Energy #07
06 июля 1997 |
From the Editor - Submitted papers left Spectre & Were Wolwes.
FROM THE AUTHOR! (C) Sergey STORM The seventh ENERGY necessary to produce a new composition. Edition of the newspaper left encoder SPECTRE and artist WEREWOLVES. It was great, crushing and an unexpected blow to me. But introducing a grudge and heaviness lozhivsheysya me responsibility, I got the new composition of the newspaper, which, hopefully, successfully replace gone. Let me give incriminating letters sent by Ming modem network, retired from the newspaper. The first letter of SPECTRE: Hi everyone who reads this file. On line of Spectre, sysop of the former Energy BBS. The former because the BBS to 06/20/1997 renamed, and new name will declared a 23.00 segodneshnego numbers. Besides changing the name of BBS stops accept mail for the newspaper ENERGY, as well as or taking any part in the release the said newspaper. In conclusion, I say that from now on Spectre help any newspaper to keep up the interface of the "new ENERGY", and I myself leaving the team newspaper LPRINT. Here, everything is clear without comment. The guy wanted to swim in the glory of the newspaper LPRINT, which is very popular in the Ming ZX-NET, but no more. And now, an excerpt from a letter WEREWOLVES'a: ... I'm just tired of doing without recoil, why do I have everything?? When it was me anything?? And in your disappointment in I STURM, you did not surprise me, I'm not going to please everyone, I have my problemma ... WEREWOLVES me directly and clearly stated that the bessplatno he did not draw going. And since we have a free newspaper, where we shall find the money to pay working group of the newspaper. Our publication on the commitment of the fans and the Spectrum published only in order to maintain ugosayuschy interest in this remarkable computer. It is these two people started a rumor that the corporation ZX-LEGION rasspalas. I hasten to refute this statement: ZX-LEGIONzhil is alive and drink ... ie beat ... ie live! Will not stay long on the bad news, and go straight to the good. The newspaper did not last long been without technical support, the encoder and the artist. Two very famous person in Minsk WOLF and GANS from Group WOLFSOFT gladly took up new for them to work in the field of publishing. Now on the management of the newspaper. There were small novvovedenie, but management newspaper remains unchanged.
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