City #07
28 марта 1999

Likbez - full description + full disassembler ROM (part 3).

<b>Likbez</b> - full description + full disassembler ROM (part 3).
(C) P. Yu Fedin


              TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03)

              For professionals

               And as for those

             WHO WANTS TO BE.


                   Writing files

  To write files, use the command SAVE. The syntax is the same 
as in BASIC. To designate a file extension B can use only the 
empty line or the word LINE. Examples of write commands:

SAVE "HONDACC" LINE 100 comments
SAVE "MONEY" DATA M $ () comments
SAVE "SALECALC" CODE 40000,120 comment

                  Download files

  LOAD command absolutely the same as in BASIC.
To indicate the expansion of B can use any character except the 
CODE and DATA. Upon successful startup of the program in BASIC, 
it either starts or you get in BASIC with the message OK. You 
can also enter just LOAD <ENTER>. Then will try to startup and 
if it fails you will go to the command processor TR-DOS, and 
BASIC can return to command RETURN. Examples of load 
instructions: LOAD "INTEREST" comment

LOAD "MARGIN" CODE 51000,14536 comment
LOAD "MONEY" DATA M $ () comments

                   Run files

  TR-DOS allows you to run the program in BASIC
and the codes of one komandoy.Dlya this command is RUN. The 
syntax is the same as LOAD. Also there is a command RUN <ENTER> 
- equivalent LOAD <ENTER>. 

  Attention! The subprogramme has bugs.

          Checking the files and merge programs

  To this end, the team are MERGE and VERIFY.Sintaksis
the same as in LOAD. Naturally, MERGE works
only with the programs in BASIC. There is also a team

        "Magic" button (or MAGIC)

  This button almost any program in
any time can be written to disk, and
then launched from the same place. The work of this button
based on non-masked interrupt.

  Pressing the button switches the ROMs in TR-DOS, and 
generates a signal NMI. Non-masked interrupt handling routine 
saves the processor registers on the stack, and records all the 
computer's memory to disk in the file "@" CODE. If you have a 
48K, then it all ends, otherwise the disk is written all pages 
memory, in which there is at least one non-zero bytes in files 
"@ N" CODE, where N - number of pages, which stored in a file, 
then the file "@ 8" CODE, in which the code is a memory bank, 
active in the moment of pressing MAGIC. It would seem that cool 
thing, but first, a routine is a gross error, and secondly, the 
new programs is simply no place on the stack to save all the 
registers and writing the stack overwrites the program itself. 
With this in mind, as well as non-profit kind of programs 
produced in this way, I do not recommend to distribute 
software, dumped in this way. 

  Sub-MAGIC uses its own system variables for the organization 
of which 512 bytes with 16,384 addresses recorded in the sector 
10 and 11 track 0. 

Address Length Content

16384 256 Buffer for directory operations
16 512 32 Sub-determine the current ROM
16,640 a counter. the sum of the current page RAM
16641 1 Code of current bank
16,642 1 Issue page file in the directory
16,643 1 Number recorded pages of RAM
16 644 12 not used
16656 8 Filename pages
16,664 a file extension of the page
16 665 2 Address File Download page
16667 2 Length of the page file in bytes
16669 1 Length of the page file in the sectors
16670 a number of the first sector of file pages
16 671 1 Number of the first track page file
16 672 16 Not used
16688 1 The control byte. Always equal to 170
16689 202 Vremenny stack
23 552 1 Drive Type: Bit 3 = 0 - two
            tions, 1 - sided. When you return

            contains a command to switch RET

23553 1 When entering the subroutine MAGIC conservation
            preserves the status register the SH-93.Soderzhit

            flag of the current ROM (0 - BASIC-128, 16

            - BASIC-48).

  To start the MAGIC-file, use the command GO
TO. The syntax is:
GO TO <filename> <extension> []

  The file name can be changed arbitrarily, while
If the first character of the name "$", then when you start the 
regime of the interrupt IM 2, or IM 1. Also, have to leave 
rates at the end of the file names of pages. 

  Along with the usual routine system variables GO TO uses its 

Address Length Content

16 384 16 Not used
16 400 1 Drive Type: Bit 1 = 1 - drive two
            hand, 0 - unilateral
16401 a copy of the system registry
16 402 14 Not used
16416 2 Length of the file name
16418 221 temporary stack
16639 1 Not used
16640 256 Place to download the file "@ 8" CODE

  Attention! In sub GO TO also has bugs.

              to be continued ...

Other articles:

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Smiley - a selection of topical jokes.

what-where-why - assoptimente ppoduktsii, distribute Ltd. FAPGO "so that it can zaintepesovat holders ZX Spectrum.

Likbez - full description + full disassembler ROM (part 3).

Beech - VIHHI-Pooh and all, all, ending.

Advertising - to buy or sell the Spectrum.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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