City #36
11 декабря 1999

Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 28).

<b>Likbez</b> - a full disassembler ROM (part 28).
    ************* **************** LIKBEZ

(C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

               And as for those

             WHO WANTS TO BE.


Address 6160. Runs the command VERIFY. Set
23825 and 23611.
It is also used to address:
6165 - the command LOAD. Set 23825 and
6168 - the command LOAD, PEEK and POKE. Set 23825, 23611 and 
23824. 6160 LD A, 255; verification file

      LD (23801), A
6165 CALL 6226; zeroing 23824
6168 CALL 6198; processing parameters and load


      CALL 7541; if there is a check in syntax

                   then return

      LD A, 255, the command LOAD

      LD (23824), A

      LD A, (23801) holds VERIFY?

      CP 255

      JP Z, 993, and if so, O.K.

      LD A, (23781) file extension B?

      CP "B"
Attention! If the operation was one sector file, then we must 
go, regardless of extension. 

      JP Z, 298; if so, the processing line AB

      JP 993; otherwise O.K.

Address 6198. Treatment options for the LOAD command and
Upload file. Set 23825, 23611, 23801 and
6198 CALL 6266; adoption options

      CALL 7541; if we check the syntax, the


      CALL 6315; test parameters

      JP 6433; downloading a file and returns

Address 6210. Processing parameters for the command LOAD ..
. CODE. Set 23645 for file extension. The output of 23,766 
sets, 23,769 and 23,771. 6210 LD HL, (23645), the next 
character in the string ENTER? 

      INC HL

      LD A, (HL)

      CP 1913

      RET Z; if so, return

      LD A, 1; set the load address

      LD (23766), A

      CALL 7569, receiving one or two numbers

      XOR A; zeroing 23824

      LD (23824), A

      RET; Returns

Address 6226. Zeroing 23824.
6226 XOR A

      LD (23824), A


Address 6231. Reception parameters for the command POKE or
PEEK. Entry: 23645 set on the file extension.
Output: Sets 23767, 23769, 23771 and 23871.
6231 CALL 4142; reception file extension

      LD A, "B"; a "B"?

      CP B

      JR NZ, 6246, and if so, decrement CH_ADD,


      LD HL, (23,645) BASIC program for the expansion


      DEC HL; indicated

      LD (23645), HL
6246 CALL 7659; reception numbers

      LD HL, (23769); plant load address / per
                    pisi sector

      LD (23767), HL

      LD HL, (23771); installation facilities sector

      LD (23769), HL

      XOR A; zeroing 23766

      LD (23766), A

      RET; Returns

Address 6266. Adoption of the parameters for the command LOAD.
Input: Set 23825 and 23611. Output: Sets 23762, 23767, 23769, 
23781 and 23766, and reads the file descriptor. 6266 CALL 1067; 
the second character of the command line 


      JP Z, 635, and if so, the entrance to the team about
                   core processor with the introduction of team

                  ; RUN "boot"
Error! This is incorrect, since the error you get into the 
shell TR-DOS, but not return in BASIC.

      CALL 7647; placing the file name on stack


      CALL 1394; operation with all the files?

      CALL NZ, 6231, and if not, the method of expansion and

                   two numbers

      CALL 7564; take the current character string

      CP 175; this CODE?

      CALL Z, 6210, and if so, the reception number, if

                   they have

      CP 228; is DATA?

      PUSH AF; preservation of the check result

      CALL 1394; operation with all the files?

      CALL Z, 4142, and if so, welcome expansion

      POP AF; reconstruction result of

      CALL Z, 7164, if the character is DATA, then the method 


      CALL 7541; if there is a check in syntax

                   then return

      CALL 10543; install the file name and search


      JP NZ, 985; if the file is not found, NO FILE

      CALL 5725; reading the file descriptor

      RET; Returns

               to be continued ...

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Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 28).

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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