Spectrofon #05
30 апреля 1994

Archive - discussed in detail strategic game "1812."

<b>Archive</b> - discussed in detail strategic game
           A & R's and the

   Today "SPECTROFON" offers you a game

   Unfortunately, we could not figure out what year and who has 
written this fascinating strategy game. Initial version of 
"1812" was written entirely in BASIC. Because of this program 
seemed heavily "the brakes." Computer pondered Each course is 
too long. For this time can be safely

take a nap, drink a few cups of coffee, smoke a pack of 
cigarettes, to meet with my girlfriend or talk on the phone 
with one another. 

   The authors of the game realized that
Party with a computer could drag on and so have provided
the possibility of shipment status.

   When we were preparing for this game
for you, slightly to modernize it by rewriting some
blocks. The program has become significantly faster than 
thought, and now You hardly have time to run on

meeting while the computer does
your move. Nevertheless, for those who wish we had left the 
possibility of shipment status, redo


   Now about the game itself.



   The game belongs to the genre, often called "wargames"
(War Games). Here you control the troops, give orders
and generally feel Napoleon. Or Kutuzov. This is someone
whatever you like. Your main goal -
defeat the superior forces
the enemy and grab the banner,
which is located in the headquarters of the enemy troops. Their 
leadership talent you can appreciate in end of the game, when 
your king You pay a fee in gold

ducats. The more you get
the higher rate your actions
the role of commander.

   Immediately after you download
be prompted to download the stored
state. If you are the first time
embarking on this game then
"N". You will then be asked to enter
the name of your army: for example
"RUSSIAN" (if you want to manage
U.S. Army type
"AMERICAN", etc.).

   After that you have chosen the


P - PLAIN (plain)
R - RIVERS (river)
F - FOREST (forest)

   Choosing the battlefield, it is necessary
choose the difficulty level.
First, choose a level of morality
enemy army:


L - LOW (low)
M - MEDIUM (middle)
H - HIGH (high)

   And then the number of enemy


1 - 17 regiments
2 - 25 regiments
3 - 34 Shelf

   Configuring the game, you just getting started
to the placement of his troops (the enemy forces at this time
have to be arranged). Troops
can be arranged with the cursor keys + "ENTER".

   The game begins as soon as
You have to arrange their shelves.

(In parentheses indicate the number).

Regiment (2).

FUSILIERS - Infantry Regiment (2).

FOOT REGIMENT - Infantry Regiment


ARTILLERY '' BATTERY - artelleriyskaya battery (3).

ENGINEERS DETACHMENT - Engineering Department (1).


   Each regiment is characterized by
the number of soldiers and the level of
morality. With each victory morality
Shelf growing (can reach
10). With each loss of some personnel of the general level of 
ethics shelf falls. It is clear that The higher morality, the 
concerted and precisely the action the regiment. In one

of the parties we were able to contain the onslaught of enemy 
troop strength of all remnants of the regiment 175 people. We 
must remember that the morale of your troops,

their morale is played almost
the most important role in this game.

   By the way, and life can be found
many examples of that.

   Moves in the game you take turns with the computer, like in 
chess. Thus, one cycle Games can be divided into four

phases: the enemy's advance,
Attack the enemy advance
Your troops, attack your troops.
In the middle of the cycle (after the attack
the enemy) you can get
Help from the battlefield. From it you
can learn about the strength of each regiment, and his morals. 
This will help you to plan further action. 

   A few words about the possibilities
Your shelves.

   Cavalry regiments: the rapid
movement and the possibility of surprise attack.

   Artelleriyskie battery: well can be used to
shelling of enemy positions
Before the attack, your shelves. Most effective when the lead
fire from an ambush close

   Engineering Department: building bridges and clearing of 
forests for the rapid deployment of troops. 

   Headquarters: his elite guard
unit with a high level
morality. Remember that the more often you
will move the headquarters, the lower the morals division,
that it protects.

   The other regiments have approximately the same 
characteristics and capabilities. 

   When it's your turn to act, then you need to
the cursor keys to set
direction of movement of the regiment.
The computer will choose for myself and
offer you to give orders to the regiment. Engineering 
Department next move may be to build bridge or clearing the 

Control keys for the engineering department:

B - build a bridge
F - clear the forest,
M - continue driving.

   For all other units you simply set the direction of the 
arrow keys. "ENTER" - check '. 

   When the adjacent locations
will be the enemy troops, then their
can be attacked. For artillery
shelling allowed if the opponent is not more than
four locations on your battery. It is only necessary to 
remember that If you enter an incorrect direction or attack you

no longer will go.

   And hurry! Time in this
the game is limited. Combat Operations
conducted from 6 am to 6 pm.
Each course - hours.

   Remember that the capture of the enemy of your staff does 
not mean your complete collapse. As does not mean the complete 
victory of the capture Your troops the enemy headquarters.

   The outcome of the game summed up in the
end, when the time expires
game or captured headquarters.

   Gold ducats that you
get symbolize points
scored for successfully carried out
local operations and for the whole battle as a whole. Your 
actions will be comment on the reaction of the emperor at the 
end of the game. 

   For the curious, give all
any comments.

0 ducats: His Majesty sees
sea ​​of ​​blood! There, in your tent
a loaded gun - take the right decision.

0-19 ducats: His Majesty in
rage. You are committed to a military tribunal.

19-39 ducats: His Majesty did not
expressed his displeasure. You remained at his post.

39-49 ducats: His Majesty
satisfied. You become a member of the Order
Red Ribbons.

49-59 ducats: His Majesty
very pleased. He awarded you a
title of nobility.

59-150 ducats: His Majesty in
delighted. He has appointed you to the Supreme Commander.

        Good luck!


Other articles:

Expertise - an expert study of strategic games "Theatre Europe".

Debut - discussed in detail one of the most fascinating adventyur - "Robin of Sherwood".

Exam - three jobs on the game Robin of the Sherwood.

Review - and once again talking about Novosibirsk version of the game "ELITE-3".

Archive - discussed in detail strategic game "1812."

Fantasy - short story on a computer game "Night Run".

System - full disc version of the program to create adventyurnyh games: Graphic Adventure Creator (GAC).

Warm greetings - "Adventure Games: Shine and poverty of the fifth generation, or nostalgia for the past."

Advertising - the section of free advertisements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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