Subliminal Extacy
01 января 1995 |
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Editorial --------- By Bogie And L.A. Of The Yolpa Brothers --------------------------------------- Welcome to another fun filled issue of Subliminal Extacy !!! There is a slight change to this issue because of comments from many readers of Subliminal Extacy. To be honest it has been mainly the Germans complaining of lack of colour and graphix!! So in this issue we have added coloured text and some clip-art graphix!!!! In his issue we have 4k of graphix but it is possible to put in more. See 'How To Contribute To S.E.' for more info on the graphix YOU could add!!! Since last issue we have been to see ICABOD in Southampton, where he is currently trying to learn about Computer Science!!! We stayed there for three days during which we got very stoned and drank a large bottle of Jack Daniels as well as going down the pub!!! We all had a great time and done a small demo called 'E.S.P.' (Emiting Sexual Pleasure)!!!! This was a very simple demo with raster's that we couldn't be bothered to time properly to any Speccy and unlimited bob's which were also a bit dodgy!! Just after we went to Southampton, DataSoft came down to Bristol for the Format Spectrum and Sam show, which was in Quedgley a few miles north of Bristol. The show was really shit because there was only 3 Speccies there! One of which didn't work, the other had a really crap midi music programme loaded in it and the other was for public use (with no sound!!!)!! We showed them Subliminal Extacy and all the format people could say was "Why don't you charge for this?" Well we do all our work for free!!! We do not see why we should make money out of a hobby!!! Dick cheeses!!! Then we had a bit of a break because of college and school exams!! But this only lasted about a month due to revision (which wasn't very much!!). After this Bogie had a letter from Danny Beach (The Spirit)!!! He had got my address from Datasoft (The only decent thing he's ever done!)!!! In this letter Danny gave me his telephone number, so we phoned him up that day and aranged to meet him in town. You see, Danny lives in Bristol as well!!! We met him in a pub in town and had a few drinks (not an excessive amount)!! We talked about old and new times of the Speccy. We are trying to get Danny back into the coding game. We will up-date you on our progress in S.E.#03!! Now Bogie found some Akira piccies on an old disk that Dok of The United Minds had sent him a long time ago. So we decided to write a 128k only slideshow of these piccies!!!! We put silly comments at the bottom of each piccy!!!! The demo itself isn't that good, but very funny if you have our sense of humour!!! Not long after we finished this slideshow L.A.'s speccy died due to a bitch of a sister, who decided that L.A.'s Speccy didn't smell very nice so emptied a whole bottle of perfume over it!!! But never fear, Dok has said that L.A. can have his +2B until L.A.'s sister gives L.A. the money for a new +2!!!! Lately L.A. has been doing all his copying on Bogie's +3!!! That has been our life's since the last issue of S.E. and I hope you enjoy this issue of S.E. because we do!!!! Bogie and L.A.
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