IzhNews #0B
25 ноября 2000

Present - Application of the newspaper.

<b>Present</b> - Application of the newspaper.
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(C) NoViSeT / BrC

     NNEX, starting with this issue,
will lie in the archive, the new packed
and very cool (all advise)
archiver HRIP.
Application can be removed by downloading the file
IN # 0BSFX.B, which is
self-extracting archive, what to do
further, I hope, understand themselves, because not
boots though. Well, what you are going to happen now
I tell you ...
PUSH6-03 - A new version of the famous
Pusher directly from the hands of the author. Use
pushsetu.p - customized setup for the Pusher.
READER.X - treatment (XAS'e v7.47) for
extrim reading texts, the idea
quite interesting and worthy of attention,
I advise to look.
reader.W - help, if I may say so,
for the procedure READER, he is - a test
text for the procedure.
Un'Liner - another joke from our
group realized PIXel'em, programm
for "zalineivaniya" and "razlineivaniya"
fonts, the interface is minimal but
programm certainly come in handy many,
before anyone got up the problem of translating the font in a 
linear or symbolic form. 

  That's all that we found for you in this
time yuzayte to your health!

Other articles:

Introduction - We were struck by the brutality of the worst of its terms.

BMP 1 - Brutal Miny Party: Day 1.

BMP 1 - Brutal Miny Party: Day 2.

Dictionary - informal slang expressions used by the organizer of Power of Sound.

Fuck to - a song about spektrumistov "Electronic Boy" and other nonsense about the times when the ZX-Spectrum was almost God of the universe from a certain segment of the population.

pent - an impression that our paper does not reach or address, if any, is ignored and immediately erased.

Svezhak - an overview of the new magazine Izhevsk Ultimathum, archiver Hrust RiP archivator ripper and music THE PUSHER CRACK MUSIC SYSTEM.

torture room - an interview with a representative of a new group of Izhevsk Infant'a / HOAX.

Present - Application of the newspaper.

Afterword - create a story in this issue of the newspaper.

Advertising - the motor trade!

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Similar articles:
Entry - the contents of rooms.
History of the PC - The Origin of PCs.
Answers to the letter № 5-9.
Doomdarks - Revenge - the continuation of the description.
New - of updates: the game Margo.

В этот день...   3 December