SpecInfo #01
28 августа 1997

From the authors - in Latvia it moves from point mertvoi and Spectrum again revives.

<b>From the authors</b> - in Latvia it moves from point mertvoi and Spectrum again revives.

 Well, that ended pervyi number nashei gozety, but you do not 
cry we'll meet again, be sure to meet! Well this I'm joking but 
if seriously, we are very pleased that finally something in 
Latvia it moves from point mertvoi and Spectrum 
vozrazhdaetsya.Konechno it again probnyi room in dalneishem 
will improve the shell and even the text will uvelichivatsya 
will improve when svyazi.A little text because BBS that we do 
not, and transfer work of the Moscow glupo.Nu here like and 
they all said that hoteli.Vsem yet! 

 You can contact us after covering on the radio market on 
Wednesday and Friday her watch from 12 to 14, or call: 579 183 
20 to 21. 


  CODER: Karlis Goba (OPTIC)

  GRAPHICS: Gennady Melnikov (CARTOON)

-------------------------------------------------- -------------
 Originalnyi disk should be in the package with water 
znakom.Perezapis newspapers are not rozreshena.Raspostranenie 
without the consent of the Editorial newspapers are not 
razreshaetsya.Po all issues svyazonym with gazetoi ask to 
contact with mnoi WARLORDom. 

Other articles:

News - In Riga, after a year lull spektrumisty finally stirred.

Reflections on Spectrum - Pervyi criteria for this project connect to computers modem.

News - At etoi week at the bazaar there is a new (to us) igruha RETURN TO HOME.

Prices - the basic price ZX computers and periphery which can be bought in Riga.

From the authors - in Latvia it moves from point mertvoi and Spectrum again revives.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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