Wallpaper #07
06 ноября 1999 |
Letter to the room - CompoWellcome about the new firmware TR-DOS v6.05E
4. LETTER TO THE NUMBER From the Editor: CompoWellcome continues delight us with their new firmware ROM. Detours traveled this message before us. But that is another story ... (C) CompoWellcome TR-DOS v6.05E vs TR-DOS v5.13F or Everything you wanted to know about the TR-DOS 6.05E, but were afraid to ask. In connection with the release of Uzbekistan spektrumistov (in number of four units) in Fido, it was decided to proudly announce to the the whole world (Spectrum) that not only in so far (or close, as anyone) Russia made new PZU'shechnye gadgets to our computer. What I wrote earlier about this firmware in Wallpaper'e - full suxx, because the first count only on the local public and Second was a long time and is not it :-). So, we proceed to the consideration and comparison of various bells and whistles in DOS'ah 05.06 and 5.13. -= CUT = For nesveduyuschih: TR-DOS 5.13F - new :) Firmware DOS'a (and only) with different twists from Russia, and TR-DOS 6.05E thing local production ;-))). -= CUT = Immediately say, that in our firmware subjected to change not only the DOS, but also BASIC 128 (instead of 128 Basic'a can use MadRom). Must first admit that most of the ideas did not own production, and are taken from various DOS'ov. After that, everything was stuffed into TR-DOS 5.04E (if not mistaken). Yes, and the article used excerpts:) from the description of DOS'a, for which its author (DOS and descriptions) thanks a lot! Item No. 1. Formatting floppy disks in 3 versions: ORIGINAL - the usual format; TURBO - formatting the disk with the other location of the sectors, which leads to an acceleration of read / write drive is approximately 2 times; FAST-TURBO - formatted similarly TURBO, but without the test operation (if you confident in the quality of your floppy disks), while accelerated by the operation itself formatting. Turbo format 6.5 DOS'a inferior format DOS'a 5.13, as is done without bias sectors. Thought about it was, but Because of extremely rare use of commands TR-DOS 'FORMAT' (mainly for those purposes the Honey Commander) implemented nebylo. Bybor format is available on request DOS after you enter the normal command FORMAT keys <1> <2> or <3>. Klavishacancels the command. When formatting Your Message is issued about the number of formatted currently tracks and side of the disc. After the end of the formatting is issued a request to repeat it. Item No. 2. When writing the file to disk in case file with that name on disk is the DOS prompts to erase the old file. If You will answer <Enter> or <Y> old file will be erased and replaced will be recorded new file if it is not longer than the old one. If a new file is longer, it will be recorded as usual with the first free disk sectors, and will appear in the directory an erased file. Release a little glyukovato. Gluck climbs at a record-same file, but with a smaller length. File a written but the length of the new file will be equal length of the old. Analogues in TR-DOS 5.13 is not available. Item number 3. In the description of the DOS 5.13 write: 'Removed self-test drive. Drives shall All 2h80, step 6 ms'. Imho, do so impossible. Not once have a situation (on different machines) when the drive has been reset during the first call has steadfastly refused to Bosko output at zero track. Arises basically if before kakayanit prog managed to drive them to the end of the disc. In DOS'e 5.6 we returned the self test, only shortened it. Item No. 4. Uskorennaya command MOVE. In the usual version of the DOS MOVE command is the longest on time work, in addition it seems that the drive is worth more than work. This is because each times when moving a file is Read the catalog and write to it. In this version of reading and writing the catalog are made once. Directory information is stored in RAM, and all catalog operations (Only in the team MOVE) produced in RAM, which speeds up the work of the team, averaging 3 - 4 times, and in some cases and more. Analogues in TR-DOS 5.13 is not available. Item number 5. A new command - rename Disc: MOVE "name". In this case, the command MOVE not satisfied, but just the name of the disk is replaced by "name". Analogues in TR-DOS 5.13 is not available. Item Number 6. In DOS 6.05E changed command editor line. First, eliminate unpleasant which occurs at the entrance to the DOS at 128 mode. Second, eliminate the influence of editing keys, which move cursor to the line in 48 mode. And the most important part - the possibility of calling previous command by pressing <EDIT>. If you want to repeat the operation, or repeat it with a slightly modified parameters, you can call it immediately after pressing <EDIT>. If you do