Optron #35
25 апреля 2000

waggons - Press Review: Always one, Micro 23, ZX-News 50, Polesie 15.

<b>waggons</b> - Press Review: Always one, Micro 23, ZX-News 50, Polesie 15.
{} Tertius Gaudens

         For the past seven months have passed since

         the appearance of my book, but I do not see

         end abuses and vices.

                           Jonathan Swift

  Always | 1, 4.11.99; | 2, 11/22/1999


  Network Information Newspaper

  Publisher - Group Opical Bros.

  Glan editor - Alexander Filanov

  Not so long ago, a couple of years ago, Minsk,
According to several authoritative spektrumistov,
was almost the capital of the Spectrum. Some
ZX-only newspaper there came out more than a dozen.
Then a raging torrent ZX-press from Minsk gradually dried up. 
Of course, some Spectrum Ming editions continue to exist, but 
they have to Lvov, in any case, do not reach. 

  And finally, in front of us - a new newspaper from Minsk! And 
the newspaper, at the same time, which had declared itself very 
seriously: great graphics, nice texts, their own, does not 
resemble other Belarusian newspaper "person", the absence of 
defects, usually inherent in the "newborn". 

  B | | 1, 2, readers will find:

  - News from the life of the Minsk spektrumistov
(Interesting, I think, not only Minskers);

  - Interviews with leading by Minsk spektrumistami (something 
like that is doing now and "Optron");

  - Good humorous lyrics.

  I'd like to hope that in future the "newborn" will be one of 
the most authoritative ZX-newspapers. 

  Micro | 23, 18/12/1999


  Authors - Alexander and Maxim Vishnevsky

  Like, not too far from Kiev
Lviv, but the newspaper come out to
us very irregularly. However, those
separate rooms and "Micro", gets to
us earlier, and write something was practically
nothing: they are dominated by either borrowing from the old 
print media, any news, interesting only in Zaporizhia. 

  But | 23 - is another matter. Here the reader will find:

  - Inforiatsiyu about Odessa spektrumistah

  - A story that in fact
predstavvlyayut a different computer companies and their 
"experts" (4.4K); 

  - Reflections on the role-playing games (24K) -
Borrowing from the Internet;

  - Tips on passing game "Axe of
Kolt "(5.1K).

  And would not like to dwell on the shortcomings of this one 
(except "Optron) known to me ZX-Ukrainian newspaper. But! 
First, the authors showed that they are quite capable of doing 
a good newspaper, hence, the criticism should go to them only

benefit. And secondly, the shortcomings of these
quite typical for many publications.

  So, in order.


  It appears that the main sponsors - AVAILABILITY
shell, not its convenience.

  Baseline data.

  Completely absent. On the origin of the newspaper, its date 
of issue and other matters remains only guess.


  For example, in an article about Odessa says that "in the 
receiver can hear the busy tone ... my attention was distracted 
by a passing Kamaz "etc. And so that's" Preface "is 4.1K (and 
the actual information - 2.3K). Is about Odessa and write 
something There was nothing else? And is it even the most

author (not to mention the reader) it's interesting!


  In principle, borrowing nothing wrong there. But when they 
obviously take precedence over your own materials, then 
soglasitet, it looks like something indecent. Why then, one 
wonders, do publish a newspaper? 

  Already without regard to the "Micro" add
that when reading other newspapers, the question arises
- What is the purpose of set themselves the authors, except the 
desire to declare: "Behold, they say, and We're doing a 
newspaper "? 

  All this in a "wagon train" was written more than once.
But what if the end of the "evils" is not

  ZX-News | 50, 12/31/1999

{} Mayorov, 13.5K

  As you would expect in the anniversary issue -
story about the formation of the St. Petersburg network, 
festival traditions and the most "Newskah. 

  Software News


  Reviews of new gaming and system software:
"Newskah" reaffirms its reputation as the most informed in this 
regard the newspaper. 

  Life in ehah
{} JEDI Provocative, 7.7K

  Advice to a beginning "hitter." It is
not "technical" and the "chelovvecheskoy"
side of the case.

  In ehah anyway - no one cares whether you are cool or clever 
hacker user! The only thing that separated people who write in 
ekhi, so it's at those who justify their opinions, and

those who do not - the author of the article. The validity of 
the above can see everyone having observed at least

week of correspondence in any ehokonferentsii.



  Stated editorial position with respect
to phenomena such as party and demomeyting.
Summarized the festivals of the past year.
Stated that the Home Festival-2000 to become Chaos 
Construction'000. Argues that this is always demomeyking should 
only be a means of competition and conducted under party; valid 
as creativity is on the Spectrum the creation of games and 
software programs. 

  (Incidentally, some expressed in this
paper thoughts were completely identical with that
long ago wrote in Optocouplers "| 19).

  Olden Z80
{} I. Roshchin, 3.3K

  Topic for coders.

  Offered a program to print a copy of the screen in a larger 
size. It encodes a display file in a text pseudo, which can be 
printed on Printer format A2. (Personally, I'm on such

printers for the first time I heard).

  In the New Year
{} S. Svetlov, 8K

  A little fiction story with a humorous slant. (The aliens are 
trying to find out what earthly holidays).

  Polesie | 15, 12/31/1999

  Here we note the following.

  Navezli novya

  Brief reports of a new system and
game software.

  Letters ...

  Published a letter from Arthur Podtyolkov,
Editor "ZX-News", the editor "Polesie".

  All anything, but here it is the only time the letter was 
opublikovvano and ZX-News | 50 - as an independent

article (it is the article "ZX-Party" -
see above).

  The result was confusion: two respected publications
SIMULTANEOUSLY duplicated the same
material (and, very important!) But on the
unacceptability of such plates in the "wagon train"
already written (see "Optron" | 29).

  Of course, the positions stated in the article
"ZX-Party", deserves support. The exchange of information 
between editions, some coordination of their publications -

a good thing. But not in the same way!

  Doodle brain

  Interesting story, inspired by TV commercials.

  Computer idiocy

  Other users, trying to be with the car on "you" go over all 
conceivable limits. 

  Presented and commented on a number of similar situations.

  Laugh with us

  Several "New Fun".

  Yes, but ... How long has "waggons" lenient
patted on the head, "a young Gomel?
Ahn, lo and behold, she had already become one of the
ZX-most authoritative newspapers!

Other articles:

Likbez - Interrupts ZX Spectrum.

Litstranichka - The path before dawn (in memory of Roger Zelazny).

Opinion - The phenomenon of e-mail (look and feel of the programmer).

waggons - Press Review: Always one, Micro 23, ZX-News 50, Polesie 15.

Feedback - Letters from readers.

Poems - People are not made of steel.

Pages of History - On the morrow of time.

four kilobytes - Change of Chief Editor.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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