Energy #07
06 июля 1997

Tales from the Crypt - PLANET ENLIGHT'97.

<b>Tales from the Crypt</b> - PLANET ENLIGHT'97.
              Tales from the Crypt!

(C) Sergey STORM

                      Who was in the furnace, the

                      the circus is not laughing!

             PLANET ENLIGHT # 97.

     Thundering rusted nozzles, space amphibious aircraft 
carrier "ENERGY" clumsily plopped down on the ground, bend 
under him some building. Raised dust hung in the

air poglaschaya all sounds rose from the
ship. Intricate patterns, she lay down
around an aircraft carrier and then was again raised in the air 
when it deflated blurted ladder. 

     -Well pylische! - Head Legionnaire Flyers Valski leaned 

     -Molchaaattt - a huge figure of Corporal Mack emerged from 
the aircraft carrier .- Rothe "DI" and the company of "Halt" 
rasredotochitsya around ship. Rothe "samples" to cover power 

     Tarpaulin boots clattering on the stairs,
beating a drum roll. Someone tripped and bumped into friends. 
Rest of the way companies have done a head over heels.

     "What's going on? - Cpl Mack closed
face with his sleeve - the dust raised by a company of "CI"
swirled around the ship.

     -Stop the his ...

     Feng-Fukin ... I just do not tselyust Phebe

     -Let me fucking him ...

     Private Flyer Valski writhing on the ground, sudorzhno 
mouth swallowing dust. Boots hurt comrades spoke on rough edges 
of the Legionnaire. The whole company, "CI" participated in the 
merciless beat Flyers - culprit spectacular descent of the 

     Nailed colleagues and obnoxious
dust, the Flyer was lying in an unnatural for
healthy human posture, outstretched

     Hands-up, the ICC ... - From the ship crept a wonderful 
figure in a police cap .- I am a servant of the law, the ICC .. 
and will not allow ICC ...

     Catch-it -, Private Ars Dubischev lifted up his head.

     -Just like the swallow - Legionnaires spellbound watching 
the flight of the Kop. Flying strange figure waved her arms and 
rake, pridelanyh instead of legs. 

     -The flight was fine. Planting done - Cope was on already 
potrepanom flyer. Near moaned another legionnaire; unfinished 
bottle of police to please him in head.

     -Idiots - Cpl Mack spat with height
bird's-eye view of the soldiers .- Idiots. What do you
get up there? You have been ordered ...

     Hands-up, this fire inspection, Cope tried to get out of 
the legionary, but withheld shmyaknulsya back. 

     Mmmm-...- said Flyer.

     -Term, store the wounded to hospital, Cpl tired spat.

     Offended and spat Leer Tula
walked away from the ship.

     Four legionaries raised the victims and taken to the ship.


     Ooh-...- Kop swung at the Dock.

     -Hold it a minute - turned
Doc to legionnaires.

     -Do not touch me - hands and rakes were in the Copa firm 
grip Boatswain Tunady. 

     -Now we'll do promyvochku
ventricle - with a smile sadiskoy Doc stabbed
Police in an enema.

     According to the infirmary took a sigh of perturbation
- All patients are looked on with horror Opiratsiyu.

     -So who is there next? - Doc turned away from the hushed 
and looked around at the Copa infirmary.

     "He - all of the patients reported on in a coma Flyers.

     Tunada let Kop. Losing support,
Cop fell to the floor. Immediately outside
ship something to a crash.

     -We have been attacked - suggested to escape the burden 

     -Lie. Without you understand, - fist
Boatswain packed patient back to bed.

     -All to protect the ship - all in Bandages Navigator 
"ENERGY" Sergeev ordered and waving his sword nominal slew a 
passing fly. 

     -There, sir, - all who could stand on my feet darted to 
the door. 

     The first output reached Tunada. On the ladder already 
accumulated enough people who curiously looked into the 
distance. Tossing service weapon Boatswain blankly stared at 
the hill, where two BTR'a and one tank worn for some animals. 
Animal playfully rode the dunes knocking from under the hoofs 
of the dust. From the tank was carried nepryryvny fire on the 
beast, but fate was merciful to animal.

