IzhNews #06
29 августа 2000

FEATURES - Corrected wiring diagram click to ZX Spectrum.

<b>FEATURES</b> - Corrected wiring diagram click to ZX Spectrum.


(C) PIXel / BrC

Mouse [mouse]

  1. Mlekopitayushih family, troop
gryzunov.Dlina body 5-50cm., tail - up to 45
sm.Okolo 480 species, widely distributed.

  2. Portable device localization
finktsioniruyuschee a result of displacement
him on a certain surface;
manipulator input graphic information;
device for testing of
pointer on the screen.

  Here we are just about the second will
conversation. Much has been in many articles
publications focused on this connection
the device itself, but since the case on
Connection rats in our city is not
progressing, I decided to talk about their
experience in this podrubaniyu devaysa.

  To warn, sho is defective
paper, and, based on the above here
material myshu not connect! Scheme
mouse controller, the seat in ZXF # 5
tested me, and I can confidently
say that it is valid for one hundred percent, but
with the scheme of processing the most
common RS'ishnyh (RS232) mice
There's a problem. In the above
log shows incorrect schema, rather,
with errors. If the person to think in
Railway affairs, glyanet at her, then immediately
vytsepit those same mistakes, which I will
schaz tell.

  1) The figure is drawn with a face value rezyuk
6K, but, as I know, this denomination
in nature to exist, and therefore there is 26 K.

  2) Also, there exists unknown
Why painted compound (in the scheme,
below, it is right 26 K).
Its presence is clearly anomalous, since it
allows optocouplers responsible for Hkoordinatu influence the 
Y-coordinate, and vice versa.

           Amended scheme:

            +5 O

    January 1, 1914

a June 1
b 1 x 26K
c t 2
d l


     July 8 o

  Here, perhaps, and all I wanted to tell.

Other articles:

Entry - a new newspaper.

News - Day of the city, establishing Izhevskgo magazine, the new composition of the editorial board.

pent - samoedstvo authors otsutvii newspaper about the reaction of readers.

Warez - Gaming and system innovations: Imperia 2000, the 8 th Division, The Last Courier, Burial GFX Editor, Perspective Comander.

Nonsense - about the features of the assembler Alasm 4.2 (macro, commands, conditional events, etc.)

Solution - a detailed walkthrough Dizzy A.

Cheating - Thoughts aloud, or to deceive as additional missions to the game, Black Crow.

Password - the method of decrypting passwords for the games.

Adventure - Guide Adventyurnym games! (Part 1)

FEATURES - Corrected wiring diagram click to ZX Spectrum.

Proposal - philosophy: "Eat anything smaller than me, avoiding all that is bigger than me."

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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