City #18
09 июля 1999

Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 13).

<b>Likbez</b> - a full disassembler ROM (part 13).
(C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

               And as for those

             WHO WANTS TO BE.


Address 864. Text Background TR-DOS.
864 DEFB 22,1,15

      DEFM "* TR-DOS Ver 5.04T *"

      DEFB 13,13,127

      DEFM "1986 Technology Research ltd."

      DEFB 22,5,11

      DEFM "(U.K.)"

      DEFB 22,7,5

      DEFM "BETA 128"

      DEFB 0

Address 940. Completion of the issuance directory.
940 CALL 1021; boot sector of the buffer 8 to
                    Cones 0

      CALL 15744; newline

      CALL 15744; again

      LD BC, (24,074), take the number of free seconds
                    operators on the disk

      CALL 7593; print it

      LD HL, 10706; print FREE

      RST 1924

      JP 467; completion

Address 960. Go to complete subprogram.
960 JP 467

Address 963. Print an error message. In the HL set the address 
of the message, A - an error code. 963 PUSH AF; preserve the 
error code 

      LD A, (23822) error occurred while avtozagruz

      CP 254

      JR NZ, 973, and if not, the installation package


      POP AF; removal from the stack error code

      RET; Returns
973 POP AF; recovery error code

      LD (23823), A; setup error code

      LD A, (23829); print messages?

      OR A

      CALL Z, 9991, and if so, print a message
Error! Before printing, you need to open the flow of 0 and 
clear the bottom of the screen. 

      RET; Returns

Address 993. Display a message O.K.
993 LD HL, 10086; mail messages OK

      XOR A; error code - 0

      JP 7242, issue reports and completion

Address 1000. Loading sector 0 track 0 in the buffer.
Resets 23756. It is also used to address:
1004 - boot sector of track 0 in the buffer. Set 23756.
1010 - boot sector of the buffer sector number E,
track - in D.
1000 XOR A; current sector 0

      LD (23756), A
1004 LD DE, (23756) take the sector number

      LD D, 0, track 0
CALL 10 570 1010; create a buffer

      LD HL, 23845; load into the buffer

      LD B, 1, 1 sector

      JP 7741; boot sector

Address 1021. Download the buffer sector 8 track 0.
Set 23820.
CALL 10 570 1021; create a buffer if it is not

      LD DE, 8; track 0, sector 8

      JR 1010; boot sector to clipboard

Address 1029. Setting up the disk. Change the variable
type of drive.
1029 CALL 1021; read into the buffer sector 8 tracks


      LD A, (24076); drive from TR-DOS?

      CP 1916

      JR Z, 1045, and if so, what type of plant dis

      LD HL, 10722; mail messages DISC ERROR

      RST 24; print a message

      JR 960; completion
Warning, Error! Incorrectly handled error. Here the program 
should be: 

      LD HL, 10722

      LD A, 7

      JP 7242
And in this case your program does not receive an error code, 
and the bottom completely out of place will DISC ERROR.

      CALL 15889; take a drive type

      RES 0, (HL); setting drive type to the type of


      RES 1, (HL); & Returns

      LD A, (24072)

      BIT 0, A

      JR NZ, 1061

      SET 0, (HL)
1061 BIT 3, A

      RET NZ

      SET 1, (HL)

Error! Before installing the type must be checked
compatible disk drive.

              to be continued ...

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Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 13).

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Advertising - Ppodam, buying, exchanging ppogpammy for the ZX Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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