City #36
11 декабря 1999

Smiley - foul jokes.

<b>Smiley</b> - foul jokes.
   Smiley ************** ***************

  A little boy rushes around the apartment. Resets
books with a buffet, throwing clothes, overturns
chairs. Resorts nurse and asked:
- What are you doing?
- I play the game.
- Which?
- "Fuck, where the car keys!"

  A rat comes to the hamster and complains about life:
- Listen, tell me what was wrong: we're like almost the same, 
blood relatives, but do you live in cages, jars, feed you, pat 
on the shoulder with prison, and I was only grass da beat, beat 
da bait! Why so? - Look, perhaps you have a bad promotion!

  Ensign front of the ranks:
- I will always take his blind eye, but if I
someday someone for something to catch, then
this will be his end.

  Once there was a girl who did not see nothing at all, in 
short, was blind. Each time a family sit at the table and my 
mother served a meal, a girl for a long time probed the 
contents of the dish and hands every time whined:

- Well, as I always put the least! Times
I see nothing, therefore deprive you can! Miser ...
Mom got sick of it all and she decided to consult with a 
psychologist. At that the doctor gave her a Board:

- You cook a bowl of ravioli! And let him eat!
The next day my mother setting the table and puts
before the girl "parashku" ravioli. A girl sits
at the table, move yourself nehily portion of ravioli, a long 
time feels content hands and says: - Imagine how much you 
currently naherachili ... 

  Announcement before the meeting in Moscow State Institute: 
All tickets are sold. 

  - Grandpa, but you were little?
- Was, granddaughters.
- Well, they laughed, perhaps, the guys over your beard
and bald!

  The doctor meets his former patient:
- Well, as your sore?
- Yeah. Two weeks left to his mother ...

Other articles:

Iron - expanding the scheme to 512x192 video mode Scorpion points.

Smiley - foul jokes.

Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 28).

Beech - The Life of Jesus for the great Mitka klikuhe Hpistos and how he dragged himself and his soaked vpagi.

Beatles - Today, I shall submit to you one more song O. Mitiaeva.

Our relish - Today I bring to your attention ppedstavlyu petsept ppigotovleniya butepbpodov.

Advertising - Ppodam, buying, exchanging ppogpammy for the ZX Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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