ZX Pilot #36
11 марта 2000

Our Guest - an interview with an almost unknown spektrumistom Z-Zero SYSTEMS inc.

<b>Our Guest</b> - an interview with an almost unknown spektrumistom Z-Zero SYSTEMS inc.
          H A R T S T O L I I I


              The bulk Hello!

   So. No one (almost) unknown person by the name of Alexei 
Merkulov, Koya have nickname: Z-Zero SYSTEMS inc. lather

become famous, and tell you about
"I came to such a life."

   My fascination with computers began with ...
RK'shki (the same one, koyu long sucking Journal radio). I must 
say that there I just began to learn the basics of BASIC, but 
nevertheless managed to write something resembling River Raid 
... Later, Dad brought Speccy. It was the "POLE", ZX-48 CLONE 
(Development of Alexei Pavlovich Klimova'92). The computer was 
good, with switching Russian Register, the prefix "per

button, with diskometom (its controller was
posted on the board). There, I have been created
masterpieces such as Lode Runner III At hell
to paradise, 56 cells, the program to create
screens displayed by running the cursor.

   In September and October 1998 in my legs
got the latest version Klimovskaya computer - "Contact". It has 
two important Quality: Digital PLL and the presence of 128 
Extender. On it I have the whole thing and nakolachivayu. 

   Currently, I work in a pair with Sergey Skolzkovym (GRAPHIC 
SYSTEMS), which provides me GFX'om. A began our joint "vigil" 
for the punch with those same 56 cells. I had capital troubles 
with the graphics, and Gray cool'no draws, but because he had 
not yet been Speccy, (Appeared in January 1999) that figures

he brought me, and I like a fool, drag them into ART STUDIO. 
With the advent of my 128kb, was nakoryaban WOLF1, and later 
created a masterpiece WOLF2'3. It is true until we have created 
still cool, I had all my nerves frazzle! 

   That's how we live. I do WORMS'ov, which was conceived to be 
closer to WarCraft'u, than the usual worms, GRAPHIC SYSTEMS 
rivet, one by one MEGADEMY (using no obscure instructions a la 
SPECTROFON, and hopes to get my punch, because

I looms on the horizon Scorpio.

   And now (I hope, VEL is not Cut)
little softografii. Though we were sitting on the
otshibe, and managed to do a lot. If prog
marked with '+', which means that Gray also
attached to her arm.

   Lode Runner III At Hell To Paradise
(Prize to anyone who will be at least the first 20
levels without using CHEAT'om, not looking up at the Editor. To 
encourage suicide level 72.

   + 56 CELLS. COOL'naya pyatnaha such
you have not seen.

   + WOLF 1 "Dungeons Argie. Designed for lovers of Easten 
adventure games. 

   + WOLF 2'3 "Landfill eras" and "City on
margins of the universe. "Full COOL! And if
you reach the end, you see such a cool cartoon! ..

   + Nightmare Mansion. Restoring marasmus
Dibila Gilbert, the game is more commonly known as
TERROMETR, but this is her real name, and
TERROMETR, an indicator of fear (for russkiUZhASOMETR).

   Inside Outing. Upgrade rulez'noy game.
Added save state to disk.

   + The Battle for Middle-earth. Russification and
"Obmyshivanie, as well as diskofikatsiya Games
War in middle earth.

   Waiting on Mats game'rov about WOLF 2'3
and LRIII, as well as feedback from encoders on WOLF 2'3 as My 
main defense is that I myself can not always to understand his 

   Otzovites who can help write the algorithm of AI, or throw 
books (the best option, if it will respond Glory Mednonogov, 
because it is more difficult BR).

   Necessary bend calculate sin, cos, tg,
ctg and arc'ov, preferably without integral
representations of the input and output (calculator very slow!).

   My address is:

   164524, Arkhangelsk Region.


          pr.Butomy, 8, kv.120

          Alexei Merkulov.

   Phone: 8-( 81842) -7-81-66

            Asked Alexei.

   Call from 18.00 to 21.00. Earlier-may
not found at home, and later - in the evening phone
usually cut down, although you never know ...

                       Z-Zero SYSTEMS inc.


Other articles:

News - causes a break in the production of newspapers, a list of nonresident spektrumistov visited in Kovrov.

Our Guest - an interview with the creator of famous editors Excess de Luxe Paint and Excess Sample Editor - ZK System (Konstantin Zuykov).

Our Guest - Megus tells the story of a Star Group (BrainWave).

Our Guest - an interview with an almost unknown spektrumistom Z-Zero SYSTEMS inc.

Coding - the procedure "conversion of addresses in the display area" and "conversion of pixel rows from the bottom up."

about different - a story about the state of Spectrum abroad.

about different - miniintevyu with Western spektrumistom coder and musician Gasman / Raww.

about different - glitches in games: Black Raven, Octopus, Dizzy 3

Hard - the problem of temporary protection discs from the record.

Topic - When it comes XXI century (not January 1, 2000, and 366 th days later).

Topic - the problem with the drive to the Scorpion ZS 256.

Topic - disassembly: a way cool if Unbeliever? Eternity Industry themselves spoiled DiHalt'99? Gravediggers at the Spectrum.

Topic - a piece of circuit cmos-hours.

Census - a dozen of the most conscious spektrumistov: Osip, Vladimir Kazakov, Sander, Kristof, Hard, Zeg, Moonk, Fatal Snipe, Spinal, Mad Rain, Crime Sphere, Dead Man.

DIY - Speccy calendar.

Birthday - congratulations spektrumistov with the birthdays.

Supplement - a short description of the application to the newspaper.

Advertising - Message on the Sale of Spectrum and programs for him.

Credits - the authors of the paper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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