Buzz #19
18 августа 2000

My Amiga - Senat talks about his first Amiga.

<b>My Amiga</b> - Senat talks about his first Amiga.


(C) 2ooo Senat ^ EI

Hello Zx-piplz!!!

   Writer out of me bad, so please continue reading
strictly not to judge ...

   Here, at last, and my dream came true - I bought a1200!!!
:)))) First impression of all seen - svobodaaaa what
wanted to, and received. I was just killing multitask'ing (all 
as I realized, is limited by memory). I also want to say

a few words about soft'e: almost all the small bend in the 
amount of (Although some are just eats memory). Dopus - I have 
not seen anywhere (neither in the zx, or on PC) anything like 
that (though a bit like like EWS). There's even an adjustable 
width scrollbar'a ... 

   The reason why I bought it the Amiga - it's coding. The point
that kodit, for me personally, it was just unbearable. I
wants more than a spinning cube, even with T_MaR'om
or Phong, or even with the Bump + Env_map + T_map ;)... I want 
to do nostoyaschee _3D_, and not fake-inhibitory squalor with 
dozens of tables, where 1 fx may occupy the entire 128-th 
memory. If anyone knew mazahizmom how I had to deal, making 
T_map + Env_map in NaPaLm'e, then many would consider me a 
pervert. But this effect seems to be so no one noticed ... Or 
just coders already left? So for what to do Khitrovo $ bath 
algorithms?? I want people to value work coders, not whining on 
the party in settling the demo with a bunch of animations and 
hackneyed stretch-fx'y, who for 15 years, no less. Some 
enthusiasts (Type Sair00s'a) say they will continue to do on zx 
3Dizvrat (such as 3D-camera, etc.), but I can hardly believe, 
in fact, pipl that to truly appreciate what is happening ...

   Their future work I intend to expose only
burzhuinskie party solely for the purpose of 'making money' 
itself and member'am.

   I also want to say a few words on the PC: the more I watch
their scene, the more I feel sick. All the latest jobs require
simply astounding komputera configuration, see DeMouy
was not only difficult, but it is very difficult, although 
_nichego_ over tricked out I still do not see: all the same 
3d-Fly without meaning, no graphics, no normal music. I, in my 
opinion, I can guess how to do it: take 3-D engine written

exclusively on C, is preparing 3-D scene is written Mouzon
exclusively in the pops-or trans-pisalke .... and all deme
ready! All this works only in windsurfing with
interrupted music (what ever swap).

Well, like, everything. Bye. SenaT ^ ei

PS: Thanks Ogromnoe Magic ^ XTM (we have tortured you in the 
past 2 

      months ...;)

PPS: Thanks Ogromnoe Exploder ^ XTM (for software, tips, show

        on Gathering'e bourgeoisie, where what's what ...)

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       \ / / / Amiga forever ...

Other articles:

Best View FAQ - Answers to questions on the popular program Best View.

Credits - the authors of the paper.

Demo Scene - The demo scene - what is it?

Eternal Partry - the next revelry Eternity Industry.

Games Review - an overview of games: 12 secret book, The Cezar, the 8 th Division, Worm, Kill PC-2, War of Ember, Tower Pod, Japanese Contrast, Kashcheeva chain, Dizzy 1 - 7 collection, Smagly-3.

Local News - Kovrov news.

My Amiga - Senat talks about his first Amiga.

Other News - News from Techno Lab and spektrumistov from Perm.

Out Guest - Our guests are the good old Yerzmyey.

Programming - programming as the highest form of creativity.

Prologue - Buzz still came out, news of Eternity Industry.

Systems Review - an overview of system software: Best View v2.9, ASCII GFX Maker, Disk Exhumer, RUN. Z80, Excess Sample Editor, Silicon Player, Hyperion Player, Magic Eye, unRAR beta.

ZX arts scene - obzop lychshih gpaficheskih flawless functioning of who how and why the drawing.

disease ... - Paracels'a response to an article in Uncle Sam'a ZX-Pilot.

Showdown - Uncle Sam VS Paracels.

Showdown - Hi, Uncle Sam! (Letter dated Goblin'a)

Advertising - rekalama and announcements ...

Humor - A program code. The Adventures of Pinocchio as it is.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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