Sinclair Town #01
31 марта 1995 |
Sweetest ... - The analysis of the game "GREMLINS".
Good, old ... GREMLINS You probably watched the movie "Jurassic Park" by Stephen Spielberg. This toy is made in his earlier film "Gremlins." But no less interesting. Looking at the issue date You say: "And then Dinosaurs!" but after seeing the very toy you realize you are wrong ... Here Gremlins. Who are the Gremlins? Where are they? Try to tell you one interesting story ... Once in the cold winter season ... Under the same Christmas in some there was ... Tolstyachek inventor of the provincial town stopped in a nearby town to buy a present for his little eighteen boy. (How sweet, you will agree) And then just one Chinese quarter, he looked into the shop where the boy lived in poverty with his grandfather. And the only than not sell the boy - this is matches. (This is not Sweden you Yes, and it is not a girl!). It is in This shop and saw a man "It's not a bird, not the fly - kitaezovu toy". It was a creature of the genus Mogvaevyh (Please provide those to me offense). Innovator decided to buy a thing. But he has his did not sell for ideological reasons. (Well, not sold, and all here! ) But soon kitaenok sold and the IALS and Grandad all for two hundred bucks. (Which say, young people today ...) After that, the kid quickly drove away on his bike away. (At least in "GREMLINS 2" No longer available). Grandpa innovator to take did not (too old, little meat, some bone, while dovezesh spoiled). But Mogwe took. And he gave his name - Gizmo. But before they finally escape, kitaenok shouted: - Remember, man! Three great rules! 1) Mogvai fear the light. From it they die. Never light on it! 2) Never, never Urine him. Not mine it is not poi, not DPI ... 3) Most importantly, never, Never feed him after midnight ... But it just so happens that "the kids (uh) can not refuse his favorite "and drop it on head with a glass of water. Thus wetting Mogwe they were surprised to notice that he begins to multiply. And now, a lot of Mogvaychikov mocks his dad. So, guys, now and forever and ever proven that babies are born, and from Simple bathing in water. This By the way, was approved and in the Bible. So you have two good excuse. The first is not to swim, and the second ... Okay. Can you please your Papochek and moms! And while we talked to abstract topics, rebyatenochek Willie fed their Mogvaychikov American chicken legs. Maybe because of legs, maybe because of that time was night, but Mogvaychiki okuklilis. AND remained so until the next day. After that has fallen off gremlins. So, guys, now and forever - never eat American chicken legs. Or you start to "rapidly proliferate and mutate, turning into a horrible blood-thirsty creatures - gremlins. "Can you please your Papochek and moms! And yet here we talked to Gremlins abstract themes emerged from their cocoons ... And Willie (You Do? ") Stands in bedroom before the first of the Gremlins. Go down ("D") to search for Gizmo (the last of Mogvaev). And with him eradicate the invasion of the evil gnomes. OUR ANSWERS "ZX-Revue, 94, N 1,5 "It's unclear PRDEMET PELTZER" "Dictionary of the game bednovat, response to user commands far from ideal. Apparently, so have our readers and are difficulties with this game. But not not despair, even in England game had a problem not less than nas.Tak, for example, incomprehensible prdemet PELTZER, (Ex. "ST": not really understandable) is available at the beginning game, this is the very REMOTE CONTROL [..]. Title purely American, and I must say, the British it was just unclear, as we do. " I must say that this name is not "purely American" and America, it would be as clear as in England. This is an original when you write "TAKE PELTZER". You still wonder why the program swearing? Still want to do it? What are pick yourself! Because you - Willie Pelttser. And this Remote Control did your father. So you see the Gremlins, standing against the wall. Grab a sword and kill him. TAKE SWORD KILL GREMLIN Next, take the remote control: TAKE REMOTE Come into the kitchen: ENTER KITCHEN You see a gremlin sitting in a meat grinder. Hand goes to the sword, but stumbles upon a remote control. You frantically presses the button: PRESS REMOTE But instead of mincing included a microwave oven. Gremlin hiding in her zhivehonko covered with a crust. You again click: PRESS REMOTE The furnace is turned off. PRESS REMOTE Last moan stuffing. PRESS REMOTE Chopper off. PRESS REMOTE Opens the laundry door. Decides to search: SEARCH CHUTE We found the Gizmo! Let's look at it: EXAMINE GIZMO Here he kakusenky! Push Control, etc. It is noteworthy that after one lap remote control finally breaks down, which, incidentally, is the hallmark of all of your inventions batyani. Where