Sinclair Town #02
31 декабря 1994

Muzykalka - Rape AY: istroriya instructive about how local borygi cashing in on the ZX Spectrum user connecting to 48, with the music of the processor and disk drive. Description of the musical show "LYRA - II".

<b>Muzykalka</b> - Rape AY: istroriya instructive about how local borygi cashing in on the ZX Spectrum user connecting to 48, with the music of the processor and disk drive. Description of the musical show

   Today, in this column we'll talk about a few things.
First, let's say that the music you now hear called 'RAPE AY ". 
But it is not important. We proceed as in our


            LYRA 2.

   Today we offer
attention yet another shabby demonstrashku Polish group

   This went on demonstrashka
Cheboksary in broken-down form
always buggy, and some
often refused to plow. (
However maybe the fact that
"DELTA" is not a tractor? )

   We're not talking about
it all had to work
only on the 128-kilobyte machines (certainly an interesting 
idea, but I'm afraid of the children themselves "ESI" this does 
not even suspect). 

   In addition, separate parts (
For example "DANCING GIRL")
Available in individual
demonstrashek, which in itself
very strange. (However, these were
Pure 48 K., but each such demonstrashka cost as much,
how the whole "LIRA").

   Sympathetically "ESI" Ilyin
Sergei decided to restore the original appearance of the 
program and give it extra shine. Was little changed and the 
code itself program - management of all the indicators now are 
not port music coprocessor, and these indicators

will work on all muzykalkah - even on emulators.

   So, your attention is invited to a demonstration of musical 
"LYRA 2" group "ESI". 

   A couple of tips for the ignorant
English (no more):

   In the first part of the velocity
scroll regulated.

   As part of a large color
letters wait digitization.

      I choose "iron."

   How to buy muzykalku?

   How to be confident that through
month will not have to sell it?

   Consider the simplest way
Installation muzykalki - Purchase
floppy drive controller with it.

   First, do not buy music coprocessor emulator
+ Emulator controller TR-DOS.
(Just shampoo and conditioner
good in one bottle).

   By purchasing a chip, or
controller with its "participation" You
can be sure - neither the one nor
otherwise modified here to
end. Especially since you will not "climb" inside, and you
deprived of the opportunity to sit and
smoke until your best friend
sitting there with a soldering iron and break your
controller. , Arguing
which makes it one hundred percent compatible. Although it can 
and to better?

   So, if you do not have the emulator, then strap the 
compatibility of the controller is already above 50%. 

   Of course nothing prevents the seller tell you that you have
is a "native" chip, and that
compatibility of the controller does not less than 10000%.

   We present, for example, fresh
anecdote about one of our firm Cheboksary (today in room
She's already figured):

   Comes in her man to put
muzykalku. A PC Card
just ran out. At the same guy
old 48th and no drives. What should I do?

   - What else can think of right now
- Whispers in the counting SELLER
mind profit.

   - Sell your controller - whispers
Other vendors, vsazhivaya another shot from the rocket in the 
ass Mouton. 

   - But I do not drive! -
suffers from a loving "SOUND TRACKER"
Poor thing. And who can not without

   - But he has no power supply! - Said standing next to
CLIENT - should take 12 Volt
and then VG93 burn!

   - No problem! - Claims
Dealers and disappears on N-tsat

   - Take That - smiles
Dealers finally appeared.
And spread on the table controller - it works! And here's your
VG-scale! - And he reveals his fist ...

   Final. The lucky winner of
controller writes music
"SOUND TRACKER"-e. He has his fans
- For more on his muzykalke
nothing goes. And he religiously believes that if to save money 
on drive, the SH-shku he put


     Bravo "MY CITY"!

      SUCH resourceful!

   Therefore, further you need to run on multiple kompyushke
simple testikov.

   The best, of course, use ready-programm.

   We can advise you
apply the following:

      SYSTEM TEST V1.01_R

         Soviet Soft, 1993

   In general, many programs
now fashionable to identify all of your computer and
check its compatibility with
128th machine. If you do not find these programs, you may find 
yourself similar programs. If any program You write: "AY-8912 
ABSENT", and the seller claims that he

"PRESENT", then trust the program,
rather than the peasant.

   Yes, it is best to use their
programs rather than programs
seller. When checking muzykalku, pay attention to
tape recorder - not turning in a
it tape?

   Thus, making
that the sound of any, and music processing software
available - namely, that checks all the tests, should listen to
sound quality. If it's you
satisfied, then you should know by 70%
CPU is good.

   Then you have to run
the programs. To be on the
99% sure that you will not be
take place the second grade the following programs, which you 
can check the normal work otsifrovok:


   1) BLAVA 48/128 - Part C
lock must be digitized.

   2) LYRA II - In part, where fleeing big colored letters - if
wait, then the music starts playing.

digitization "METALLIKA".


   4) INSTRUMENT-N (4 discs) must not only play INS-DEMO
and INS-HELP, but all of Mouzon.
Keep in mind that if, in response
the question about how to download tools to answer "Yes", but no
the right tool is not in the working buffer, or on the disk,
then the system will hang. Sympathetic
glitch, is not it?


   5) S.W.I.V. - If you keep
press "S" and "W" down to
the download is complete, you will hear
digitization is very poorly maintained. But fear not. We have it
hardly anyone understands. (Yes, and there
to be honest).

   6) DIZZY3 128 - At the beginning of the game, when you start 
the saver, sounds digitized.

   7) STARGLIDER - If you select
option "ALL" in the musical effects when you launch the 
torpedoes hear digitizing.

   Special thanks are extended
the following points:

   Should normally sound all
The first four programs. Experience
tells us that these
programs are the most sensitive
Connection muzykalki.

   "Tools" - a very good
thing, but more than 50% of cars in
our town they do not go. This
stone in the garden "MORTAL KOMBAT
GROUP ". We hope he was not
too heavy.

   So, therefore, tested the ability to play
digitized information.

   Yes, this concerns mainly the 128th computers and more. K
Unfortunately, if you choose muzykalki
for the 48th you should be less
picky. Because not every
controller can work with it.
(Especially since there are almost no programs
muzykalku support for 48-and
KB kompyushkah).

   Normal sampling sounding
for almost any connection:


   PUFFY128 etc.

   And so stick to the controller
soldering iron, if something did not go.
While ... Current, after all. Kill!
Better read all over again -
can be forgotten something?

Other articles:

Introduction - On the development of "Sinclair", Dendy vs ZX Spectrum and the content of the second nomerazhurnala.

Muzykalka - Rape AY: istroriya instructive about how local borygi cashing in on the ZX Spectrum user connecting to 48, with the music of the processor and disk drive. Description of the musical show "LYRA - II".

Muzykalka - Competition for best demonstrashku.

Author! - The response of the log. The demo version of the game "TANK WARS".

Sweetest ... - The analysis of the game "BISMARK" (the hunt for the Bismarck).

Worlds 128 - Cheats "TERMINATOR - 2.

Series - Novella on adventyurnoy 3D game "TOTAL ECLIPSE part 2".

Ha hacker - "Quotes" individual members are constantly dying out of class - the military.

black box - Something about the game: "ELITE", "3D-CONSTRUCTION KIT", "MINDFIGTHER", "ERIK THE VIKING".

Beginners - the basic methods of image scaling: Approximation undertones.

Exam - The question for the game "ERIK THE VIKING".

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

new job - to develop a new supernavorochennoy adventyurnoy game from Cheboksary.


Iron - Encore Controller KP1818VG93 the floppy drive. Block diagram of the controller floppy disk drive. The instruction set of the microcontroller.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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