Nicron #77
26 февраля 1998

Information - news about the movement against the hourly pay phone.

<b>Information</b> - news about the movement against the hourly pay phone.
             From history

     "Antipovremennogo" movement


Here's a page hung for several months, collecting votes
protest from Russia, and hung it somewhere, and the (!). Well, as the classic, impossible to grasp the 
immensity - This Page was noticed in ZXNet; we fixed all their 
attention to the passions that have raged in Fido, were aware 
of everything that is preparing the "Committee on December 20, 
named here disparaging "a group of individuals, and participated

in the meeting, as authorized by and held on December 20, 1997 
at the building of the Moscow City Hall. Still ZXNet in its 
structure and technical way of accessing the subscriber's 
network (dial-up modem) is much closer to Fido, rather than to 
the Internet, where possible without the phone (though not 
all). Of course, this page - only one of many, and I chose it 
not only because the domain "" painfully familiar 
spektrumistam-networker, but because it led the page one of the 
leaders of the protest movement in Internete (signature found 
in the text). 

  Now this is - history. So at least look into it!

[Achalo quote]:

December 10, 1997

  Article Goryanin Alexander and Mikhail Bykov in Russian 
Thought " 11 December - "Knock on the future of Russia is still 
possible to withdraw." In basically - excerpts from your 
letters, designed to Duma deputies, Keep it clean.

December 6, 1997
In Moscow, organized rallies and demonstrations. Youth
NGO "MOTSIS" decided to organize a rally
protest in Moscow. I have received 3 December the following 
letter from "Dir. On Society. Feedback:

 Our organization is the Youth Community Center Web links
closely involved in organizing a rally in Moscow on 20 
December. I I think we need skoardinirovat our actions. 
Prilogaetsya fail to leaflet. Waiting for suggestions. Dir. in 
total. Relations MOTSIS Bodrov MG

Thank you!

  The rally will be held Dec. 20 at 12-00 on Pushkin Square.
Declared than 1000 people. Permission will be received 16
December. As you read in "prilogaetsya" the letter read about
"Koardinirovanie" can be reached at ~ medway In
Currently (December 8, 1997) is still "UNDER CONSTRUCTION". S
God, so it is impossible, even if fidoshnikom. I currently
time is approximately one and a half thousand letters that can 
not be use - without the signatures, addresses, places of work, 
etc. And with swearing. If MOTSISA do have permission to

rallies and demonstrations, I send out to these addresses
message about the rally. Apparently, gather like-minded people. 
But in Overall - recommended.

  With the demonstration worse - it organizes a group of 
individuals, "The Committee on December 20." Contact telephone 
numbers 150-4573, Matveev Vladimir, 493-9786 - Sergei 
Simonenko, 295-6610 - Eugene Smirnov. Announced the 
participation of 10 thousand people gather at the library them. 
Lenin on the same day, December 20, 14-00, to enable people to 
come from Pushkin Square and march to City Hall. It seems that 
enterprise in a decent form unfeasible - at City Hall will fit 
300 people, at least so do not give permission. 

[Insert (c) WB: as you know, this rally was held successfully,
gathered about 1200 people, and representatives ZXNet (095) on 
it attended. Report from the meeting was published in NICRON-68]

  It is sad that the organizers could not agree among 
themselves. But as similar to adult evil uncle ...

 Personally of course I'll come to any meeting, if not go to 
St. Petersburg - there seems to be all the more serious. Will 
permit or not. But those who now organizes rallies and marches 
without a permit executive branch (that's me in general, while 
these words are neither who do not belong) - irresponsible 
assholes. Gentlemen, be careful. It would be nice not to harm 
our hangouts. 

  That demand? In my opinion, (see letter), the only real
requirement - to protect schools and educational institutions 
in general. Path telefonschiki issued free of charge (cost) 
numbers for education. It's real and it should be!

  Read the section "Letters for the introduction of time-based 
charging." But uninteresting.

  Preparing the section "What to do?". How many times I have 
written in letters as a starting point, of course, we must take 
issue "Russian national network" my favorite "Computerra. The 
bottom line is it is a small and elegant business, which may 
take you personally. Internetiziruyte neighbor's house, next 
quarter. Horseradish GTS'am, not money. Write about your 
experience (in Kompterru and other journals, the topic of hot).

November 18, 1997

  On Thursday this week to be released publication of the novel
Volobuyeva on implications of the time payment in the "General
newspaper, in the future Thursday - a great article by 
Alexander Goryanin in Russian Thought. " Then I send out copies 
of articles MPs state. Duma of 400 copies. (MPs), and we'll see.

Came a few letters with questions about the organization of 
demonstrations in Moscow. I do not know which end to take on 
this puzzle - if anyone knows of technology permits, etc.,

enlighten the public, please! There have been beautiful new

November 12, 1997

  In Peter was appointed a demonstration on December 20, 1911 
hours. Perhaps it's time here in Moscow, think about it?

  Here are two letters I learned at the very beginning, they 
have all (Except commas) ... If you have questions about this 
campaign protest, re-read them:

Hi I am - Palych from Dubna!

  Time payment for telephones in our town has already been 
introduced, true only for the organizations. I worked as a 
teacher in a school for the month of September, I was billed 
for calls of more than 1000 min. Was a heavy conversation with 
the director and the head. Gouron. I and my students (over 500) 
against the introduction povremEnnoy pay phone! Alexander P. 
Lavrenko. Mischa question raised by GMOs (City methodical 
association) science teachers. Issue was discussed and everyone 
is against time payment! At the end of week will be officially 
certified letter to all teachers Informatics city of Dubna.

