City #18
09 июля 1999

Beech - The Adventures of Shtiplitsa and one another in ppiklyucheniya Bopmana.

<b>Beech</b> - The Adventures of Shtiplitsa and one another in ppiklyucheniya Bopmana.

  Shtirlitsa adventures and other adventures Bormann


                  CHAPTER FOUR

  The stewardess came across intelligent, but dry and quite 
disgusting. She calmly walked around Shtirlitsa, interpreting 
her about the superiority of one bank stew (one, mind you, 
ma'am, just one) to slide sandwiches (whole heap, madam ") with 
red caviar. He also said that caviar is generally sticks to 
teeth, then it has to scrape tissue and is not for him, a 
Russian spy Shtirlitsa named Isaev, no interest. Waitress 
yawned and lost pitifully in general, every interest Stirlitz.

  Coming out of the plane, Stirlitz realized that his encounter.

  Not far from the landing-strip of cat, which once a month 
will certainly broke Two or three aircraft, stood a black 
"hoppers." Around him were grazing in a black, four out of 
boredom by yawning every three seconds at a time.

  No sooner had Stirlitz come to an end ladder, as it
surrounded on all sides. Stirlitz pulled out brass knuckles and
ready to fight. Fighting, however, was not followed.

  - Hello dear friend Stirlitz! - Said one of those in black.

  - Hello, hello - Stirlitz said gloomily, putting in
brass knuckles in his pocket.

  - Get in the car, and a great glubochaysheuvazhaemy Maxim 
Maximich - offered another. Stirlitz threw the suitcase in the 
trunk and slumped in the seat. 

  - In the Kremlin - he said, suggesting that the
lack of time in an enemy country, it may
became the big boss.

  The motor roared and the car ran into the Kremlin.


  - So, - said Nikita Sergeyevich, stroking his own bald head. 
- So, fellow Stirlitz ... 

  - Well, not like me? - Grimly asked Stirlitz
fingering the brass knuckles in his pocket. In fact, he was 
warned that this fight is not accepted, but he could not resist.

  - No, nravissya - Khrushchev said, jerking
left foot.

  - Do you have a microphone in the wall - said Stirlitz
poking a finger in a wall.

  Both the British spy deaf instantly from a shot in the 

  - Well, dig, - has advised Khrushchev.

  Stirlitz began to pull out a microphone and became entangled 
in postings. At the other end of the British spy

resisted, trying to keep the retractable out of the hands

  - And you have here is some sort of camera in the wall -
Stirlitz said, making a kick over the wall.

  - Was - happily Khrushchev said, watching the rolling on the 
floor shards of broken glass. 

  - Yeah, - he said, slapping his sweaty
bald. -

  - You Stirlitz, a good man. Want to be our
an enemy spy in SShAh?

  - No, I would not - said Stirlitz. - I want to chick ...
that is, to the women

  - Baba - it's good - Hrushev said, rubbing
sweat on his bald head skolskoy. - Baba - it is ... Well ...
she milked a cow can ... and ... it ...

  - Yes - said Stirlitz. - Do you have a tape recorder
chair - there was a crashing and rending details of the 

  - No, brother Stirlitz, you can not yet to the women -
Khrushchev said. Shtilits hopelessly sighed. - Without you home 
x ... in general, not good will. So Take the U.S. vrend ... 
harmful ... In general, vdrennyaysya in theirs decayed ranks 
and be there with our spy. And then look, we have long arms - 
and Khrushchev importantly pulled a thick, short, hairy hand. 
On the sleeve was a clear imprint of lipstick a dark blue 
tattoo on his arm, "Do not forget his native village." 

  - And to the women when? - Asked Stirlitz.

  - I tell you, when you can.

  Shtilits turned on his heel and walked out the door.

  - Do you still microphone - he said, and the Paraguayan spy 
deafened by the cod. 

  "Cool guy" - thought Khrushchev, picking
in the teeth of some part of the broken dictaphone. -
"It is these spies ... (followed by a strong Ukrainian-Tatar 
expletive), all the bolts broke ... Well, Kennedy, hold on to 
you himself Stirlitz going ... .

               to be continued ...

Other articles:

Editor - received from VELa ppiglashenie on spektpumovskoe party was Dzepzhinske.

Iron - Hemnogo about GMX (end).

Smiley - jokes about women.

Likbez - a full disassembler ROM (part 13).

Beech - The Adventures of Shtiplitsa and one another in ppiklyucheniya Bopmana.

Beatles - Arrangement "Metallica" in Puppeteer teatpe mapionetok "from the album of 1986.

Advertising - Ppodam, buying, exchanging ppogpammy for the ZX Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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