     - Platoon ... Sight-thirty, height
oh-nine, - Corporal Mack gave the last
orders .- platoon grenade fire.

     Struck volley. Raised dust slowly
settled on the Legionnaires.

     -Idiots - Cpl clutched at his head.
- Had to shoot the animal, rather than
on their own. Tank completely blown off the tower,
and two smoking BTR'ov crawled surviving legionnaires. Deafened 
animals were lying next to his severed legs. - Send a rescue 

     Several jeeps broke away from the aircraft carrier and 
raced off to help. 

     -And here is our dinner - grinned Leer
Tula sliding from the driver's seat.

     "I do not lunch - the animal tried to kick the legionary 
missing limbs .- I lama. 

     Lama, Puma - I do not care. Was an order to deliver you to 
dinner, so I did and perform - Leer hoisted the weakness of the 
animal a jeep and went to look for amputation.

     -With whom are you talking about? "- Ars Dubischev was 
putting the wounded in an air raft. -It would be better helped.

     -Mommy, it hurts - legionnaire with a hole in his stomach 

     Turpie, Private, it will be even worse - posochustvoval 
Ars wiping their shape. 

     "Who is us so? - Wounded sblevanul

     - Local Aborigines - the natives - Ars
contemptuously took off his shirt and tucked her mouth
neunimavshemusya legionnaire.

     Laden raft hovercraft went to the ship.


     -Four miles away is
some kind of settlement, to send back reconnaissance
-Cpl Mack scratched his beard and sparse
continued .- And I'll go so far reported to

     Order-understood - the boatswain Tunada clicked his heels 
and rushed to BTR'u. 

     Corporal Mack whistling song climbed the ladder to the 
ship, where he met with a drunken servant of the law, which 
beshitrosno yelled a sailor thieves ditties. 

     -Where have you already managed to gain? - Cpl.
covered his nose with your fingers .- From you stink from both
beer kegs.

     Copa bleary eyes looked around the legionnaire:

     -I am the servant of the law, the ICC ...

     -That we have heard - Cpl tried to reach out to the 
bottle, located in Copa hand.

     -Hands off our cops - Drunk footballer was lying on the 
floor and the last effort tres Corporal fist.

     Wo have already managed to make a drunkard and rank, his 
right leg Corporal rapidly sank legionnaire on the face. 
Embossed jaw driving along the semi crashed into the wall .- Ten

orders out of turn, Laurent series Full House.
The left leg Corporal legionnaire drove under
solid. Hitting his head on the bulkhead ordinary staggered to 
his jaw. 

     -It was my pal - Cop in a rage swung to a bottle of Cpl.

     Uncomplicated movement Mack knocked the "weapons"
from the hands of police and carefully packed to
close to Laurent.

     -Call voinizirovannuyu protection, hand-held miniature 
Corporal Waukee-Toki.Vozmite custody Legionnaire Laurent Fula 
and Police Cop.

     "Yes I love you, ECK ...- Kop reached for
its holstered. Instead of a pistol in a holster
was another bottle.

     Abusive located on the first deck in front of the gateway 
...- body of Corporal slowly slipped over the wall. Fragments 
of crashed head on bottles scattered around the gateway. The 
ship sailed smell alkagolya. 

       Vzveytes fires blue night

       I, the Pioneer. I am the son of the workers,

       Era is moving light years,

       Outcry Pioneer - Always be ready!

     From the corridor seemed to the boy in shorts and a tie 
around his neck, proudly singing Anthem of Young Pioneers.

     Hello, uncle, - A pioneer with a wide mouth surprised 
marched close to lying. 

     Cop just waved his hand lazily, the rest lay motionless.


     - Take a completion - Standby
Patrol dumped victims on the bed and went home.

     -Oh, my favorite patient - Doc smiled radiantly. - Now the 
priest will clean up your stomach. Dock hands stretched

for the enema.

     No, - Cope was on his feet and pulled
away from the hospital, but ran out
the nurse Vlad Stashevsky.

     -Nahal, - loud slap in the face graced
Copa face red spot .- Where Presho goat?

