ZX Pilot #36
11 марта 2000

Topic - a piece of circuit cmos-hours.

<b>Topic</b> - a piece of circuit cmos-hours.
               T E M A I V


            Particular issues

        in the public sphere.

   After a few weeks back
decided to reread all that time to write and add some more 
information to meditation. Through Vel'a got a bunch of software

for iron and studied all this labuden. Why labuden? And because 
nearly everything written on this software somewhere has a very 
clumsy style. I would say Harder - Make a chart gadgets do not 
forget to bring clear to all the documentation on this device. 
For I or someone else will understand all mechanics, and anyone 
in Zapupyrinske will only be licking their lips at pribambas 
due vague statement of a material. Although the presence of 
clear instructions could itself collect it. A small example 
number one: in circuits cmos-hours a crystal oscillator

any of the capacitors should be trimmer 5-25pf. Example number 
two: take those same-cmos-clock. Personally, I came across 
about six options for decoding and control signals and chip 
neither one thing does not say clearly that this one option for 
the Scorpion, but that for the Pentagon, etc. Once again, I'll 
sit over the scheme and I will go to just himself, but as the 
same others? After all, someone knows more, someone

less. Maybe someone wants to argue
I type the phrase: the fool is not necessary, but clever
will understand. And I'll tell you what phrases like people 
cover their own selfishness. Therefore, colleagues at the 
soldering iron, take my Council - covers his Soup as possible

clearly, you are none the worse and the other will be
benefits and joy nemerenoe!

   In conclusion, it remains to bring the facts about
I mentioned above. Thus, the ZX-Pilot'e
Number 31 was an article about how some werewolves stole the 
picture from Future Coder Sergius'a Puzzler'a, message them on 
FUNTOP'98 and distorting it, gave for his. Article

also stated that our group is waiting for
explanations and apologies from werewolves'a, but
We waited for an entirely different, namely
pocherkushek mutant in some piece in Belarus, where he was on 
his mind supposedly witty answered us. In general, this 
half-wit and Thief rights only in one, none of us

go to Minsk polish his e% 'lnik, although the possibilities we 
have. Just a very sorry for wasting money on this shit, as

werewolves. Now, yet another mutant
Name goblin. It is possible to imagine something
in an unseemly manner to speak about one
of us, namely the girl Erena Kline,
for which I am publicly saying that if
you insolent heh $, that is hell scythe, a passion for pictures 
ERENA KLINE, then either amiable, obhaivay picture, not the 
author. A at the moment for us no goblin'a is

lapdog who yap at everything that came in sight. And that 
analogy, would become clear, re-read my paragraph

article, which refers to the criticism and kritikanstve and 
suppose what you is more suitable by definition.

   Finally only one. If werewolves'a goblin'a and smart enough 
and brave apologize Sergius'om and ERENA KLINE,

I first shake hands with them and he'll apologize
before them. If they do not stop shitting people, each of them 
will scream his alone, because I will not engage in mindless 
pouring slops for the amusement of all. Just for me and such 
werewolves'y goblin'y will not exist 

   And for dessert a piece of circuit cmos-hours.

         * - Is selected when you set up.

    C1 5-25 pF

              ■ ■ Conclusion 2

                 ZQ1 22 milliohms


              ■ ■ Conclusion 3

          20 pF 470 Ohm

   Adjustment method is as follows: set
trimmer in the middle position, set the time for signals of 
precise time and leave it alone for a day

Then look in a hurry you watch or fall behind and how many 
seconds or minutes. After twist rotor podstroechnika in any 
direction, and again note the time. Again through daily check 
of the clock and repeat all operations to produce acceptable 
results. After this setup you can forget about the correction 
of hours on a very long time. The fact that quartz made exactly 
the same frequency, does not happen and collecting two hours of 
one to one, you can get Next> result: one is fast, while others 
are late. Its effect makes More and container assembly, which 
also takes into account setting trimmer.

   At the same time allow yourself to say goodbye
I hope that you will tire out your pretty
eyes, and booted it all got
high spirits and good mood! Write frequently in the electronic 
edition for publication of various details,

facilitate the commissioning and startup of various
bells and whistles.

   Have a nice day!

                                Uncle Sam.

Other articles:

News - causes a break in the production of newspapers, a list of nonresident spektrumistov visited in Kovrov.

Our Guest - an interview with the creator of famous editors Excess de Luxe Paint and Excess Sample Editor - ZK System (Konstantin Zuykov).

Our Guest - Megus tells the story of a Star Group (BrainWave).

Our Guest - an interview with an almost unknown spektrumistom Z-Zero SYSTEMS inc.

Coding - the procedure "conversion of addresses in the display area" and "conversion of pixel rows from the bottom up."

about different - a story about the state of Spectrum abroad.

about different - miniintevyu with Western spektrumistom coder and musician Gasman / Raww.

about different - glitches in games: Black Raven, Octopus, Dizzy 3

Hard - the problem of temporary protection discs from the record.

Topic - When it comes XXI century (not January 1, 2000, and 366 th days later).

Topic - the problem with the drive to the Scorpion ZS 256.

Topic - disassembly: a way cool if Unbeliever? Eternity Industry themselves spoiled DiHalt'99? Gravediggers at the Spectrum.

Topic - a piece of circuit cmos-hours.

Census - a dozen of the most conscious spektrumistov: Osip, Vladimir Kazakov, Sander, Kristof, Hard, Zeg, Moonk, Fatal Snipe, Spinal, Mad Rain, Crime Sphere, Dead Man.

DIY - Speccy calendar.

Birthday - congratulations spektrumistov with the birthdays.

Supplement - a short description of the application to the newspaper.

Advertising - Message on the Sale of Spectrum and programs for him.

Credits - the authors of the paper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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