Optron #35
25 апреля 2000 |
Feedback - Letters from readers.
From the Editor As you may have noticed "feedback sessions communications we have been held regularly - every fifth issue of Optron. Not become Save and | 35. In the first place "Optron, of course, read and discuss our Lviv networkers. Here - an excerpt from one of these discussions in LVIVZXNET.GEENERAL: "Litstranichka" in "Optocouplers" - the most arid section! Sergei Debris, student "Litstranichka" - a section I'd say pretty funny. And the most uninteresting and confused - Likbez. The most controversial - "This wagon." Maxim Isayev, an engineer And I like all the "Optocouplers", except graphic design of the rooms where to "cover" used saver headings. Valery Debris, student And here - the views of our other Lviv readers: Of all the materials "OPTRON" I have more attracts "Likbez. For someone who wants to seriously study the assembly language, lessons 'Literacy classes' are far more valuable than any textbooks. Igor Matsa, student I, in general, far from the problems of the Spectrum. But, nonetheless, when my eye caught the last few issues of "Optron" I read with great interest. Most of all I liked the topic "Hobbies" - first of all, the article about the art Bonsai. Highly cognitive and an article on Limerick, it is a pity that its ending more vulgar. But "Litstranichka" from Kharkov authors | 34 turned some empty, nothing gives any mind, no heart. Olga Hryniv Engineer Placed in a "Optocouplers" | 30 article about growing bonsai has made me a the impression that I decided to dedicate their leisure time in this exotic hobby. Many thanks to Taras Nikolaychuk, author articles for the valuable information! Yuri Zimkovich, science fiction writer Each time is eagerly waiting release of the latest issue of "OPTRON. And from his most recent publications I enjoyed most about the interview with V. Bulchukeem in | 33. Ivan Ferin, installer of radio equipment
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