     -Set aside - Navigator Sergeev ripped off
Eye Dressing .- The entire composition
USS tidy himself up. Urgently
call me an engineer Atom scientist and Assistant Professor of 
Corporal ... And, he had already here. 

     Corporal Mack was on Laurent and seemed to
delirium, twitching his upper lip and cried

     In a matter of urgency has been assembled officers and the 
academic council. 

     -Corporal Mack, report the situation to
ship - The navigator looked at with contempt
slovenly appearance legionary.

     Catching sight commander, Corporal as
could have corrected the form and started to cough

     -After the accident, the aircraft carrier and exit
down all the computers, as well as higher
officers, the situation on the ship
gradually goes out of control. Ordinary enjoy the lack of their 
commanders and drink alcohol. I dare say that the officers of 
the ship leaving only I, the boatswain and Tunada Prapor Ars 
Dubischev, increased for the successful service in an emergency 
situation, and we can not cope with this situation. Continuing 
further, some personality sabotaging work of the crew "ENERGY" 
and refusing to obey orders of higher-ranking officers. Looking 
Corporal stared at the Copa. 

     -I dare say the ICC, which I do not belong to the armed 
forces of the Legion, the police strongly ter inflamed cheek. 
-On the ship I represent the Department Homeland Security and 
your powers war on me rasprastranyayutsya.

     -From this moment you are under the
jurisdiction of the Legion - The navigator nodded Corporal 
hinting that he may continue. 

    -We have captured impurity aborigine.
In battle, we lost seven men killed and
four wounded. I gave orders to investigate blizlezhayshee 
settlement - Cpl villages on the free bed giving everyone know 
that He finished his report.

     -Plaine lead here - the navigator turned in the direction 
of engineer .- Now hear the report of Atom Softpedia. 

     - As was reported earlier,
vehicle accident went down all the computers. At the moment, 
"Baltika" impeccably by 15%, 3% of the Pentagon and, most 
horrible main computer "byte" impeccably by only 2%. Repair of 
the whole system will a few weeks.

     So-so - the navigator corrected by hand
bandage .- You have found the cause of the accident?

     -Actually, yes, but this did not happen
for several centuries, - an engineer forehead sweat. - The 
accident was sobatirovana. 

     According to hospital swept gasp of horror. All
lying on their bunks officers sprang to their feet.

     -Saboter on the ship, not a
be! - Cope opened his mouth in surprise .- I personally checked 
each, before the flight and during him.

     "But the fact of a crime can not hide, the engineer pulled 
out his handkerchief and wiped his damp brow. 

     -From this moment on the ship is declared martial law - 
Navigator waved saber. Padded mosquito dived on the remains of 
chopped flies. 


     Dark - Green BTR Armed Forces
Earth sped through the desert. Boatswain Tunada
half stuck in the hatch of armored vehicles -
bulky body perfectly still stuck in the belly of the cold 
metal. Legs Boatswain rested on the head of an ordinary Mentat. 
Mentat hard soprotivlelsya such an attempt on his honor, but he 
could not help it - the whole APC has been hammered by 
legionaries and empty bottles. Occasionally ordinary gun Hans 
gave all - Drunk footballer was rocking from side to side. In 
his lips he held the lip harmonica and a beat of the music 
frantically pulled the trigger. Radioman Dien Bazers tried 
catch impurity radio, but constantly ran into Radio BA. Woozy 
from the stuffy Private air Olser beat Tunadu on

ass butt Kalash. Boatswain not feel
problems Legionnaires trapped in BTR'e. Hands
Tunady vigorously waved their flags, indicating
air support path. Air support obsolyutno did not pay any 
attention to sudorzhnye callsigns boatswain. Gambling Kamikaze 
and cons were cut in SEXONIX, putting a fighter on autopilot.

     "Where is your mother vodka? - Turbo Vasya
APC driver tried to make himself crazy song Hans and 
heart-rending cries of Andrew Holodinskogo.

     This bitch-Dien limit your last, Mentat, pressed boatswain 
tried to resist feet .- There was only one brake


     -It'll do, - Turbo of the latest forces held on to the 

     Meanwhile neupravlyaemmy APCs approached rising above the 

     Holding one hand on his pants down Tunady, Olser merged 
into a free can of brake fluid. 