November 5, 1997

  Still a lot of unsigned letters without an address containing
curses the government. Lord, You take away my
time. Many letters of good and smart, but unsigned. What is
Vladimir, a programmer? And the VIP? These letters do not go
in business!

  Unfortunately, I do not have time to answer all written to me
correct address, place of work and name - middle name,
letter. Thank you all very much. In real life, too, because
most of the time and effort spent on communication with goofy 
people. So nice to meet intelligent ...

Help - you can send links and documents:
 Documents on the introduction of povremyanki: Analytical Note 
- why you can not enter (and resolve) povremyanku on local 
telephone Lines (in printed form suitable for presentation to 
the chiefs signature); socially important individuals who 
agreed to participate in This project, at least the names (here 
is especially necessary assistance); Publications, the Internet 
and on paper; Letters protest; Constructive writing - proposals 
for the government, for telephone companies to Internet users; 
Letters for the introduction of povremyanki and campaign 
against the complaint; Banners List; mailing "Internet-death", 
for those who are involved in the creation and the development 
of this protest - join in! In the body of commands one per line 
help, subsribe internet-death, info, internet-death. Without a 
signature, or in the second line - end of small letters AI. My 
thanks - this section under constraction - it will be 
replenished! (I have not forgotten about you, I just no time!)



  Tuesday - 39 signed letters. If the text you do not address
you can see, it means that the writer of the letter asked for 
the address is not point, but I have it there. Unsigned letters 
had accumulated 54 pieces, among which are several very 
interesting. I will try convince the authors to sign. Friday 
will be ready to list distribution, which makes Michael Evseev 
- "Michael (EMA)", and people wishing to keep 
abreast of developments will subscribe. His version of the 
banner sent to me by Sergei Sagulin,, ~ savdia. Andy Timofeev ( 
finds that attach the logs from the web-servera showing 
IP-addresses and other user disk imaging even more 
convincingly, I have not found this opinion thorough.


  For Monday I received 16 letters of protest - the right,
19 without address or signature, and 15 with offers of help, 
which I especially grateful to 1 in favor of povremyanki, and 
several abusive. Those I killed. Tuesday 'I still have 88 unread

pieces, on Wednesday the "right" letter, I put up a page. I 
have them considered as documents. In an extreme case, if indeed

need for someone to strongly go after, you will be sent to all
Abandoning address a letter with attached envelope, and this 
most obtain the missing signature. However, to collect 10.000 
letters 100 days, you need to collect 100 units per day. 
Correct. Accordingly, the collection points must be greater. 
Let us, include ...


  From 1 January in the Russian Federation introduced time 
payment for phone.

  No, the Internet, of course, do not kill in Russia. But they 
will harm us with you - that's for sure. Many of the specific 
projects that decision would kill him. After all, the projects 
depend on a critical mass of visitors to your pages. These 
projects comply with someone - after five years - but not You.

  General preliminary considerations are as follows. 
Povremyanka introduced Europe - and now at the parliamentary 
level solve the problem of de-monopolization of the telecom 
market, because the gap between States development of the 
Internet deemed threatening to national security European 
countries. A couple of years we will see in our Duma MPs 
discuss what is obvious now. Imagine picture.

   Output - to collect a hundred thousand e-mails of protest,
twist in morocco and give Yeltsin and Luzhkov. You can even
ten thousand.

  You personally can participate as an ordinary party of 
protest, and as an organizer - we will collect the required 
number of signatures, if organize dozens of collection points 

 Handing letter will be the one who brings the most letters.

 Vruchatelem second will be the one who gives money to morocco, 
advertising in paper media, and appropriate banquet.

  On your pages hang "a banner of protest - the options
public - on which the visitor enters the page, where
he offered to send a letter in which he (she) will express their
protest, and detailed supporting materials. From there you can
put links to sites of telephone companies, for objectivity.
All the "points of the collection of signatures should be 
similar in terms of content.

Priority needs -
 If anyone is familiar parliamentarians and prominent public
figures who have agreed to join the Supervisory Board
attract them. Newspapers - I personally ensure the 
participation of three - four. Important regional press. If you 
have access to TV, organize, and as soon as possible. Need

Technical support - someone might quickly organize
mailing list? Bridges, Telegraph ...

   I guess for the remaining two months, we can
prepare. For a week or two to decorate the black banners of our
pages, and count their number. And for three months in 1998 to 
publish the paper received letters of protest and by April to 
arrange happening of the final - presentation, banquet, etc.

  And do not write me, that does not work. I understand that
sense probably from this campaign will not be. However, it 
should be organize because firstly, it is our civic duty. A

Secondly, remember - January 1, you will be alone with your
telephone company, and even spit something into her face as we 
can. A We have handed over to you - power. Antimonopoly 
committee headed personally with a friend Nemtsov. He still has 
time to think again. (A if not the Germans have to look for a 
monopoly, I'm sorry ...) 

October 24, 1997

Michael Bykov.

Your thoughts? Please write.

[Onets quote].


Other articles:

Entry - the case in the dining hall and maintenance facilities.

BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.

Miscellaneous - cats in the past.

Miscellaneous - the possibility of cats predict the weather.

Information - news about the movement against the hourly pay phone.

Search - search for game programs.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   3 December