy, who has ECM - 
instantly neutralize your "renegades."

The effect of the use of a computer strangers "is just a 
skirmish to themselves as "outsiders".

   If the minimum distance lodge, with keys
"D" + "F", a torpedo boat in the approaching alien monster -
receive a prize of 50 or 60 credit, but all this without showy
laser flashes.

Much more amusing to react in time to return to his
"Messenger" and successfully take it
aboard. While still there is a new combat unit, and a very
very diverse game.

   The final touch - the mission
COMPUTER ", I think,
it is possible to get much earlier than stated in
description. Most importantly - attention and a bit overbearing 
in dealing with some issues. 

   The mission of "SPACE WARS" - it's like
would "play the game." To be more precise - a new game. Reach 
it oh how is not easy!

But even the time it seemed
would be wasted in waiting
hours of "X" does not cost anything to
compared with what happens
the invasion armada star
"Targon! And while there is
a crucial role!

   At first I was intercepted at
giperperehode eight "Targon.
Activity, they showed just
incredible! And if not excellent fighting qualities of Cobra MK 
4 " would be very difficult. By the way, after reflection 
attack, I rebuilt the hyperdrive on the continued transition to 
the same planet, good enough to fuel - and ... successfully 
flew over not attacked. Expelling the situation all the time - 
had received virtually the same result.

Very nice when in the game -
as in life. Bravo, author!

   Naturally, the proposal of
Confederation on the participation in hostilities
I took action immediately, and that
sleeve of my suit adorned
Chevron brand new lieutenant ...

   If we talk about fighting the aggressors, remember, all the 
previous battles with the "gentlemen good luck "and other space

rabble - just a kindergarten.
Fight with one "Targon" proceeds normally, but if you pile on 
eight pieces at once? Moreover, here tactics of attack 
corresponds to a pirate: with three or four directions, in 
pairs or in alone. But the rod on me

not easy "Adder" or "racks"
a giant giants bearing
on the board at least five boats killers!

Sometimes one other play in
Hide and Seek "- ie, are invisible. When he had to beat
attack "Targon" Front - Rear shield moaned
rabid enemy fire.

   For three or four flights, with
implementation of the first job, my
brand-new MK 4 "has lost all
shiny surfaces and covered with
scars from the blows of lasers enemy.
But most importantly - if unsuccessful
calculated course and visited the excess
planetary system in the performance
job Confederation - will be
punishment that will have time to Targon
quickly prodinutsya deep warring galaxy and captured
several planets! "Procrastination -
like death! "

   Found new evidence
my hypothesis about the secret collaboration Targon and 
pirates. Their joint attack very often and I never noticed that 
they attacked each other. Yes, and while approaching the orbital

stations often met
pirates, awaiting their prey.

   By Lieutenant chevron coming soon captain. Each time, 
getting a new job Starfleet Headquarters, I was prepared as

to the last battle. Battles here
besposchany and cruel. And again
the same - many problems can be solved not only by military
super laser.

It was sad and hurt when I
had stopped at the base Targon at vypolenenii mission landing, 
because in space, together with fragments of "Cobra" was 
virtually defenseless "Sidewinder" with space commando ... 

   Rejoice the heart, when releasing the occupied planetary
system received a message
revolts against the invaders
all the neighboring planets. And do not forget the last mission 
to destroy the secret headquarters of command Targon, when the 
silent space was similar to the mouth of the fire-spitting 
volcano. A terrible thing - the war ... 

   Everything ends someday.
Having defended the galaxy and having gone to the store
as a colonel Star Force
Confederacy, I asked myself:
Will I still go back to
"ELITE 3"? Yes! Wandering among the
stars, I have not seen yet any
"Generation ships", nor "space platforms." And where is waiting 
for the mysterious Dark Ring, New galaxy, and new planets? Where

go pirate "Python" and
"Jack"? And forever is "Targon"
lost hunting attack Worlds
Confederation ... Let's try to find answers to these and many
Other issues together.

   And the last. Thank you so much
and the author - VLADIMIR PANTRY -
for the creation of a new version of the
wonderful program, and the magazine "SPECTROFON" for
invaluable help and friendly


Other articles:

Expertise - an expert study of strategic games "Theatre Europe".

Debut - discussed in detail one of the most fascinating adventyur - "Robin of Sherwood".

Exam - three jobs on the game Robin of the Sherwood.

Review - and once again talking about Novosibirsk version of the game "ELITE-3".

Archive - discussed in detail strategic game "1812."

Fantasy - short story on a computer game "Night Run".

System - full disc version of the program to create adventyurnyh games: Graphic Adventure Creator (GAC).

Warm greetings - "Adventure Games: Shine and poverty of the fifth generation, or nostalgia for the past."

Advertising - the section of free advertisements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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