SpecInfo #01
28 августа 1997 |
News - In Riga, after a year lull spektrumisty finally stirred.
SPECINFO Weekly Newspaper 29.08.97 TODAY WE HAVE THE PROGRAM: 1.NOVOSTI 2.SET 3.NOVINKI 4.HARD N SOFT 5.TSENY 6.REKLAMA 7.OT AUTHORS Q-Up And Down-O-P-Page Up Page Down M-Musica -------------------------------------------------- -----------( C) WARLORD NEWS LATVIA In Riga, after a year lull spektrumisty finally stirred. Our newspaper to our knowledge premer.Vot.Po DEPREDATOR wrote DeMouy on ENLIGHT 97, RAVER her there povez.Govoryat deme Well very steep and vrodeby DEPREDATOR calculates the first place. Have not seen so that their views will leave at sebe.Nu and who is not Who knows taco DEPREDATOR, so take virtually any steep DeMouy, the same VIBRATIONS, and the greeting will see grupu PHANTAZI, so here it is the same for ottuda.Opyat not verified the information PHANTAZI seems to be unraveled, as well, ie collapsed, were vrodeby DEPREDATOR, RAVER, HAZARD but that's what happened to the other not znayu.NORO vrodeby prodalzhaet write music, but for whom it vopros.Nu nothing, RAVER proesnit we hope to return the situation. In Jelgava KRANHERS GROUP appends its igrushku.A at us in Riga may finally appear for Spectrum magazine, and predetsya We wait for half a year of journals that wish ROSII.Tak SFD and ARTICU udachi.A More from LATVIISKIH news released such news as SBOR.Vy probably seichas thought Kako there .... collection He was delirious? And there is not a no nonsense, I'm talking about the first LATVIISKOM Zborov spektrumistov.Plan collecting and cherishing dovno seichas it can be ispolnen.Na gathering will be representatives of all known groups of Latvia, and of course there preglashayutsya everyone. A specific date to call you can not but about the beginning or mid sentebrya.O new data collection, we will you Sensitize the pages nashei gazety.Teh who want to learn more about collecting ask to contact personally with mnoi WARLORDom.O methods connection, you can read in the section from AVTOROV.Nu here on this pozhalui news from Latvia and over. RUSSIAN And the news there is not so much because the connection is not steady and redkaya.S modems have a bad phone market for a long time and even dorogo.Da and modem connection will hardly help quite simply disgusting. Well, what I mean? And about novostyah.Itak news from ROSSII.Hm ... Home news is of course ENLIGHT 97.YA nearly stuh waiting enlaita but finally it dozhdalsya.I though no escho results DEMO compo and other categories yet ... So we know from the YURI MOTVEEVA that ENLIGHT 1997 will be held from 23 to 24 August in C-Piterburg from 11 to 17 hours in the premises of the Institute and Here kokogo he did not know when he was just svyazyvalis.Chto MSU to say so is that when I contacted him, he worked on the Spectrum as it pleases and it means that we will meet with SPECTROFON wonderful magazine! Again rumored to 22 rooms SPECTROFONa should vyiti blizhaishee in time if not already out, but it's there and while it is up to us doidet.Tfu gulf already want to cry how we end up nove.Poka it doidet it gets old. Nazhernoe all already know what a wonderful toy wrote GLORY MEDNONOGOV! I Gowar about the game CHERNYI VORON.Eta toy will real-time here tak.Podrobnei read about the game CHERNYI RAVEN log ZX FORMAT N5.Nu and the latest news you'll read nashei next issue of the newspaper as likely to return and RAVER to share the news with nami.Nu here probably all the news on etoi week. -------------------------------------------------- --------------( C) VLADIK
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