Optron #22
29 декабря 1998

Feedback - Otritsalovka ...

<b>Feedback</b> - Otritsalovka ...
[] Tertius Gaudens

  In ancient Rome, was a curious custom: while (even very 
funny!) Feast skull was exposed on the table, saying, "Memento

mori! "Therefore, to avoid too relaxed in the next year," 
Feedback communications at this time dominated by a negative 
component - on business and not. 


  Why do you have such a name - "Optron?
What are you - the young pioneers-hams? .. AND
why you have such a braking shell and
mazdaynaya selection of material? ..

  News you should not give
only from Lviv, but from ALL OVER RUSSIA. AND
would not want to see you famous science fiction, whose stuff 
can be found on any BBS. 

                     Leonid Mishankov (St. Petersburg)

  Editorial Response

  Lviv - which, unfortunately, not in Russia. A
that before Protein'a Zimkovicha and then - honest
word - they themselves were unaware that they
- Is so well-known science fiction!

  In your reviews ZX-press you almost do not say anything about 
the shell, graphics, music, etc. I think this is great omission.

             Maxim Isayev, engineer (Lviv)

  Well, good thing to see. But only
But when fro software - this one (by
At least for a user finds
what he needs and what is not), but when
is an overview of magazines, newspapers - more
Recalls do not review, and squabbles, or
simply, "I have nothing to tell you, so I will speak the words 
of others" ... ... This is, my friend, run over! And for 
assaults possible and in the tower shlopotat!

                Minisoft, editor in chief

                Newspaper C-Net Week (Grodno)

  Not to criticize other publications in
her. Not all like you, want to hear public feedback about 

                      Andrei Savich (St. Petersburg)

  Editorial comment

  Andrew Savicheva words were not addressed
"Optocouplers," but I think that they can be addressed
Any Spectrum newspaper. As far as
T. Gaudens' and then he would be subjected to strict penalties 
(in the sense that it understand the "Optocouplers") for 
forgetting the rules good manners (in the sense that they are 
understood in the C-Net Week). 

  "Optron" ... Spectrum ... Yeah who needs it! You spektrumisty 
- as those "walruses": bathe yourself in the hole - an exotic, 
pop! But the point is that the percentage of these "walrus" in 
the general population - MINIMUM! In our time, engage in 
Spectrum - the same as that worn felt boots: they are cheaper 
and 10 times, and warmer, and convenient, but nobody wears the 
same, just because it is NOT ACCEPTED!

        Ravil Seifullin manager (Lviv)

  Editorial comment

  "Walruses in boots" ... Great comparison! Walruses - the most 
physically healthy people spektrumisty - the most mentally


  Than to spend his volume on all sorts of nonsense
(As, for example, | 19), would be better if you have more
paid attention to gaming issues. And then
Recently, "Optron" gives this
very little information (except arcade novels - they are very 
even nothing). "Litstranichka" as in the electronic edition -

absolutely nowhere.

  But in fact, under the current general lack of money, people 
have less and less ostaetstya forces and capabilities to 
something for the soul. "That is a hobby like Spectrum. So

that, I fear, soon your "Optron" successfully "gignet" - 
together with other ZX-press and with Spectrum.

                               Ivan Ferin,

         installer of radio equipment (Lviv)

            P.S. from Gaudens'a

  Well, the negative reviews - also a joy. For even Ovid said: 
"Casta est, quam nemo rogavit "-" chaste one that nobody 
wanted. " 

             P.S. by rasp

  Well, jokes this Tertius'a! However,
indeed: it helps to do a newspaper
any feedback - good and bad. Thus,
send us your feedback in the new year, dear

Other articles:

ZX-waggons - The result of all the back issues of newspapers.

Iron - The story "nihilists."

Coding - Sultan Tale (humor).

Lit. Page - Grief "Y" (Diary of Laboratory J. Scalp - ending).

Feedback - Otritsalovka ...

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

four kilobytes - A collection of original sayings (oridzhinov).

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Similar articles:
listening to you? - a letter to a newspaper from Smont'a.
Coder - Procedures for rapid cell division and multiplication.
Interface - News from: Placebo, Brain- wave, Phantom Family, Volga Soft, Studio Stall, Gogin, Anarchia, Image Crew, Hackerz 'Design Software, Peters +, Fatal Snipe, Ellipse.
Advertising - advertising and announcements.

В этот день...   3 December