Buzz #19
18 августа 2000

Demo Scene - The demo scene - what is it?

<b>Demo Scene</b> - The demo scene - what is it?


/ Ripped from some pc'yukovogo zhurnala.Prinosim apologies to 
the authors for such a coarse step. But the article seemed to 
us intreresnoy, and we could not resist! /

                  Demo scene - what is it?

(C) C0RpSe ^ HRG

This article focuses on the demo scene - a particular direction
computer art, which is quite possible to talk about how
art. We plan to tell you about the groups working in
this direction and to start offering you
the story of one of their members of such groups on the basics 
of the genre. 

I asked about the demoscene as such. I - it
C0RpSe, musician, art / music group HRG. First of all, we must
to say that not every group - it DEMOgruppa. None.
There are so-called art-groups, music-groups and
demo-groups. In general, we start from the beginning.

With the advent of computers transformed the life of mankind.
However, all somehow believed that the computer can only
schitat.Kak turned out, it completely wrong viewpoint.
With it you can draw. And not only in graphics
modes. First of all, I'm talking about the ASCII-stage. There 
is a very a large number of talented artists who are using

specific charset, can draw any picture.
The only restriction - the width of the screen 80x25/textmode, 
and length is not limited.

That this is exactly the whole interest of the work in the 
ASCII-art direction. With limited resources to create something

that would transmit the mood of the artist. I must say that it 
is quite a difficult exercise and drawing one of the

Artist spends a lot of time. In general, it is impossible
say that this is a very simple task. Try it yourself to make
similar things, and you will see the justice of my words.

The second direction of art-groups - is ANSI-graph is the 
derivative from the ASCII-graphics, that is, painted in 
different colors. To all other artists draw not only symbols of 
the alphabet, but 176,177,178 and use symbols in their works. To

make life easier for artists and coders have written a bunch of 
different ANSI-editors.

The best of these is the Acid-Draw. For example, go to in the Search box, type HRG - you
will be given a list of all artpacks my group. Recommened
Download yourself This artpacks with the works of 
our artists. 

The third area - the so-called hirez gfx. In other words,
high-resolution graphics - 640x480, 800x600, etc. People
dealing with it, usually have a fairly powerful machine. After
when to draw the ANSI / ASCII rather simple
Dos and text mode with 16 colors and 1 MB of
memory, then hirez gfx need a car at least P-133 with 16
MB of RAM and a graphics card that supports high-resolution
plenty of flowers. On top artists
HIrez-direction in addition to the mouse using digitizers - they
greatly simplify their lives in terms of drawing.

In summary, I can not say that all those
works that are artpacks are a reflection
artist's world view and, accordingly, to someone they like,
and someone not.

This is quite a normal reaction, since coming to the exhibition,
man like not all work. In short, the demo scene
provides an opportunity to organize an art exhibition for
one person, personally.

List of links of interest to visit:
http://www. hornet. org / info / gfxzone / scene.html

This group, united only musicians. In the understanding of the 
scene musician - a man who writes music using

Special Programs-trackers. The most common trackers -
Impulse Tracker (. It), Fast Tracker (. Xm), Scream Tracker (. 
S3m) These programs allow you to implement sufficient quality

music without the use of various expensive equipment.

Enough of any sound-card that is compatible with either SB16 
Gravis Ultra Sound. In the tracker implemented with various 
effects for with sound. Every sound - is a sample. At a certain 
experience can be write a composition as close to real sound.

Music-groups released a music-disk - a collection of songs, so
and individual tracks. They can listen through player'ov.
The best, in my opinion, is ModPlug Player
(Http:// Large European archive
trekern th music -,
American Archives -

In mid-March, was released music-disk from the best musicians
writing in heavy styles. Author of the article took part in this
project. It's called Tracked Agression and can be found at

Recommend links of interest to visit:;;

This area of ​​the demo scene is a combination of art and
music trends. Only its foundation are not artists and
musicians, although they certainly are an integral part, and
coders (coders). Coders programmed demo (demo). This
programs, which are indicative of aerobatics
programmer (coder) in oblasgi knowledge of hardware and software
features of computer

Artists make 3D models, wallpapers, sprites, etc., musicians
write music, but the main work of compiling and synchronization
music graphics falls exactly on the encoder. And now add to
This is also a variety of visual effects - imagine,
how much time and effort necessary to expend the encoder to 
write demo? And it's really interesting, because among

Demo groups conducted various competitions (competition, party).

The most popular contests - Assembly, Gathering.

The most famous archive of demos, do not forget to visit

Probably, many question arises - who needs all this? And for
themselves, for friends, for friends. After all, creativity in 
everyday life does not cause such issues? There is no demo 
scene - is also creativity, but not quite in the usual sense of 
the word. In Overall, I want to wish you a pleasant 
acquaintance with the demoscene. 

Other articles:

Best View FAQ - Answers to questions on the popular program Best View.

Credits - the authors of the paper.

Demo Scene - The demo scene - what is it?

Eternal Partry - the next revelry Eternity Industry.

Games Review - an overview of games: 12 secret book, The Cezar, the 8 th Division, Worm, Kill PC-2, War of Ember, Tower Pod, Japanese Contrast, Kashcheeva chain, Dizzy 1 - 7 collection, Smagly-3.

Local News - Kovrov news.

My Amiga - Senat talks about his first Amiga.

Other News - News from Techno Lab and spektrumistov from Perm.

Out Guest - Our guests are the good old Yerzmyey.

Programming - programming as the highest form of creativity.

Prologue - Buzz still came out, news of Eternity Industry.

Systems Review - an overview of system software: Best View v2.9, ASCII GFX Maker, Disk Exhumer, RUN. Z80, Excess Sample Editor, Silicon Player, Hyperion Player, Magic Eye, unRAR beta.

ZX arts scene - obzop lychshih gpaficheskih flawless functioning of who how and why the drawing.

disease ... - Paracels'a response to an article in Uncle Sam'a ZX-Pilot.

Showdown - Uncle Sam VS Paracels.

Showdown - Hi, Uncle Sam! (Letter dated Goblin'a)

Advertising - rekalama and announcements ...

Humor - A program code. The Adventures of Pinocchio as it is.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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