to get SPARK IGNITED? There the same place where KITCHEN KNIFE. How to kill the Gremlins, throwing darts? Just grab a kitchen knife and kill! Having a lantern, you can go out. Where can I find PLATE? Look at wall. PRECAUTIONS. About "attacks". Take WELDING TORCH AND SPARK IGNITER. Open the valve on the burner: OPEN VALVE. Light the torch: LIGHT TORCH. Now we are engaged in "repairing": FUSE PLOUGH. My dear! We break harvester, not chinim.I it right! Mindful of the second commandment - drain the pool. For this Throw it all on the floor: DROP ALL and Feel free to go to the pool: ENTER POOL. Pull the plug: TAKE PLUG. At this point we still dwell. E-mail us if problems emerge, and we'll help you. FINAL. So the price of heroic effort you explode store, movie theater and half the town with gremlins. You sit in a wheel carriage, and here you bring your favorite magazine - "ZX-REVIEW." And you learn that "disorderly conduct gremlins before get up to mischief, that arranged in a cinema fire, burned it and burned it for yourself ... Finding light bulb tighter you hang and hang happily ever after. That such an end. EPILOGUE. We have already sewn the material when come new - 6 Room "ZX-Revue" There's also willing to help with your issues. And give some more Tips: Think what a few more except for plates ... You know, sometimes in the window you'll see that ... Click, and do not sleep. Per Pay attention to the thing ... But beyond all nonsense! Why do you have the second tube? .. GLOSSARY OF GAME "GREMLINS" In conclusion, we list words that understands the program. Hopefully it will help beginners quickly enter into the world Adventyur. PART 1 FIRST WORD GO GO WALK GULIAEV ENTEr LOGIN PROC GO CLIMb pick up (ON) SCALe Climbing RUN RUN ASCEnt RAISE WAIT WAIT GET GET TAKE -/-/GRAB Grabbing SEIZe -/-/ACQUire PURCHASE HOLD HOLD PICK RAISE STEAl STEAL DROP Throw LEAVe * Throw DISC Unload DUMP RESET THROw Quit SLINg fling He throws CHUCk -/-/TOSS He throws HURL KILL KILL ATTAck Attack HURT Pain MAIM CRIPPLE INJU DAMAGE BREAk BREAK SMASh defeating DESTroy DESTROY RUIN DESTROY LIGHt Ignite IGNIte Ignite BURN BURN UNLIght Braise EXTInguish extinguish DOUS Braise EXIT QUIT Q - / - / SCORch get burned? LOOK SEE EXAMine VIEW SEARch searched INSPect EXAMINE PERUse CAREFULLY SCRUtinize CONSIDER FOLLow WATCH CHASe Gnat STEP STEP OPEN OPEN CLOSe CLOSE LOCK Lock UNLOck unlock CUT hack, Reza SLICk -/-/-/SEVEr tear SNIP REZA STARt STARTED COMMence BEGIN BEGIn STARTED INIT Initialize WELD COOKING FUSE FLOATING MELT FLOATING DRILl DRILL BORE Burawoy FIT PRILADIT INSErt INSERT PLUG -/-/PLACe PLACE POST SEND MAIL MAIL - / - / REMOte ** RENT DOFF -/-/UNWEar Stripped SWITch INCLUDE TURN SWITCH SAVE RECORD STORe SAVE HIDE HIDE CONC HIDE DRIVe NEWS STEEr MANAGE MASH TH PUSH Push PRESs PRESS DUCK GRADE DODG dodge INVEntory INVENTORY I - / - / COVEr COVER SEAL Seal JOIN ATTACH FIX TO STRENGTHEN REPAir RESTORE MEND repair DRINk DRINK SWIG SWIL SLUR KICK Kick SCORch BURN PISS BAD WORDS BOLL BALL RAPE KISS SHIT FUCK BUGG SOD ANY ANY NOTES: * - In other games used to mean "off" location. ** - Not to be confused with "REMOVE" ("Move"). 2 PART SECOND WORD OF COMMAND NORT NORTH SOUT SOUTH EAST EAST WEST WEST UP UP DOWN DOWN GIZMo Gizmo Mogvay MOGWay GREMlin Gremlin STRIpe Line BEDRoom Bedroom ATTIc Attic STAIrs Steps STEPs LIVIng Living Room ROOM KITChen Kitchen Knife KNIFe MICRo Microwave BLENd Meat Grinder MIXEd SINK Sink CABLe Cable PLUG Gag DRIV driver? FLASh-Lantern light YMCA Abbreviation Y.M. Sports Centre FUTT? SNOW Snow removing PLOUg Harvester CONTrol Management POOL Swimming Pool SWITch Switch LIGHt Light MAIL ZIP BOX Box PIT Pit TORCh Gas ACETilen Oxyacetylene WELDing Burner PETRol Filling Station STATion SERVice Service Department BAY TROL can PETROL? BOTTle Ballon TAVErn Tavern DORRy's "Do Dorrie" TABLes Tables CHAIrs Chairs STOOls Stools BAR Bar BEER Beer KEG Keg PUMP Pump PIPE Pipe TUBE GLASs Glasses TREE Christmas CHRI Elka XMAS STORe Supermarket DEPArtment CINEma Cinema SEATs Seats PROJector Projector REEL coil with FILM Film VENT Ventilation GRIL SPORt Sports goods TOY Toys TOYS RECEption Reception OFFIse Office FIRE Fire ESCAPED Output CORRidor Corridor DOOR Door ROOF Roof TAPE Tape VALVe Crane TAP LAUN Lingerie hatch CHUTe GAME Game INVEntory Inventory RUCK PANEl Panel FOOT Foot CLAW Jaws DRILl Drill SAW Saw HACK LIGHt Light WINDow Okno COUNter Showcase DISPlay DRAWer Drawer SWORd Sword POD Cocoons PODS and CHIC every SCRA muck LADDer Attic LOFT Ladder BUTTon Pushbutton REMOte Distance CONTol Management DARTs Arrows Dart ARROw ROAD road PLATe Metal METAll plate SPARk Lighter IGNIted CAMEra Luggage MAIN Main Out OUTLet TRAPdoor hatch in the ceiling CEILing OFF YOU
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