     -Stand - scared with all the boatswain
forces pounded his fist on the hatch - We
Embedding now!

     Hans spit out an accordion and drank a little "liquid" 
zastrochil a machine gun my favorite song. Razvorochennye body

native way of sweetening BTR'a.

     Turbo let go, holding his arms and
grabbed passed around the circle canister.

     The last thing they heard it was
hysterical cry of the boatswain:

     -Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ................


     -Climbs - Mentat tried to push
Tunadu out .- Somebody help me.

     The answer he was deathly silence. Driver Turbo Vasya half 
swallowed canister was hanging on the lever. A couple of dead 
Legionnaires lay at the bottom of the broken BTR'a, among the 
empty bottles. Their swollen eyes expressed great sadness and

Pain: Oh, before his death did not have time to drink ...
Just one crazy Hans prowling around
corpses, trying to find his harmonica,
and yes even drunk radioman Dien tried to contact the base, but 
always came out on connection with the Ace, a leading Radio 

     Boatswain-bitch climbs - Mentat rested
hands in the back and pushed to Tunade naruzhu.Da help me 

     Series Mentat, aside rape
boatswain - a voice says was similar to
Tunadin .- Who is still alive, but

     -Trrymmm - Hans with tearful eyes
rubbed with a handkerchief, dear to him an accordion.

     -Not very much, and then left - Mentat stopped trying to 
push the boatswain out.

     Sir, there is no connection to the database - with the Dien
angrily ripped off his head with headphones.

     -The radio is in air support,
will need to give them the signal SOS, - Boatswain
vigorously waving a flag - the second box
was lost during the collision.

     -Where are we ever crashed? - Dien questioningly looked at 
rising above the lower Part Tunady.

     Yes, seems to be in some sort of building - the boatswain 
continued to wave a flag. - It hurts like a prison. Oh, sure, 
the local jail. 

     From razvorochennogo prison building climbed three 
suspicious figures dressed in prison overalls and hard jerked


     Smoker-stand, then I will not shoot
- From the same building crawled razvorochennogo
people in the Sheriff's clothing.

     Prisoners have pulled:

     -We surrender, Sheriff, do not shoot.

     Three drooping figure hobbled to the place of his 

     -Just like in the movies! - Boatswain enchanted
looking at Aboriginal .- Western one!

     Sir, that you have going on there? - Curious Dien burning 
with impatience. 

     Yes, the local element, stopped the escape of prisoners - 
the boatswain disgustedly spat. - I hate cops. I am the servant 
of the law of our ship still in space sick. 

     At an altitude of 2000 miles golden platypus fighter cut 
through the sky alien planet. 

     -Hey, minus, posmotrika down - on the
Kamikaze monitor shining a word or two
"GAME OVER" .- Our knocked out.

     , Kazik, Glyan'ko, there's boatswain signals
disaster supplies, - Less pulled away from

     -Fly to the rescue - Kamikaze sharply
introduced the fighter into a steep dive.

     The plane began to tremble convulsively. With skewed 
overload officials, pilots attempted to align the fighter. 

     All of us-Khan - jaded anti-
control plane minuses hopelessly screwed up his eyes.

     -Uh-huh - and excitedly Confirm Kamikaze added. - And also 
all those who Khan Our knocked out.

     With a cry of joy Kamikaze MUST DIE
and whisper Minus My goodness, the fighter rovnenko dived 
straight at the flag waving Tunadu. 

         To be continued ...

Other articles:

FANTASY - Roman G. Harrison, "Plague from Space" (continued).

FIDO Net - What did you say?

HORROR - The Story S. King's "Children of the Corn" (continued).

PRICE LIST - Advertisements and announcements ...

joke - 20 jokes.

Tales from the Crypt - PLANET ENLIGHT'97.

Dirty Linen - Exit the newspaper bbsTOP # 5.

News - The list of servers working in Minsk.

From the Editor - Submitted papers left Spectre & Were Wolwes.

Story - Day of the Young Writers.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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