something typed on the command line, the key <EDIT> does not work (in the standard version is invokes the line of BASIC programs). Analogues in TR-DOS 5.13 is not available. Item No. 7 (the largest). DOS 6.05E course supports RAM-disk based on the additional RAM up to 1024k. In this case 4k away under a directory and some other features and the remaining free memory allocated by workspace RAM-disk. To initialize the RAM-disk, use the command FORMAT "d: name". Next to the D: drive can be treated as a floppy, with the only difference is that this disc can not be change and the power is turned off the information on it is lost. Nice feature is that dumping information on the D: drive is intact, and possible future work with them without surgery FORMAT. For systems programmers, it is important that work with the RAM-disk does not differ from that of the usual drive through the input # 3D00, # 3D03, # 3D13, and when you contact the DOS to routines running at the level of work disk sector. Program read and write sectors of work even if the D: drive is not been 'formatted'. User in this case has all the memory RAM-disk, but without file organization. Programs using direct programming K1818VG93 naturally do not work. Under the RAM-DISK, by default, is given not all of 1024K of RAM, but only the older 512K. Lower 512K set aside for resident (see below). In consequence of this had to do the ability to read from the port # 7FFD (hardware, like - see below) to determine the current page of the lower 512K of RAM. -= CUT = I personally use the software definition of the current page, although of course it can not track the state of the second screen (as it should?). But this is someone like more like it. -= CUT = Thanks to what is possible from the RAM-DISK'a run not only the 128K program (eg Land of Myths). Port of extended memory is used # 7FFD. If someone wants to can make a (Installer supplied). Item number 8 (much less). Magic'i ... Well what can I say? Entirely and completely blows from DOS 5.13;). IMHO, rulnye possible (and I quote an excerpt from the description 5.13): "Significantly enhanced features magic knopischi. When pressed, the complex is suspended and waits: 1 - run the standard procedure of saving, but still there, and when loading is reduced and adjusted Register R. 2 - the same, but the stack is placed in bottom of the screen. Designed for burglary. 3 - Go to the STS. BANK = # 57 Two numbers on the stack, and a few bytes of attributes - depending on the position of the stack. Before entering the STS is extinguished muzykalka. PC in STS'e shows the place to stop, but not always. You can find out exactly under the stack. 4 - Return to the program. Serves as a pause. In some prog worth checking address the transition to tyrdose (# 0066), and if Magik custom, then bummer. In this versions of such tests do not find differences: interception carried out at the beginning of zasiraniya the stack. " Item number 9. You have access to all registers of the controller K1818VG93 already in two ways. Pull the from the different versions. The first method (skorpionovsky): # 3FF0 OUT (C), A: RET # 3FF3 IN A, (C): RET The second (very strange) through new syscalls # 3D13: # 0D - Register D contains the lowest address Port E data register in it. If necessary and chief port address, it is indicated in register B. # 0F - Register D contains the lowest address port, the output of the register data from E him. If necessary and chief port address, it is indicated in register B. And two more (in the appendage): # 10 - Calling the subroutine entry # 3FBA. In the HL register address field data, DE - Waiting time VG93 preparedness. # 11 - Calling the subroutine reading # 3FD5. In the HL register address of the buffer time in DE standby readiness VG93. Analogues in TR-DOS 5.13 is not available. Item number 10. Certainly Fixed bug TR-DOS'a work with a large group of sectors 5 and 6 teams from # 3D13 (sm.ZF # 3). Item number 11. There is a built-in Mini-boot which run from the TR-DOS command to '8 '(the former team of 80). Really don `t know who was the author of this rubble, but we have finished a bit (sorry. ..). Due to the fact that the switch to drive 'B' can not quickly quickly, it implements autosearch drives in the drive 'A' and 'B'. For example go to DOS (disk in the drive 'B') press '8 'and through two or three seconds boot itself switch to it! And select the current drive in boot'e possible keys 1-4, and the key 'D' - Reset Dos. In DOS 5.12 was there seems to be a small copier, which judging by the description of version 5.13 thrown ... Item Number 12. Similarly, version 5.13 DOS thrown in our memory test, the filling of which is done via the command PUSH, as a consequence speed RESET-DOS rose nemeryannom ... A also, through PUSH cleared memory when resetting of the BASIC 128, with similar consequences:). Item No. 13. Again, as in version 5.13 greatly accelerated reading from the drive. Much faster to read even a program like iS-DOS and Honey Comander'e, not to mention programs like Conver Comander, Real Comander or command TR-DOS LIST etc. Accelerate the entry, as shown by experiments, unfortunately not. Some drives do not have time to unwind drive, the consequences of this horrible ... Item number 14. Some minor glyuchki TR-DOS (which was no longer remember). And just as in DOS 5.13 on a team you can NEW to know the last modified date code. The so-called 'Rodionovskaya vector Interrupt # 0900 - # 0A00 'was not affected, All programs using it are normal. Additional features received a small change BASIC 128 with TR-DOS 6.05E. Item No. 1. Naturally maintained by a resident Honey Commander, but due to change BASIC 128 get into it with any reset (other than the 48-th ;-), unlike version 5.13, which intercepted a resident is possible only when RESET-DOS. Capabilities resident in our version is much expanded to intercept discharges can absolutely any program with minimal memory. Enough to place on at # FFF0 at page 31 (# 1F) line characters 'Residentpresent!' (No spaces), and immediately after a reset control will be sent to the address # C000 of the same page. Under this resident had already converted: Real Comander, Conver Comander, FPM (two version), Luxe Copy, Direct Comander, bo ot Turbinova and boot Rodionova, STS. Maybe something else I missed. Use of such programs has not an example is more convenient. Additionally, Conver and Luxe Copy embedded gasilka screen. Item No. 2. There is a software RESET-DOS with a choice of any drive, if reset, hold down 04.01 (1-drive A, 2-B, etc.). Unfortunately only works on those machines where the keyboard at work dos not blocked (PROFI, PENTAGON, ATM ...). Also much easier to work with RAM-DISK'om (not have to write constantly '* "D"' ;-). Item number 3. If the screen saver from the BASIC 128 when choosing item '128 TR-DOS 'press is not just ENTER, and with the CAPS-SHIFT'om (you can EDIT :-), it automatically when you exit to DOS from the current drive will be running the file boot. Just like in Scorpio, only more correct. Self-a 'Tape Loader' from the screen saver kicked, but worth '48 TR-DOS '. Item No. 4. Pressing 5 + RESET resets the neglect of all residents. Very rarely happens (when you copy the entire disk for times) is killed by some residents, so that after reset comp goes into full meditation, remove it from which one can only Off. Of course, many of the items lose their relevance when using MadRom, but All the same it is not at all, and more part of the improvements I made when not suspected the existence of such a thing as MadRom. Installer The installer comes in the form of source code to the Storm. After compiling it creates a working file for flashing the ROM. Full delivery firmware must contain the following files: 128_resd.P 16K BASIC128 Resident 128_norm.P 16K BASIC128 dos6_05e.P 16K TRDOS Resident dos_inst.C source installer DOS mad_inst.C source installer MADROM md615d5 ^. P md896d5 ^. P firmware MADROM md896d5v.P Appendix Scheme is read from the port # 7FFD. (Required only for computers with 1024K RAM) and if there is a hunt to track coc Toyan second screen:) IR22 Q0 March 2 D0 D0 Q0 Output port Q1 TM9 May 4 D1 # 7FFD D1 Q1 D62 for the Pentagon. Q2 July 6 D2 D2 Q2 Q3 September 8 D3 D3 Q3 December 13 D4 +5 V on the D4 Q4 14 15 D5 D5 Q5 Released TM'ki port bit0 17 16 D6 memory expansion D6 Q6 up to 512K. bit1 18 19 D7 D7 Q7 1N ROM 27512 January 11 OE PE LE1 LL1 A1 1 March 1 1 1 3 A15 2 on LA3 2 1 '3 LE1 2 on / IORQ 5 April 1 / RD 6 on Port becomes active only in DOS'e, therefore, make no incompatibilities can. Check for proper assembly of the port You can check my TEST v4.22. For a more comfortable working with RAM-DISK'on I wrote a program from, as in IS-DOS, IMAGE. It also allows you to save on the RAM-DISK floppy disk, restore it from disk and simply copy any disc into memory. Works, of course, only with TR-DOS 6.05E and RAM-DISK'ami of 512, 384 and 128K. RD at 896K is not supported due to lack meaning. All the flash and the accompanying software is absolutely free, you will find they will be able to Station Zero BBS TashZXNet. Whereupon, Au revoire! Editors note: by itself can add that popolzovavshis this firmware for about six months, we found that this cultural and rudder fareva! In the version for 512K Ram is a cactus that RAM-drives from Honey Commandera and DOSa match. That is, there was as though the IDE. So that this firmware version we are working its recommendation.
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